Mechanism for Complaints on Alternative Care for Children and Adolescents (PY0079)
Action Plan: Paraguay Action Plan 2022-2024
Action Plan Cycle: 2022
Lead Institution: Ministry of Children and Adolescents - MINNA General Directorate of Alternative Care
Support Institution(s): MEC, MH, MADES, MSPBS, SENADIS, MITIC, MUVH, MDS, MINMUJER, SNJ, MTEES Governorships Municipalities Civil society organizations dedicated to the issue of children and adolescents in alternative care The three branches of government Private sector
Policy Areas
Education, Inclusion, Public Participation, Public Service Delivery, Regulation, YouthIRM Review
IRM Report: Paraguay Action Plan Review 2022-2024
Early Results: Pending IRM Review
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
Completion: Pending IRM Review
Brief description of the commitment Laws N° 6.486/2020 "On the promotion and protection of the right of children and adolescents to live in a family, regulating alternative care measures and adoption" and N° 6.881/2020 "Regulating the modality of alternative care for children and adolescents in residential educational entities and residences for educational purposes of private nature in the Western Region", articles 15 and 9 respectively, establish the installation of a mechanism for complaints, where children and adolescents, civil society organizations (CSO) and civil society itself, and State Agencies and Entities (OEE) may have access as a mechanism for the protection and fulfillment of the rights of children and adolescents in alternative care. This tool will allow not only to know the performance of public and private foster care entities, but also to act as a watchdog of the care of children and adolescents in alternative care.
What is the problem that the engagement seeks to address? In this context, there is a lack of information on the part of citizens about which civil society organizations are authorized by MINNA, and what are the organizational and operational criteria to be legally working on this issue. Likewise, the OEEs, CSOs and especially the actors of the System for the Promotion and Protection of Children and Adolescents (SIPPINA) need the participation and critical collaboration of the people to avoid these situations that weaken or put at risk the rights of children and adolescents. This is essential to prevent decisions and actions that pose a risk to the integrity of children and adolescents.
What is the Commitment? Strengthen the complaints mechanism as a system for children and adolescents, public and private sector agencies, and civil society, who may file complaints or denunciations related to the operation of organizations that provide care to children and adolescents in alternative care. That the complaints mechanism implemented guarantees the adequacy of public and private foster care entities to the legal regulations and, therefore, to comply with the requirements for the protection of children and adolescents in alternative care. Arts. 15 and Art. 9, respectively, of Laws No. 6,486/2020 and No. 6,881/2020 on Alternative Care regulated. System for access to information on formally registered civil society organizations (CSOs) and public organizations, installed and functioning. Complaints channels available, monitored and with agile response.
How will you contribute to solving the problem? This will allow better control of these organizations, for the fulfillment of all established rights. Also, the availability online of the updated list of civil society organizations (CSOs) that have complied in presenting the documentation and obtaining their registration to work on the issue of children and adolescents in alternative care, so that it is accessible for consultation by the public or any public or private sector institution wishing to verify this information.
Why is it relevant to OGP values? The complaints and denunciations mechanism will improve the quality of life of children and adolescents in alternative care during the judicial process and will also allow organizations to legalize their legal status and comply with the standards established by law
Additional information The proposed Commitment is linked to the following Plans: National Development Plan Paraguay 2030 - PND 2030 Strategic Axis Transversal lines AXIS 4. POLITICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING B- EFFICIENT AND TRANSPARENT PUBLIC MANAGEMENT 4.2. Modernizing Public Administration NDP 2030 Institutional Policy Program and Project Sustainable Development Goal 2030 - SDG 2030 SDG 16. PEACE, JUSTICE, AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS SDG 17. PARTNERSHIPS TO ACHIEVE THE GOALS
Goals and/or major milestones (Milestones with verifiable date | Start Date - End Date)
Regulation of Arts. 15 and 9, respectively, of Laws No. 6486/20 and No. 6881/20 on Alternative Care / Working Protocols for the Alternative Care Approach / National Policy on Special Protection - PONAPROE. | December 2022 - March 2023
Develop a system for access to passive and active information on civil society organizations (CSOs) and formally registered public organizations responsible for children and adolescents in alternative care. | December 2022 - December 2024
Strengthen existing channels for complaints. | December 2022 - December 2024
IRM Midterm Status Summary
Action Plan Review
Compromiso 10. Mecanismo de quejas y denuncias sobre cuidado alternativo de niñas, niños y adolescentes
- Verificable: Sí
- ¿Tiene perspectiva de gobierno abierto? Sí
- Potencial para obtener resultados: Modesto