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Facilitate Citizen Participation during the Legislative Process (PY0082)



Action Plan: Paraguay Action Plan 2022-2024

Action Plan Cycle: 2022



Lead Institution: Senate

Support Institution(s): STP

Policy Areas

Capacity Building, Democratizing Decision-Making, Mainstreaming Participation, Open Parliaments, Participation in Lawmaking, Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Paraguay Action Plan Review 2022-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Brief description of the Commitment: Propose spaces for a better understanding of the role of citizens in the legislative process and their interaction in the spaces for citizen participation.

What is the problem that the Commitment seeks to address? Lack of knowledge of the citizen's role of how to participate in legislative processes.

What is the Commitment? Greater knowledge and participation of citizens in legislative processes.

How will you contribute to solving the problem? Focusing training workshops and citizen participation spaces, training activities

Why is it relevant to OGP values? Greater knowledge of the legislative process will require more information. Citizens with greater knowledge of legislative processes and with greater advocacy.

Additional information The proposed Commitment is linked to the following Plans: Sustainable Development Goal 2030 - SDG 2030 SDG 16. PEACE, JUSTICE, AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS SDG 17. PARTNERSHIPS TO ACHIEVE THE GOALS Third Open Parliament Action Plan 2021-2023 Pillar 4 Goal Observation Citizen Participation 4.8. Facilitate citizen participation during the legislative process for the study of bills. Civil society proposal: Broaden the invitation to civil society and establish more open debates, especially in the interior of the country, and establish mechanisms to accompany civil society.

Goals and/or major milestones (Milestones with verifiable date | Start Date - End Date)

Develop training workshops for local officials and students from different areas of the country. (Sensitization and socialization of the mechanisms of Citizen Participation with the Legislative Blocks and with the citizenship). | December 2022 - December 2023

Encourage citizen participation through Public Hearings and Legislative Open Days. | December 2022 - December 2023


Open Government Partnership