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Paris, France

Open Contracting (PAR0008)



Action Plan: Paris, France Action Plan 2019 – 2021

Action Plan Cycle: 2019



Lead Institution: Finance and Procurement Department (DFA) - Procurement Branch

Support Institution(s): Innovation Team SG, Digital Department (DSIN)

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Anti Corruption and Integrity, Local Commitments, Open Contracting, Open Data, Public Procurement

IRM Review

IRM Report: Pending IRM Review

Early Results: No IRM Data

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i



What is the public problem that the commitment will address?

Mandatory since October 1st, 2018, the publication of the essential data of the public procurement
(DECP) on the buyer profile of the City of Paris (on Maximilien, a regional platform for public
procurement) brings out new opportunities for the Paris procurement policy.

Open data is a way for the City of Paris to improve:
- its internal efficiency in the service of its performance objectives, the accountability and
professionalization of its purchasing function, as well as the transparency of its action in the
service of Parisians,
- Informing economic operators of our needs, thereby stimulating competition with a view to
diversifying and renewing our portfolio of suppliers (particularly SMEs).

A first diagnosis, conducted in April 2019, formalized an inventory of our current practices for
capturing, managing and putting into circulation the data collected during the drafting, procurement
and execution of the City of Paris contracts. This diagnosis reinforces our will to initiate a wider opening of our data, by identifying action plans
aimed at strengthening the management of the city procurement policy through data, in a will for
transparency, already strongly anchored in within the City.

What is the commitment?

In addition to the publication of the essential data of the public procurement (DECP) on Maximilien,
that will be effective before the summer of 2019 for the public contracts of more than 25 000 euros,
the City of Paris has chosen to engage on the points following:
-Publication of essential data of public procurement (DECP) on the city’s Open Data Portal
-Creation of a DFA internal working group to translate the objectives of the Paris purchasing
policy into a data management strategy. This will consist of a detailed inventory of the data
actually entered in the different information systems throughout the procurement process
(based on the open public order data standard - OCDS), and in parallel with define the stakes
and objectives of a data-driven purchasing strategy
-Creation of a working group with members of the GIP Maximilien (portal for the
dematerialization of public procurement in the Ile-de-France region, the Ile-de-France
departments and many Ile-de-France cities including Paris), economic operators and
associations, on the enriched data that it would be interesting to publish in addition to the
DECP, relying on the OCDS.
-Creation of an internal working group, in connection with the data process piloted by the
Innovation Department of the City of Paris, to make the data more reliable and facilitate the
automation of the publication of data
-Publication of enriched data, relying on the OCDS, on the City's Open Data portal
development of a data visualization tool on
-Feasibility study on the publication of social and environmental data
How will the commitment contribute to solve the public problem?

Simplified and expanded access to "public procurement" data materializes the transparency
commitment of the public order proposed by the City of Paris. It will allow civil society to better
understand and monitor the functioning of the City and economic operators to better prepare to
respond to Parisian public procurement.

Why is the commitment relevant to OGP values?

This commitment will help improve the dissemination of information and the quality of the data and
its understanding for all audiences. It is therefore relevant for transparency.This commitment will enable economic actors and associations to better understand the needs of
our city and the services rendered to Parisians, thus improving the exchanges with these actors. It is
relevant for citizen participation.

Open public procurement can also lead to real impacts: increased competition in the City's markets,
better internal efficiency.


Open Government Partnership