Promoting Access to Information (PT0017)
Action Plan: Portugal Action Plan 2021-2023
Action Plan Cycle: 2021
Lead Institution: Multi-Stakeholder Forum (MSF) - Dedicated working group
Support Institution(s): NA
Policy Areas
Access to Information, Capacity Building, Education, Inclusion, Public Service Delivery, Right to InformationIRM Review
IRM Report: Portugal Results Report 2021-2023, Portugal Action Plan Review 2021-2023
Early Results: No IRM Data
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
What is the problem addressed by the commitment? Need to increase the regime of access to administrative and environmental information (LADA), established by Law 26/2016 of 22 August, which has, at the date of approval of the II NAP, 49 records of Access to Information Officers (RAI). There is also a need to increase information on the organization of the State through the promotion of the State Organization Information System (SIOE).
What is the commitment? The commitment aims to promote, among citizens, access to information on the SIOE and enhance the implementation of Law 26/2016, of 22 August. In this sense, to increase the volume and quality of information accessible to citizens in order to safeguard their basic right of access to information.
How does the commitment contribute to solving the problem identified? ● Increased transparency and access to information; ● Promotion of civic participation; ● Bringing the State closer to the Citizen; ● Prevention of phenomena such as fake news and populism.
Why is the commitment relevant to the values of the OGP? In terms of promoting participation, as it raises awareness among citizens and stimulates transparency about public services.
Description of expected results ● Identification of those responsible for access to administrative and environmental information on the institutional website of all eligible public entities; ● Awareness-raising on the LADA and good practices for making information available to different audiences, including Public agents; ● Support the improvement of the SIOE interface; ● Promote communication and dissemination actions of the SIOE, among the younger age groups, through the involvement of schools and higher education institutions.
Macro activities Start date Completion date 1. Determine the identification of all persons responsible for access to administrative and environmental information on the institutional websites of all eligible public entities. September 2021 December 2021 2. Develop an awareness campaign on the LADA and good practices for making information available to different audiences, including public officials. January 2022 June 2022 3. Develop a communication campaign focused on the functionalities of the SIOE, especially targeted at schools and higher education institutions, promoting its use by the younger public. January 2022 June 2023 4. Ensure the improvement of SIOE by the developments reported by DGAEP when commitment #5 in the 1st NAP was implemented. March 2022 June 2023
IRM Midterm Status Summary
Action Plan Review
Commitment 9: Promote citizenship by enhancing access to information
IRM End of Term Status Summary
Results Report
Commitment 9. Promote citizenship by enhancing access to information
This commitment aimed at improving access to administrative and environmental information by appointing a focal point in each public entity (as foreseen by Law 26/2016 of 22 August [82]) and by improving and raising awareness about the State Organization Information System (SIOE) web portal. A dedicated working group oversaw commitment implementation, including CADA and the Directorate-General for Administration and Public Employment (DGAEP). [83]
The commitment had limited completion. [84] Milestones 1 and 2 sought to ensure all public entities designate a Person Responsible for Access to Information (RAI), advertise it on their respective websites, and conduct an awareness-raising campaign. [85] At the time of writing, 257 RAI were registered on CADA’s portal, up from 49 recorded RAI before the commitment started. [86] While it is a positive trend marking a departure from previous non-compliance and reflects the impulse CADA gave to public entities through its information and dissemination campaign, the early results are moderate, considering there are nearly 6,000 existing public entities. [87] Today, a network of RAI is under construction, and public entities are expected to continue to designate their RAI over the next months. [88]
CADA’s mission is to build a culture of transparency within the public administration, but it has limited powers. As the responsibility of designating persons in charge of access to information ultimately lies with the public entities themselves, achieving the commitment’s expected outcomes did not rely exclusively on CADA. [89] Before the impetus from this commitment, the fact that the Portuguese legislation does not provide for any sanction to entities for not designating access to information focal points partly explains why few had done so since the adoption of the law. [90]
In a positive development, the collaboration between CADA and civil society organizations, which started as part of information and dissemination actions targeting public entities, is expected to continue in related projects such as the revision of the access to information law. [91]
For milestones 3 and 4, DGAEP, the institution responsible for the SIOE, reported advancements in the new system and portal. Improvements, guided by a technical focus group, consisted of a new interface designed to enhance usability and accessibility for ordinary citizens, the provision of more detailed and frequently updated information, reinforced security measures and privacy safeguards, and the possibility for citizens to access their professional data using the national identity card. However, DGAEP acknowledged that the system was still in the testing phase. [92] Civil society considers that SIOE still needs to be developed and made user-friendly. [93]
DGAEP delayed the communication campaign targeting schools and higher education institutions to disseminate the functionalities of SIOE until the completion of the SIOE reformulation process, that it is robust, fully functional, and effectively used by public entities. [94] Civil society representatives stated that they held meetings with CADA but not directly with DGAEP representatives, which challenged follow-up and results assessment. [95] Implementation of milestones 3 and 4 will continue beyond the scope of the action plan cycle.