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Pristina, Kosovo

Enhancing public participation through citizen government collaboration, participatory budgeting, and development of a mobile app (XKPRS0003)



Action Plan: Action plan – Pristina, Kosovo, 2024 – 2025

Inception Report: Not available

Commitment Start: Jan 2025
Commitment End: Sep 2025

Institutions involved:

  • Mayor’s Office
  • Mayor’s Cabinet
  • Municipal Administration Directorate
  • Municipal Administration Directorate
  • Municipal Administration Directorate
  • Mayor’s Office
  • D4D
  • USAID - Social Contract
  • NDI
  • OSCE

Primary Policy Area:

Primary Sector:

OGP Value:

  • Technology and Innovation for Transparency and Accountability


Commitment ID


Commitment Title

Enhancing public participation through citizen government collaboration, participatory budgeting, and development of a mobile app


The problem this commitment seeks to resolve is the lack of effective communication and active citizen engagement in municipal decision-making processes in Pristina. This issue is driven by several interconnected factors:

  1. Lack of Information: Many citizens are unaware of the importance of public hearings and consultations and how these processes affect their lives. This highlights the need for tools, such as a mobile application, to facilitate communication and increase participation while ensuring citizen voices are considered in municipal decision-making.
  2. Inconvenient Timing and Location: The scheduling and location of public meetings often deter citizens from attending, limiting their ability to participate.
  3. Limited Understanding of Legal Deadlines: Many citizens lack awareness of legal deadlines for budget processes and other municipal policies, which further hinders timely engagement.
  4. Relevance of Discussion Topics: Participation tends to be higher when topics directly affecting citizens, such as parking regulations, noise pollution, or subsidies, are on the agenda.

These factors create barriers to citizen engagement in decision-making processes that shape the municipal budget and policies, limiting the potential for inclusive governance. 

Status quo

The Municipality of Pristina has started using the governmental platform for public consultations, which facilitates inclusive communication between public authorities and citizens. Over the past three years, 20 announcements for consultations and public hearings have been published on this platform, enhancing transparency and accountability in decision-making processes.

Additionally, the #ReportAProblem module allows citizens to report infrastructure issues in real time, providing a reliable channel for addressing municipal challenges. Furthermore, the process of electing Local Councils is ongoing, with 26 out of 42 council leaders already elected. This initiative aims to improve communication between citizens and the municipality and bring services closer to the community.

Despite these efforts, many citizens feel inadequately represented in the Municipal Assembly, which negatively impacts trust in local governance and delays the resolution of community issues. Young people, in particular, lack sufficient knowledge about the role and responsibilities of local representatives, such as Municipal Assembly members. This is due to limited information in schools and minimal opportunities to engage directly with elected representatives. These gaps underscore the need for more comprehensive education and interaction to empower citizens and strengthen participatory governance.


The commitment aims to enhance citizen engagement and improve municipal services in Pristina through innovative and inclusive initiatives. Key components include:

  1. Mobile Application Development: A new mobile app (Android/iOS) will enable citizens to report issues (with GPS and photos), track requests, receive alerts, access event calendars, complete surveys, and interact with an AI chatbot. This will streamline communication, promote transparency, and ensure faster issue resolution.
  2. Citizen-Government Collaboration: Municipal Assembly members will regularly meet with citizens to gather input, address concerns, and improve collaboration. Public debates and policy sessions will provide opportunities for citizens to influence decision-making processes.
  3. Youth Engagement: Educational sessions for students (grades 6–9) will focus on local governance, the roles of elected representatives, and the importance of civic participation, fostering early awareness and involvement.
  4. Strengthening Local Councils: After years of inactivity, Local Councils will be reorganized and empowered to prioritize projects for their communities, enhancing local decision-making.
  5. Participatory Budgeting: 1% of the municipal capital investment budget will be allocated to citizen-selected projects, ensuring community needs are addressed.

The overall objective is to foster transparency, accountability, and inclusive governance while improving municipal services and citizen satisfaction.

How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem described above?

This commitment will address the public issue through several key aspects. The creation of a mobile application for the capital will ensure that citizens have quick and easy access to information about decision-making processes and the importance of their participation. By providing tools for reporting issues and engaging in discussions via the app, citizens will have greater opportunities to contribute, regardless of time or location.
The app will also inform citizens about budget deadlines and related processes, increasing their awareness of their role and engagement opportunities. Additionally, it will highlight topics of interest, such as noise pollution or parking regulations, and encourage citizen participation through surveys and questionnaires. By offering a platform for communication and reporting, the app will enhance transparency in decision-making processes and foster greater trust in municipal authorities.
Furthermore, a tracking system will enable citizens to see how their requests are being handled, boosting their engagement and active participation. Overall, this commitment will create a more favorable environment for citizen engagement, improve communication, and make the decision-making process more open and inclusive.

What long-term goal as identified in your Open Government Strategy does this commitment relate to?

This commitment aligns closely with the long-term objective of improving citizen participation and transparency in decision-making processes, as outlined in the Strategic Vision for Open Governance. It addresses key challenges to citizen engagement and introduces tools to foster more inclusive and accountable governance.
A central component of this commitment is the mobile application, which simplifies citizen engagement by providing an accessible platform for reporting issues, sharing feedback, and contributing ideas. By making participation easier and more inclusive, it encourages broader involvement, particularly from groups who might struggle to engage through traditional means.
The commitment also strengthens transparency by ensuring citizens have access to clear and timely information about municipal processes and decisions. Features such as real-time tracking of reported issues enhance trust by allowing citizens to see how their concerns are addressed.
Finally, the commitment improves communication between citizens and authorities by creating a direct and effective channel for interaction. This fosters ongoing dialogue, enabling authorities to better address community needs while making citizens feel heard and involved in governance processes. This initiative lays the groundwork for a more transparent, participatory, and responsive governance framework.

Primary Policy Area

Digital Governance, Inclusion, Right to Information

Primary Sector

Public Services (general), Science & Technology

What OGP value is this commitment relevant to?

Technology and Innovation for Transparency and Accountability This commitment emphasizes citizen engagement through a mobile application that facilitates consultations and proposals, empowers citizens' voices in decision-making, and increases transparency through accessible information, thus contributing to more open and inclusive governance.


5 Milestones

Development of a mobile application (Android & iOS) for the capital

Start Date12/2024
End Date05/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Improving infrastructure in public facilities for access for people with disabilities.

Start Date01/2025
End Date12/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Meetings of Municipal Assembly members with various groups of citizens to propose changes to the Assembly.

Start Date01/2025
End Date09/2025
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Conversation between members of the Municipal Assembly and students about their work and role and that of the Municipal Assembly.

Start Date01/2025
End Date09/2025
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Organization of public hearings/consultations by the Municipality in neighborhoods/villages

Start Date01/2025
End Date09/2025
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete


Open Government Partnership