Public Data Quality Management (KR0026)
Action Plan: South Korea Third National Action Plan 2016-2018
Action Plan Cycle: 2016
Lead Institution: Ministry of the Interior
Support Institution(s): Central government ministries, local governments, public institutions, etc. general public, civic groups, etc.
Policy Areas
Access to Information, Fiscal Openness, Judiciary, Justice, Open Data, Publication of Budget/Fiscal InformationIRM Review
IRM Report: Republic of Korea End-of-Term Report 2016–2018, Republic of Korea Mid-Term Report 2016-2018
Early Results: Marginal
Design i
Verifiable: No
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
Evaluating public data quality management; Commitment Start and End Date: New / 1 July 2016 ~ 30 June 2018; Lead implementing Ministry, Department, Agency: Ministry of the Interior; Person responsible from implementing agency Song, hee-ra Title, Department Public Data Policy Division, Deputy director Email Phone +82-2-2100-3453 Other actors involved Government Ministries, Department/ Agency Central government ministries, local governments, public institutions, etc. CSOs private sector, multilaterals, working groups general public, civic groups, etc. Status quo or problem addressed by the commitment While activities for public data disclosure are actively being implemented under the goal set for each stage, lack of quality data for use by the private sector and low quality of data disclosure are still challenging their use; Main Objective: To introduce an open data quality management framework and improve quality of public data to a level where it can be used immediately for service development; Brief Description of Commitment: Quality management level evaluation will be conducted on massive public data having large social and economic impact. The evaluation will cover 21 datasets in 2016, 42 datasets in 2017, and key data in 2018. Considering the life cycle of data, the evaluation will be conducted in 36 categories of each area and procedure; follow-up measures for improvement based on the evaluation result will be reviewed and consulting or technical support provided for improvement. In addition, a quality management grade system will be introduced along with guidelines for evaluation and improvement procedures for stable operation and early stabilization of the system. Talented human resources with expertise and experiences will be selected and trained to become specialized evaluators for quality management evaluation.; OGP challenge addressed by the commitment: Improving public services and more effectively managing public resources. Relevance This commitment is relavant to access to information, but also relavant to civic participation and technology and innovation for openness and accountability.; Ambition: Securing a certain level of open data quality will improve its usability in the private sector. The usability will be also enhanced by disclosing public data in an open and standard form, which is highly demanded by the private sector, as it makes convergence service development easier.