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Republic of Korea

Improving Transparency and Access to Administrative Appeals (KR0066)



Action Plan: Republic of Korea Action Plan 2023-2027 (June)

Action Plan Cycle: 2023



Lead Institution: ACRC (General Administrative Appeals Division, Administrative Appeal Integrated Planning TF)

Support Institution(s):

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Access to Justice, Digital Transformation, Justice, Open Data, Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Pending IRM Review

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


How the Commitment Came to be

- Received proposal through public/government contest ( October 11 to November 14, 2022 )
- Selected as a commitment during the Anti-corruption Subcommittee meeting ( March 17, 2023 )
- Development of draft by the Anti-corruption Subcommittee meeting ( April 21, 2023 )
- Discussed during the Government-Civil Joint meeting ( April 28, 2023 )
- Discussed during Open Government Week ( May 10, 2023 )
- Up for Public Feedback (Innovation 24 OGP Discussion Board) ( June 26 to July 9, 2023 )


There are difficulties for the public in filing claims when seeking redress for rights or interests infringed by an administrative agency's misconduct or unfair disposition or omission, and it is necessary to implement open government by strengthening information disclosure.

Details of the Commitment

Establish LegalTech* EASY Administrative Appeals System, including autofill request form service and provision of customized cases to expand participation in administrative appeals.
* An online service that combines law and technology

1 Open and expand data Convert administrative appeals data into machine-identifiable data and expand the number of disclosures to realize an open government that transparently discloses information.

2 Provide customized cases Provide customized cases similar to each claimant’s situation by analyzing misconduct and unfair administrative agency decisions and past completed cases.

3 Autofill Request Form Service Utilize administrative appeal decision data and provide auto-completion services based on the standard format of administrative appeal petitions and applications to make it easier for people who have difficulty filling out petitions to use the system. Implement a one-stop administrative appeals service to expand the number of organizations covered by the EASY Administrative Appeals Service. - Expand disclosure of decisions and facilitate the filling in forms of requests and applications by integrating the online channels of 123 administrative appeals organizations, including general and special administrative appeals, into EASY Administrative Appeals.

Potential for Result

Expand the disclosure of administrative appeals decision data to make it easier for the public to understand what constitutes misconduct or unfair administrative action and what to prepare and argue in order to file a claim.

Milestone Activity with a Verifiable Deliverable | Start - End

Build and launch EASY Administrative Appeals service (1st opening) ※ 51 agencies including the Central Administrative Appeals Commission, city/provincial administrative appeals commissions, etc | July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023

BPR・ISP・ISMP for implementing a one-stop administrative appeals service ※ Prepare a strategic informatization plan and implementation roadmap to integrate scattered online administrative appeals channels and open and expand big data for administrative appeals decisions | February 23, 2023 - August 21, 2023

Build a one-stop administrative appeals system ※ Integrate 123 online administrative appeals systems, establish a big data database, and lay the groundwork for disclosing decisions by type of misconduct or unfairness | January 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025

Expand EASY Administrative Appeals service (2nd opening) ※ Expand disclosure of big data about decision by type of misconduct or unfairness | July 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025


Open Government Partnership