Transparency of UNCAC Implementation (MD0078)
Action Plan: Moldova Action Plan 2023-2025
Action Plan Cycle: 2023
Lead Institution: National Anticorruption Centre, Ministry of Justice, General Prosecutor's Office
Support Institution(s): Reporting institutions based on the convention, development partners (UNODC), civil society (especially Transparency International Moldova, UNCAC Coalition.
Policy Areas
Anti Corruption and Integrity, Anti-Corruption Institutions, Public ParticipationIRM Review
IRM Report: Republic of Moldova Action Plan Review 2023-2025
Early Results: Pending IRM Review
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
Completion: Pending IRM Review
Problem description The transparency of the UNCAC implementation assessment mechanism is an ongoing process, which requires the involvement of public authorities, civil society, as well as development partners alike. A transparent and inclusive process is essential to ensure a strong evaluation mechanism, thus strengthening the implementation of UNCAC. Most countries have completed their country reviews for the first review cycle. Considerable reporting delays have been recorded in this one. Moreover, the second review cycle experienced even more serious delays, leading to the extension of the duration of the second review cycle by another three years, to June 2024. Delays occur at each review stage, extending the average review period to 32 months, instead of 6 months. UNCAC recognises the important role of non-governmental organisations in efforts to 24 prevent corruption. Article 13 of the Convention requires States Parties to promote the active participation of individuals and groups outside the public sector, such as civil society, NGOs and community-based organisations, in the fight against corruption and to raise public awareness of the existence, causes, seriousness and threat posed by corruption. Therefore, undertaking a commitment to ensuring transparency of the evaluation process, accessibility and quality of reports, and consultation of civil society will contribute to the opening of institutions to citizens
Description of the commitment:
a) what the commitment entails The commitment involves compliance with six basic transparency principles1 : 1. Publishing and updating information on the review cycles for the Republic of Moldova; 2. Publishing and updating information on the institution coordinating the evaluation of UNCAC implementation (focal point); 3. Public announcement of the completion of the review cycle with indication of the page where the report is published; 4. Prompt online posting of self-evaluation reports and the full country report in one of the UN languages together with the executive summary in the local language; 5. Organising briefings and public debates on the findings of the report; 6. Publicly supporting the participation of civil society observers in UNCAC subsidiary bodies.
b) what are the expected results - Increasing the level of transparency and involvement of civil society in the reporting processes and evaluation mechanisms for 1 25 UNCAC implementation; Increasing the degree of implementation of the provisions of the UNCAC Convention through transparency of the reporting process and evaluation of the implementation level.
c) major objective The main objective is to promptly inform society and stakeholders as regards the Republic of Moldova’s progress in implementing the UNCAC. In the long term, achieving this commitment will have the effect of increasing the quality of reporting and raising the effectiveness of UNCAC implementation.
Activities | Responsible PA/Partner | Deadline | Indicator
4.7.1. Signing of the joint declaration (transparency plea) by COSP10 Conference | The Government National Anticorruption Centre | November 2023 | Declaration signed
4.7.2. Publication of country reports | National Anticorruption Centre | After completion of the evaluation cycle | Evaluation report published
4.7.3. Publishing/updating the information on the institution coordinating the evaluation of UNCAC implementation. | National Anticorruption Centre | Permanent | Information updated
4.7.4. Coordinating draft selfevaluation reports with the civil society. | National Anticorruption Centre | During the course of the evaluation cycle | Coordination mechanism operational
4.7.5. Publication of alternative evaluation reports. | National Anticorruption Centre, Ministry of Justice | Depending on the completion of the evaluation cycle | Alternative reports published on the official NAC website
4.7.6. Encouraging civil society participation in all stages of the UNCAC implementation evaluation process. | National Anticorruption Centre, Ministry of Justice | Permanent | Mechanisms for cooperating with civil society established