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Extend open government initiatives to the local level (RO0068)



Action Plan: Romania Action Plan 2020-2022

Action Plan Cycle: 2020



Lead Institution: Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration - Integrity, Good Governance and Public Policies Directorate

Support Institution(s): Central Government Administration General Secretariat of the Government Local Administration County Councils/City Halls Civil Society NGOs

Policy Areas

Capacity Building, Local Commitments, Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Romania Results Report 2020-2022, Romania Action Plan Review 2020-2022

Early Results: No early results to report yet

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i



Which public issue will be addressed by this obligation? At the level of local public administration authorities, the degree of involvement and promotion of open governance principles is relatively low. There are initiatives and examples of good practice but, in the absence of adequate communications and promotions, they are not replicated at the level of local public administration. New technologies are used only in isolation. Description of the commitment

What is the obligation? Based on the set of OGP principles, recommendations were made on open government at local level and a registration session was opened within a pilot programme with over 100 administrative-territorial units. 8 information sessions were organized for the representatives of the local public administration on the principles of open governance, on which occasional proposals for measures were collected.

How will the fulfilment of the obligation contribute to the solving of the public problem? Increasing the number of local public administration authorities to implement the principles of OGP; Increasing the number of social actors to participate in the decision-making process.

What is the main objective? Increasing the degree of involvement of ATUs in the OGP process, as well as increasing the involvment of the citizens in the decision-making process of local public administration 14 authorities.

Goals/activities Responsible (institution / partner) Start date End date 1. Assisting ATUs in implementing OGP principles: 2. Local consultations; 3. Identifying local issues and priorities through the participation of all stakeholders; 4. Establishing local teams for the formulation of projects / solutions in collaboration - and their realization. In order to provide technical assistance, MPWDA and GSG, together with the civil society partners, will go through the following steps: 1. identify and document (briefly) a set of templates that constitute a “menu” of actions for local public authorities, in line with the Recommendations on Local Open Government; 2. inform LPAs about the opportunity to participate in the local OGP program. LPAs are invited to join the OGP program at local level, choosing a set of actions that will be materialized in an action plan; 3. up to 15 ATUs are aided in developing, adopting and implementing of Local Action Plans; 4. the best local initiatives will be awarded during an event; 5. All partners evaluate the interim results of the program and, if necessary, make a proposal for an extension through the 2022 budget. MPWDA, GSG, civil society 2021 June 2022 2.1. Developing a platform dedicated to local public administration in order to standardize the display of information and data available to local public administration authorities. It is intended to standardize in a very simple format some data series most oftenly used and of interest to local authorities (staff, ongoing projects, current challenges, cultural events, points of interest, services served, etc.). One can think of a structure based on a spreadsheet or Airtable that MPWDA, GSG, civil society 2021 2022 15 allows the generation of website content based on this data. The advantages of such standardization: a. it's very simple, everyone knows how to use a spreadsheet; b. the modified content in the spreadsheet can be instantly propagated in the content of the website; c. the websites of the town halls can have a similar, consistent structure, which the institutions can receive for free, without the need to pay for this service d. such a standardized spreadsheet can become a "database" from which central authorities can collect data directly at the central level - by only having access to the link at which this file is available. 2.2 Development of a "Smart Government" type platform that unites the initiatives of the local public administration authorities in the field in order to promote good practices and facilitate access to them for small or limited resources territorial administrative units. 3. Creating educational programs, online, with the OGP theme - at the technical level, for the designated person in charge (10 modules of 10 minutes each, with work material, knowledge testing, participation monitoring); - at a generic level, for all staff (3 5-minute modules with monitoring of participation by each institution). MPWDA, GSG, civil society 2021 2022 4. Involving civil society, academia and other citizens in local communities by introducing in the substantiation documents of administrative acts at the local level some analyzes / public policies to support the administrative-territorial units in the process of elaboration / implementation of these documents. MPWDA 2021 2022 5. Continuing the annual award for good local governance. MPWDA 2021 2022 16 Other information Required Budget (lei) It is necessary to obtain funding for the project "Good governance at the local level for the benefit of citizens", approved by AMPOCA following the technical-financial evaluation stage. Correlation with other government programs / strategies National Anticorruption Strategy

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 3: Open government at the local level

  • Verifiable: Yes
  • Does it have an open government lens? Yes
  • Potential for results: Unclear

  • Commitments

    Open Government Partnership