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Create centralized public database for non-reimbursable financing (RO0070)



Action Plan: Romania Action Plan 2020-2022

Action Plan Cycle: 2020



Lead Institution: General Secretariat of the Government - General Directorate for Open Government, Public Relations and Cooperation - Open Government Service

Support Institution(s): Central and local public administration Public institutions that grant non-refundable financing based on the law no. 350/2005 Civil Society Nonprofit Center for Legislation Romanian Youth Council

Policy Areas

Fiscal Openness, Public Participation, Publication of Budget/Fiscal Information

IRM Review

IRM Report: Romania Results Report 2020-2022, Romania Action Plan Review 2020-2022

Early Results: Marginal

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i



Which public issue will be addressed by this obligation? The law no. 350/2005 on the regime of nonrefundable financing from public funds allocated for activities of general interest establishes the obligation of the financing institutions to publish in the Official Gazette of Romania an annual report on the nonrefundable financing contracts concluded during the fiscal year, which will include the financed programs, beneficiaries and contract results. Although the reporting obligation is provided by the current legal framework, the centralization of information on non-reimbursable financing at national level is unfeasible, due to the reporting method (impossibility to search for reports in the Official Gazette, lack of free access). Thus, there may be suspicions about the integrity of the funding procedure and the efficiency and results of the funding may be affected.

Description of the commitment What is the obligation? Transparency of granting public funding established under Law no. 350/2005 through a set of measures integrated in a public policy proposal, which will include the creation of a digital instrument with the role of centralizing all information on funding granted under Law no. 350/2005. (beneficiary, amount, results)

How will the fulfilment of the obligation contribute to the solving of the public problem? - by elaborating of a public policy proposal, based on the analysis of the current situation, in order to standardize and streamline the financing mechanism 21 based on law no. 350/2005; - by creating a pilot mechanism applicable to the target group consisting of central and local public administration institutions, representing the single point of collection and centralized publication of data on non-reimbursable financing granted from public funds according to Law no. 350/2005, for the improvement / equitable increase of the degree of accessibility of all potentially interested actors.

What is the main objective An increase in the degree of transparency in granting non-reimbursable financing from public funds, according to the law no. 350/2005.

Goals/activities Responsible (institution / partner) Start date End date The evaluation of a target group formed by central and local public administration institutions of the current degree of transparency regarding the granting based on the law no. 350/2005 of the non-reimbursable financing. (1 questionnaire / meeting with NGOs, 1 questionnaire / meeting with public institutions) General Secretariat of the Government /Public institutions/ NGOs 2021 December 2020 Based on the previous evaluation, a public policy proposal will be drafted, which will be subjected to a series of consultations with representatives of public administration and the non-governmental sector, including the creation of a single information collection mechanism, applicable to the target group. (public policy proposal, questionnaires / meetings with public institutions and NGOs) General Secretariat of the Government /Public institutions/ NGOs 2021 June 2021 Establishing additional functionalities to the CONECT platform, designed for the centralized publication of the non-reimbursable financing granted based on Law no. 350/2005. (1 meeting / questionnaire with NGOs) General Secretariat of the Government / NGOs 2021 September 2021 Developing and publishing the Guide on the transparency of granting non-reimbursable financing from public funds according to Law no. 350/2005. (2 questionnaires / meetings with NGOs, 2 General Secretariat of the Government /Public institutions/ NGOs 2021 January 2022 22 questionnaires / meetings with public institutions) Informing about and disseminating the Guide at the level of public administration and the civil society, as well as monitoring the use of the digital tool. (sessions meant to inform NGOs and public institutions) General Secretariat of the Government /Public institutions/ NGOs 2022 June 2022

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 5: Transparency in granting nonrefundable financing from public funds

  • Verifiable: Yes
  • Does it have an open government lens? Yes
  • Potential for results: Modest

  • Commitments

    Open Government Partnership