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Assess and draft recommendations to improve health services (RO0074)



Action Plan: Romania Action Plan 2020-2022

Action Plan Cycle: 2020



Lead Institution: National Authority for Quality Management in Health Ministry of Health

Support Institution(s):

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Health, Open Data, Public Service Delivery

IRM Review

IRM Report: Romania Results Report 2020-2022, Romania Action Plan Review 2020-2022

Early Results: No early results to report yet

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i



Which public issue will be addressed by this obligation? Health crises, such as pandemics, require specific measures of organization, prevention, intervention, monitoring and regulation. Healthcare facilities have to deal with emergencies or needs through the rapid application of specific measures, in parallel with the day-to-day work of the healthcare facility.

Description of the commitment What is the obligation? Develop a set of recommendations for health facilities so that specific measures are known, designate those responsible and establish flows, to prevent difficulties in providing health services or affecting the safety of patients and medical staff.

How will the fulfilment of the obligation contribute to the solving of the public problem? Knowing the collective and individual responsibilities, the specific measures and the observance of the flows lead to the increase of the reaction speed, the avoidance of the errors causing injuries to the patients or the medical staff, the avoidance of the risk of decreasing the quality of health care.

What is the main objective? Efficient and safe interventions in situations of emergency, necessity or major epidemiological risk, with an impact on the health of the population. 31

Goals/activities Responsible (institution / partner) Start date End date Recommendations for health units in the situation generated by the pandemic 1. Assessment of the situation in hospitals, by administering a questionnaire on measures to prevent contamination, to identify and raise awareness of vulnerabilities in the management of infectious risk and measures taken to correct them. NAQMH Public and private hospitals accredited or under accreditation 2021 September 2021 2. Analysis of data resulting from hospital reports on the planning of management activities of cases exposed to infection and the provision of protective equipment, medicines and personnel as well as other aspects specific to the pandemic period. NAQMH 2021 September 2021 3. Highlighting good practices and errors in current and emergency-specific activities as a result of the COVID-2 pandemic. Knowing them in the event of another crisis situation with epidemiological risk. NAQMH 2021 September 2021 4. Drafting recommendations to establish specific actions, organization, intervention to avoid risky situations and responsibilities in case of a crisis with major epidemiological risk. NAQMH 2021 September 2021 5. Publication of recommendations, knowledge of the degree of information and acquisition of recommendations by health units and the level of training to implement the recommendations. NAQMH Public and private hospitals accredited or under accreditation 2021 September 2021 Publication in open format of data related to the infection with the new coronavirus - covid-19, collected at the level of the public health system 6. Publication in open format, within the established deadlines, of the defined data sets Ministry of Health 2021 Permanent Other information Required Budget (lei) (source, if readily-available) It does not require an additional budget compared to the institution's own budget. 32 Correlation with other government programs / strategies

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 9: COVID-19 pandemic measures

  • Verifiable: Yes
  • Does it have an open government lens? Yes
  • Potential for results: Modest

  • Commitments

    Open Government Partnership