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Scotland, United Kingdom

Supporting Government openness, transparency and empowerment through open data (GBSC0003)



Action Plan: Action plan – Scotland, United Kingdom, 2021 – 2025

Inception Report Summary: Inception Report – Action plan – Scotland, United Kingdom, 2021 – 2025

Commitment Start: Nov 2021
Commitment End: Nov 2025

Institutions involved:

  • Directorate for Digital
  • CoSLA
  • Open Data Services Co-operative

Primary Policy Area:

Primary Sector:

OGP Value:

  • Access to information
  • Technology and Innovation for Transparency and Accountability

Inception Report Summary

Verifiable: Unclear

Relevance to OGP Values: Yes

The commitment is a continuation of ongoing practice in line with existing legislation, policies or requirements.

The commitment activities is a positive change to a process, practice or policy but will not generate a binding or institutionalized change across government or specific institution(s).


Commitment ID


Commitment Title

Supporting Government openness, transparency and empowerment through open data


Scotland's Digital Strategy sets our ambition to be a data driven nation. We value the transformational role that data can play in increasing transparency, empowering communities, transforming products and services, fuelling innovation and improving outcomes.

The pandemic has highlighted the importance of data in saving time, money and lives. Publishing and internal sharing of open data enables efficiency gains, cost savings and service improvement. We want to make more of our data available openly and make public sector data easy to find. People, businesses and developers can use open data to create products for decision making at a variety of levels.

The data we publish must be accessible and meet users’ needs, provide insight and support decision making. Different audiences have different needs. Our approach must be informed by an understanding of these needs and directed towards supporting outcomes, lessening the burden of data use and reuse.

We need to find a way of connecting with users who are not engaged with data, by considering equalities and skills. We recognise the value of supporting other open government themes through data; e.g. people being empowered to use data to understand and make decisions to reduce their impact on global warming.

The way public services make decisions using data is as important as the data they publish. This includes the use of trustworthy, ethical and inclusive Artificial Intelligence, as outlined in Scotland's AI Strategy.

Status quo

Scottish public bodies publish a wide variety of data, much of it in reusable formats. We know that this is highly valued by an engaged and energetic community of users.

We also know that many people cannot find the data they are looking for. In some cases, they do not know what data exists or how the data is defined and described. This means that they cannot easily use and reuse data to help them make informed decisions. We know that to create value for communities and businesses the data must be relatable to create insight, but many may lack the skills and confidence to take action.

We also know that people find some open data platforms difficult to use - their skill level or needs are unmet. We acknowledge that people often cannot adequately access data to inform or answer the questions they have.

Reducing the amount of time people spend trying to find the data will release more time to help answer some of our nation’s biggest questions, aiding decision making on challenges that Scotland is tackling.

There are varying levels of data maturity and data literacy across organisations who produce data. These differences can create organisational barriers to opening up data.

Many people are unaware of or unclear on the use of AI in the Scottish public sector. Developing an AI algorithm register will allow people to understand and influence public sector applications of AI, and help earn their trust, which is essential to the delivery of Scotland’s AI strategy.


Over the four years of the plan, we’ll apply an enabling methodology to develop open data infrastructure and share examples of the value generated from use cases across a series of thematic areas to support plan commitments, including:

  • Discovery: learn from best practice
  • User needs: understand user needs
  • Identify and share use cases
  • Commit to continuous improvement
  • Data needs: support connection between data users and producers to improve data usability

We will:

1 – open up data relevant to other open government themes, such as key climate change datasets used by government for modelling and reporting, data on public transport and public sector expenditure

2 - run a CivTech challenge to evaluate if technology can make public sector data easy to find, assess outcomes and set out the way forward

3 – set up the Data Transformation Framework (DTF) stating what ‘good data’ looks like and the process by which organisations can improve – this focuses on opportunity for organisations to improve data maturity, data literacy and adoption of standards, through collaboration and engagement with local government and other public sector bodies, to be useful for civil society

4 - review the front end of our official statistics open data publishing platform

5 - increase the amount of Scottish public sector open data being published, through collaborations such as the Data Standards and Open Data Community of Practice

6 - develop a public register of AI algorithms

How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem described above?

  • Increase number of useful open datasets to help people better understand and make decisions on thematic policy areas

  • People able to search for and discover the public sector data they need using natural language
  • Data are discoverable, both from portals and websites
  • We can identify gaps in the data we publish based on user searches


  • Improve and enable data reuse in the Scottish Public Sector
  • Develop the DTF, outlining realistic and measurable maturity stages, setting out what ‘good data’ looks like and the process by which organisations can improve
  • Identify a Data Maturity Assessment model which will help Public Sector organisations understand their current data status and plan steps for data improvement

For, an increase in:

  • Products built using data from the site
  • Success in task completion rate

  • More public sector datasets being published in an open format
  • Sustained positive collaboration amongst public sector bodies to open up their datasets
  • Use cases showing benefits to opening access to data

  • Public has understanding and agency over how AI is used to help make decisions
  • Scottish Government and partners can develop public trust, so AI can benefit society, economy and public services
  • Constructive dialogue between people and policymakers, developers and users of AI systems and processes in the public sector; contributing to improved design and implementation of AI

What long-term goal as identified in your Open Government Strategy does this commitment relate to?

We have recently published a number of strategies and commitments, such as Scotland's Digital Strategy and Scotland's AI Strategy. Within these strategies, we recognise and value the transformational role that data and AI can play in increasing transparency, empowering communities, transforming products and services, fuelling innovation, and improving outcomes. The purpose of the data commitment within the Open Government Action Plan is as an enabler: to align and implement the ambitions within these strategies in line with Open Government principles.


By focusing on thematic areas in support of the action plan, we will connect open data with the value we are seeking to create. This will drive greater engagement across civil society and government and create a clear alignment across the Open Government Action Plan.

Primary Policy Area

Open Data

Primary Sector

Public Services (general), Science & Technology

What OGP value is this commitment relevant to?

Access to information People need to find data and information to be empowered to make informed decisions.
Technology and Innovation for Transparency and Accountability People need to be able to use technology as an enabler to understand the data that affects them.


16 Milestones

Work with the Fiscal Transparency Programme to share best practice and incorporate content on data standards, FAIR and open data principles, specifically within the Data Review Document developed in the alpha phase of the of the Fiscal Transparency Programme and the programme’s Data Strategy.

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Support climate change policy and analytical colleagues to identify the specific data that can be published openly considering existing data and use cases for opening climate data.

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Maintain contact with leads developing the Data Strategy for Health and Social Care to ensure guiding principles for relevant data standards are built into implementation plans from early on.

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Promote lessons learned from Pilot Public Engagement Panel with other OG commitments

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Publicly launch the Beta version of the Dtechtive data discoverability search engine in March 2023 and introduce Scottish Government branding later in the year. With the CivTech advisory group, consisting of public, private and third sectors, create a technical roadmap for developing the open data sources register to assist discovery and publish clear documentation supporting its use.

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

With the public sector develop and trial a modular data maturity package to offer a self-supporting approach to data maturity and developing Action Plans

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Provide principles/strategic guidance on use of the 4 foundations to data improvement - Leadership, governance, strategy and discoverability aligning to the pathway products

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

With public sector organisations develop data maturity pathway products for Data Governance and Data Strategy

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Develop a new data transformation wiki site to gather and publish supporting materials in an open, participative and collaborative way

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Improve the language used on to increase user engagement and accessibility for users of the site

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Run a series of public workshops to include different sectors to test out thinking on areas including overcoming barriers, demonstrating value and communicating open data guidance.

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Start to develop refreshed technical guidance to help organisations understand and realise the benefits of open data and the practical steps to help them on their journey to open up their data informed by public workshop views.

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Use the public sector Community of Practice on Data Standards and Open Data, which is comprised of central and local government and other public bodies to test out thinking for the refreshed technical guidance.

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

In February 2023 launch the Scottish AI Register to share with the public examples of AI in use or development across the public sector.

Start Date01/2023
End Date02/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Provide public facing information regarding the AI being used, the data sets which support it and clear user-friendly descriptions of the process and outcomes. We will also share details of the organisations that have access to the data, and the retention and disposal details.

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Initially share two AI use cases, one from SCRA considering children at risk, and one from the NHS/Scottish Government which aims to make access to public services easier for people with disabilities. We will work with colleagues across the public sector to identify and record any potential future use of AI in their on-going work.

Start Date01/2023
End Date12/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete


Open Government Partnership