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Finalize Joining the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (SN0016)



Action Plan: Senegal Action Plan 2023-2025 (December)

Action Plan Cycle: 2023



Lead Institution: Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy / Directorate of Maritime Fisheries

Support Institution(s): PRCM/FITI, World Bank, European Union, USAID, CONIPAS, GAIPES

Policy Areas

Extractive Industries

IRM Review

IRM Report: Pending IRM Review

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Pending IRM Review

Relevant to OGP Values: Pending IRM Review

Ambition (see definition): Pending IRM Review

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Description of the commitment

What public issue does the engagement address? Fishing is a strategic sector for the national economy and food security. But it remains faced with a certain number of challenges linked in particular to the scarcity of resources and the accessibility to certain data for the public.

What are the objectives of the engagement The main objective is to have Senegal join the FITI, with a view to strengthening the governance of the sector. As such, it will be: • set up a system for collecting, processing and publishing data concerning the sector; • strengthen dialogue between the different stakeholders in order to improve transparency and stakeholder participation in the governance of the sector.

How would engagement help solve the public problem? The commitment will allow Senegal:  to support the State's efforts in the fight against undeclared and unregulated illegal fishing by preserving jobs in the sector;  improve governance, in particular the transparency and quality of the decisionmaking process in the fisheries sector;  to strengthen its leadership in the governance of the fishing sector;  contribute to the sustainable management of fisheries, in particular by reducing the State's economic losses linked to nontransparency;  to strengthen the attractiveness of the sector for landlords and investors.

Why is this commitment relevant to the values of the OGP? The commitment promotes access to information, transparency, participation and accountability in the fisheries sector.

Additional information

 Commitment of the President of the Republic in 2016 for Senegal's membership in the FITI;  Adherence of professionals and civil society to the principles of the FITI and existence of an advocacy coalition for transparency in the management of small pelagics;  Commitment of the Regional Partnership for the Conservation of the Coastal and Marine Zone of West Africa (PRCM) to technically and financially support the process; Existence of a road map for Senegal.

Important actions with a verifiable deliverable | Starting - Closing | Estimated budget | Responsible

1. Advocacy to complete the remaining steps to FITI membership | January 2024 - June 2024 | 10,000, 000 | Steering National Commitee

2. Advocate for the adoption of texts relating to the implementation of the FITI | July 2024 - December 2024 | 10,000, 000 | DPM

3. Establish the MultiStakeholder Group (GMP) and the FITI national secretariat (produce the acts, validate the TDR) | July 2024 - December 2024 | 15, 000,000 | DPM

4. Officially install the National Multi-Stakeholder Group | July 2024 - December 2024 | 15, 000,000 | Authority

5. Establish an action plan | Juillet 2024 - Décembre 2025 | 20 000 000 | GMP

6. Develop and transmit Senegal’s membership application to the FITI Board of Directors | Juillet 2024 - Décembre 2024 | No charge | Authority


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