Transporation Accessibility (SEO0005)
Action Plan: Seoul Action Plan 2018-2020
Action Plan Cycle: 2018
Lead Institution: NA
Support Institution(s): Muui
Policy Areas
Access to Information, Infrastructure & Transport, Land and Spatial Planning, Local Commitments, Open Data, Public Service Delivery, Science & TechnologyIRM Review
IRM Report: Pending IRM Review
Early Results:
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): High
Implementation i
Design subway transfer maps for the transportation vulnerable based on citizen participation
○ Outline
- Develop subway transfer maps which indicate the fastest way to transfer and the location of elevators, etc. to help the transportation vulnerable such as people in wheelchairs, elderly and pregnant women to navigate subways stations.
○ Main objective
- Convert the current subway transfer map on image file which was made by Muui, a civil society, into a digital form of data by using Seoul’s Indoor Spatial information System so the subway transfer map can be continually and easily updated
- Add the Muui’s subway transfer map to Seoul Metro’s official subway application for easier accessibility.
- Secure resources and appoint the responsible department to continuously update the subway transfer map for the transportation vulnerable through public consultation.
- Disclose the subway transfer map in API form to the public.
○ Status quo
- The information about subway station facilities and transfer are already available. However, it is hard for people to understand them due to the complexity of the subway stations and the lack of readability.
- Currently, Muui developed subway transfer maps for 33 subway stations but it is hard to change pictograms and texts on the image file. -→ Need to convert the image file to data structure for continuous updates
- For the sustainability of the subway transfer maps, it’s necessary to deploy Seoul Metropolitan Government’s map-making technology (Seoul Indoor Spatial information System) to improve Muui’s existing maps and use the participation of volunteers and young designers.
1. Design subway transfer maps for the transportation vulnerable based on citizen participation
Name and contact information of responsible department/team Byeongmin YOO, GIS Division
(Tel.02-2133-2853, e-mail.
Other involved actors Government
Civil Society, Private Sector Muui
Status quo or problem/issue to be addressed ○ The transfer routes and signs for the transportation vulnerable groups (including people in wheelchairs and the elderly) are not properly marked in subway stations due to the complexity of the subway stations and the multiple subway system operators.
Main Objective ○ Convert the current subway transfer map on image file which was made by Muui into a digital form of data by using Seoul’s Indoor Spatial information System so the subway transfer map can be steadily and easily updated.
○ Add the Muui’s subway transfer map to Seoul Metro’s official subway application for better accessibility.
○ Create a framework for continuous update of Muui’s map on the application in cooperation with related organizations.
Brief Description of Commitment ○ Improve the quality and versatility of the subway transfer map and ease of map-making processes by utilizing Seoul’s Indoor Spatial Information System and provide the map to various organizations.
○ Create the frameworks and steps to engage other organizations to contribute to the continuous updating of the subway transfer map.
Please describe the way in which this commitment is relevant to further advancing OGP values of access to information [ ]Transparency [○]Accountability [○]Citizen Participation [○]Technology & Innovation
Verifiable and measurable milestones to fulfil the commitment New or ongoing commitment Start Date: End Date:
1. Upgrade Muui’s current map by using Seoul’s Indoor Spatial Information
- Compare the research methodology and the target subway stations for ongoing map making between the SMG and Muui and analyze them
- Conduct field research and make the subway transfer maps for 5 subway stations for trial
- Expand the target subway stations for map making New Aug. 2018
Aug. 2020
2. Disclose the subway transfer map
- Develop and disclose the maps in a form of Open API (Expand the scope from 5 subway stations to more)
- Connect the Open API for subway transfer map with Seoul Metro’s official app, so the subway transfer maps can be available on the app
- Disclose subway transfer apps and maps through open data platforms of Seoul such as Open Data Plaza New Aug. 2018 Aug. 2020
3. Create the cooperative framework to update subway transfer maps
- Pursue cooperation among the SMG, Muui, Seoul Metro and other related organizations
- Decide on each organizations’ roles and create the framework for continuous map updates New
Sep. 2018 Aug. 2020