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Sierra Leone

Access to Justice for All (SL0037)



Action Plan: Sierra Leone Action Plan 2024-2028

Action Plan Cycle: 2024



Lead Institution: Justice Sector Coordinating Office

Support Institution(s):

Policy Areas

Access to Justice, Inclusion, Justice

IRM Review

IRM Report: Sierra Leone Action Plan Review 2024-2028

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Brief Description of the commitment

The "Access to Justice for All" commitment aims to improve access to justice for all Sierra Leoneans, particularly marginalized and vulnerable groups. It focuses on two key areas: Strengthening Local Justice Mechanisms and Transparency: This involves expanding community-based justice services, grievance redress mechanisms, and legal aid provision in rural areas. It also emphasizes transparency through public awareness campaigns and improved data management. Enhancing Efficiency and Legal Access: This aims to reduce court delays through improved case management systems, training for justice officials, and promoting alternative dispute resolution methods. It also seeks to increase access to legal aid and legal services through expanded legal aid boards and paralegal networks.

Problem definition

What problem does the commitment aim to address? There is limited and unequal access to fair and effective justice mechanisms for many Sierra Leoneans. Marginalized and vulnerable groups: Women, children, rural communities, minorities, people living with disabilities, and people with low incomes have mostly been affected; victims of crime, those seeking land rights, business disputes, etc. (cite the perception survey of the justice ministry) There are particular challenges in rural areas and informal settlements throughout Sierra Leone. Denial of fundamental rights: Inability to seek redress for grievances, defend their rights, or access fair legal representation. Increased vulnerability: Exposure to exploitation, abuse, and injustice without legal recourse. Perpetuation of inequalities: The marginalized remain disadvantaged in legal matters, hindering social and economic mobility. Erosion of trust: Weakened faith in the justice system and the rule of law. What are the causes of the problem? Elaborate on your understanding of the causes of the problem. As much as possible, identify the root causes. When necessary, use problem analytical tools (e.g., problem tree, five whys, fishbone diagram, or other related methods) and provide evidence whenever possible. The roots of limited access to justice in Sierra Leone are complex and historical, but some key factors include: • Legacy of past conflicts: Civil war and instability weakened institutions and eroded trust in the justice system. • Limited resources: The justice sector faces budget, infrastructure, and personnel challenges. • Geographic and economic barriers: Rural areas often lack access to courts, legal aid, and lawyers. • Social and cultural factors: Gender inequality, traditional practices, and limited awareness of legal rights can hinder access to justice.

Commitment Description

1. What has been done so far to solve the problem? While progress has been made on milestones like activating child mediation panels and publishing case updates, these are stepping stones towards the ultimate goal of universal access to justice. Continued commitment is crucial to embed these initiatives and achieve a lasting impact fully.

2. What solution are you proposing? Access to justice is a cornerstone of a healthy democracy and sustainable development. Sustained commitment demonstrates the government's long-term vision for an inclusive and just society where everyone can seek and obtain legal redress. Overall, the "Access to Justice for All" commitment remains relevant and crucial for Sierra Leone. Continued efforts are essential to overcome existing challenges, build upon achieved milestones, and ensure equal access to justice for all citizens.

3. What results do we want to achieve by implementing this commitment? This will reduce court delays through improved case management systems, training for justice officials, and promotion of alternative dispute resolution methods. It will also increase access to legal aid and legal services through expanded legal aid boards and paralegal networks.

Commitment Planning (Milestones | Expected Outputs)

a) Expand training and support for paralegals and community justice providers. b) Develop and implement standardized guidelines for community- based dispute resolution processes. c) Engage the community on public trust in community- based justice mechanisms. (30 trainings) | a) Increased awarenes s and public trust in communit y-based justice mechanis ms. # of drop points established Toll-free line and call logs # of Trainings conducted

a) Establish pro bono initiatives and partnerships with private lawyers. | # Network established


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