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Sierra Leone

Empowering Citizens through Access to Information (SL0039)



Action Plan: Sierra Leone Action Plan 2024-2028

Action Plan Cycle: 2024



Lead Institution: Right to Access Information Commission

Support Institution(s): Right To Access Information Commission

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Capacity Building, Data Stewardship and Privacy, Digital Governance, Legislation, Right to Information

IRM Review

IRM Report: Pending IRM Review

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Pending IRM Review

Relevant to OGP Values: Pending IRM Review

Ambition (see definition): Pending IRM Review

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Brief Description of the commitment

The commitment aims to establish and empower the Right to Access Information Commission (RAIC) to ensure transparency and accountability within the public sector. This involves implementing mechanisms and processes that facilitate citizens' access to information held by government agencies and public authorities. By promoting a culture of openness and transparency, the commitment seeks to empower citizens to exercise their right to access information, hold public officials accountable, and participate more effectively in democratic processes. Through establishing RAIC and implementing associated initiatives, the commitment aims to strengthen governance practices, foster public trust, and enhance citizen engagement in decision-making processes.

Problem definition

What problem does the commitment aim to address? The commitment seeks to address the problem of limited transparency and accountability within the public sector. Government Ministries, departments, and agencies often need to maintain access to information, leading to a lack of transparency in decision-making processes and hindering citizens' ability to hold public officials accountable. This lack of transparency can contribute to corruption, inefficiency, and a lack of trust in government institutions. The establishment of the Right to Access Information Commission (RAIC) and the implementation of its activities will facilitate citizens' access to information. The commitment seeks to address these issues by promoting greater transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement in governance. Restricted access to information hinders the ability of journalists and media outlets to report accurately and hold the government accountable, thus limiting freedom of the press. Transparency and access to information are crucial for the work of civil society organizations, including advocacy, research, and monitoring of government activities.

What are the causes of the problem? Inadequate or nonexistent legal frameworks for access to information may contribute to the problem. Without clear laws guaranteeing access to information, government agencies may withhold information arbitrarily. Reluctance by public officials to disclose information due to concerns about accountability, political sensitivity, or maintaining control over decision-making processes. Complex bureaucratic procedures for accessing information can act as barriers for citizens, journalists, and civil society organizations. Lengthy and cumbersome processes may deter individuals from seeking information.

Commitment Description

1. What has been done so far to solve the problem?  Legislative Reforms reforms that aim to codify citizens' rights to access information held by public bodies and outline procedures for requesting and obtaining information.  Establishment of Oversight Bodies tasked with ensuring Compliance with access to information laws and resolving disputes.  Training programs and workshops to improve understanding of legal frameworks and build skills for advocating for transparency.

What solution are you proposing? Advocate for the enactment or amendment of laws that guarantee the right to access information and establish clear procedures for requesting and obtaining information from government agencies. Adopt open government policies prioritizing transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement in decision-making processes. Invest in capacity-building initiatives to enhance the knowledge and skills of government officials, civil society organizations, and the media on access to information, including legal frameworks, advocacy strategies, and digital literacy. Foster collaboration among government agencies, civil society organizations, the media, and international partners to promote transparency and accountability and share best practices in access to information.

What results do we want to achieve by implementing this commitment? Implementing access to information commitments aims to increase transparency within government institutions by ensuring that information is readily available to citizens, researchers, journalists, and civil society organizations. Provide citizens with access to information; this will enhance accountability and promote good governance practices. Transparent decision-making processes will enable citizens to hold public officials accountable for their actions. Timely access to information will empower citizens to make informed decisions, participate more effectively in democratic processes, and advocate for their rights and interests. Transparency and accountability fostered by implementing access to information commitments can improve public service delivery, as government agencies are held accountable for their performance and use of resources.

Commitment Planning (Milestones | Expected Outputs)

- 100 teachers, lecturers, school pupils, youth groups, and students will receive training on the use of the RAI law  Increase nationwide awareness and usage of the RAI Law  20 MDAs proactively disclose information on their website  Submission of the draft Data Protection Policy  Draft Data Protection Bill sent to Parliament | # of People trained, 100 FOI request, Enactment of the Data Protection Law


Open Government Partnership