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Slovak Republic

Mapping the Impact of Open Data (SK0142)



Action Plan: Slovak Republic Action Plan 2022-2024 (June)

Action Plan Cycle: 2022



Lead Institution: The Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic in cooperation with the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government for the Development of Civil Society

Support Institution(s): ministries and other central state administration bodies as needed, non-governmental non-profit organizations working with open data (OZ Alvaria), academic environment, investigative journalists

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Open Data, Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Slovak Republic Action Plan Review 2022-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


What is the public problem that the commitment will address? The rate of use of open data in the public sector is still relatively low, which is also reflected in the low number of solutions using open data (applications, visualizations, statistical reports, etc.). The use of open data is not systematically mapped, documented and analyzed, which makes it impossible to estimate the real impact of opening data on society, transparency, governance, the economy, the environment or disadvantaged communities. This observation is also supported by the European Commission's regular, annual evaluation - the Open Data Maturity Index (hereinafter referred to as "ODMI"), which evaluates the overall maturity of EU states in the field of open data. In the last assessment for 2021, the Slovak Republic ranked 33rd out of a total of 34 countries and was included in the group of the least mature countries in the region. It is precisely in the Impact dimension that SR lags behind the most compared to the other EU countries. One of the reasons is the non-existent mechanism for measuring and mapping the impact of open data on the environment, the social sphere, the economy of governance, politics and the decision-making process. The state thus has no feedback on whether and how open data improves the lives of people in the Slovak Republic. The activity, the aim of which is to map the use of open data in the Slovak Republic and its impact on various segments of the society, would lead to the collection of qualitative and quantitative data that would be helpful for the Data Office at MIRRI SR and for the community of relevant actors from the civil society and the public in promoting access to the public sector data. At the same time, it would help in determining the further direction of the open data agenda in Slovakia, it would contribute to a better position of Slovakia in ODMI and to raising awareness in the area.

What is the commitment? a) Mapping selected examples of the use of open data in different segments b) Identifying the impact of open data on politics, the economy, the environment and the social sphere c) Proposal for a method of regular measurement of the impact of open data

How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem? a) Obtaining a base of arguments and data for representatives and implementation managers in the public sector and civil society about the benefits and (positive) impacts of opening data b) Obtaining data about the use of open data in Slovakia A concept of mapping the impact of open data on various segments of society will be proposed in a participatory manner in cooperation with the civil society. Selected thematic examples of the use of open data will be processed, in which the intensity of the impact of the solution on the target groups will be identified. Impact mapping will be carried out annually, which will make it possible to improve open data policies at the national level. A database will be created for a better understanding of the use of open data in the Slovak Republic.

Why is this commitment relevant to OGP values? The commitment supports the development of all open governance principles The principle of transparency The commitment increases access to available public administration information. The principle of citizen participation The community of relevant actors from civil society and the public will be involved in the implementation of the commitment. Successful implementation of the commitment will also support the use and reuse of open data by all relevant actors, thereby improving the supportive environment for civil society. The principle of accountability y regularly informing about the impact of open data on selected aspects of the society, state institutions openly sharing data will receive feedback on their usability in practice by the civil society (primarily in the context of data content or quality).

Additional information Relevance to the strategic and partial objectives of the OGP National Action Plan 2022-2024: 1.1.: Improve access to information about the activities of central state administration bodies and promote transparency. 1.2.: Motivate institutions to reevaluate their own practice and learn through mechanisms supporting accountability to different audiences. 1.3.: Establish mechanisms for informing about the value and benefit that public funds, including European ones, create for the citizen. 3.1.: Build the capacities of civil society and the general public to participate in open governance. 3.2.: Raise awareness of the principles of open governance in central state administration bodies. 3.3.: Increase the ability of state administration employees to communicate the implementation of strategic reforms. 3.4.: Strengthen the capacities of active use of data for setting strategic objectives and evaluating their fulfillment. Relevance to programs/projects of the Slovak government and international documents: a) a) National concept of informatization of public administration for 2021, strategic priority Open Data b) b) UN Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030)

Milestone Activity with a verifiable deliverable Start Date: End Date: Organize an initial meeting of relevant actors, including representatives of the civil society, for the purpose of proposing approaches to mapping the impact of open data in the Slovak Republic on selected areas. 1 July 2022 31 August 2022 In a participatory manner, develop a draft methodology for mapping the impact of open data in the Slovak Republic on selected areas. 1 September 2022 30 June 2023 Map and evaluate qualitative and quantitative data in selected areas based on the developed methodology and map and evaluate the public's demand for the most requested public administration open data. 1 July 2023 31 October 2023 Prepare a report on the impact of open data in the Slovak Republic on selected areas in a participatory manner and, in cooperation with relevant actors, prepare a regular measurement of the impact of open data in the Slovak Republic on selected areas. 1 November 2023 31 March 2024

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 6. Mapping the impact of open data

● Verifiable: Yes

● Does it have an open government lens? Yes

● Potential for results: Modest


Open Government Partnership