Supporting Media Freedom and Protection of Journalists (SK0146)
Action Plan: Slovak Republic Action Plan 2024-2026 (June)
Action Plan Cycle: 2024
Lead Institution: Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic (MK SR)
Support Institution(s): Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, partners from civil society
Policy Areas
Civic Space, Freedom of Expression, Media & Telecommunications, Public ParticipationIRM Review
IRM Report: Slovak Republic Action Plan Review 2024-2026
Early Results: Pending IRM Review
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
Completion: Pending IRM Review
Background situation or problem addressed by the commitment: Free media are a fundamental cornerstone of democracy, its development and sustainability. They provide citizens with information, help shape opinions and attitudes, and, through investigative approaches, serve as the "watchdog" of public affairs. In recent years, however, media freedom worldwide has faced numerous challenges. The safety of journalists is deteriorating, with physical and online threats and attacks on journalists increasing in several EU member states, including through the so-called SLAPP lawsuits. International initiatives aimed at increasing media freedom are responding to this situation by strengthening journalist protection through relevant legislative tools and recommendations. Among these are Commission Recommendation (EU) 2022/758, the upcoming Council of Europe Recommendation on SLAPP lawsuits, which aim to prevent the silencing of the public, especially journalists, in reporting on matters of public interest, the Coalition for Media Freedom, and the European Democracy Action Plan.
Content of the commitment: The commitment aims to establish national coordination of international initiatives focused on supporting media freedom and journalist protection to create synergies within Slovakia's commitments in these international initiatives. This involves utilizing existing international initiatives where Slovakia is an active member to strengthen a comprehensive approach to challenges related to journalist protection and media freedom at the national level.
How the commitment will contribute to solving the problem: The commitment will improve the coordination of various international initiatives aimed at protecting journalists and media freedom, allowing for more effective, targeted, and efficient measures in the subject area with a clear delineation of responsibilities. The implementation of the EU Commission Recommendation No. 2022/758 will practically enhance journalist protection and extend the possibility of protection to non-governmental organizations, which may also face SLAPP lawsuits.
Relevance of the commitment to the principles/values of OGP: By creating a multistakeholder platform, the commitment reinforces the principles of participation and accountability. The commitment's content also strengthens accountability, in terms of protecting tools for public control. Regular publication of schedules, agendas, and outputs of meetings further supports transparency and accountability.
Additional information: The commitment directly fulfills Slovakia's commitments within the Summit for Democracy in the "Media Freedom" topic. The implementation results may be relevant for presentation in the Summit for Democracy cohort on Media Freedom.
Milestones of the commitment with specific tasks:
1. Establish and continually coordinate a multistakeholder forum of all involved stakeholders at the national level to coordinate and implement commitments arising from international and national initiatives supporting media freedom and journalist protection. Publish the platform's statute on the website of MK SR. Responsible agency - MK SR, in collaboration with other relevant ministries, deadline: by January 31, 2024.
2. Map and develop an implementation plan and set up a monitoring and evaluation system for the implementation of existing recommendations to enhance the safety of journalists and other media workers in the EU. Responsible agency: MK SR in collaboration with other relevant ministries, deadline: by September 30, 2024.
3. Develop a strategic plan for implementing the Council of Europe's recommendation on SLAPP lawsuits, aiming to prevent the silencing of the public, especially journalists, in reporting on matters of public interest. Responsible MK SR, in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, deadline: by September 30, 2024.