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Observatory of Open Government (ES0052)



Action Plan: Spain Action Plan 2020-2024

Action Plan Cycle: 2020



Lead Institution: - Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function - Ministry of Health - Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism - Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation - Ministry of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda - Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge - Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Heritage - Ministry of Science and Innovation - Ministry of Universities

Support Institution(s): Other actors involved (Public) - Spanish Agency for Medicine and Health Products - State Commercial Society for the Management of Innovation and Tourism Technologies (SEGITTUR, for its acronym in Spanish) - Geographic Superior Council (GSC) - State Agency of the Official State Gazette (SAOSG) - AEMET Other actors involved (Civil Society) - Health Group of the State Council of the Roma People (CEPG, for its acronym in Spanish). - Network of Roma Associations of Promotion of Equisastipen Roma Health. - Working group of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Spain (WG SDIS) - Main public and private agents, and representatives of the third sector, specialised in housing. - Organisations of actors with interests in the marine and coastal media: NGOs, neighbouring associations, business associations. - Other territorial and local public organisations.

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Capacity Building, Democratizing Decision-Making, Digital Governance, Digital Inclusion, Education, Environment and Climate, Fiscal Openness, Health, Inclusion, Infrastructure & Transport, Justice, Land and Spatial Planning, Open Data, Open Justice, Private Sector, Public Participation, Public Service Delivery, Publication of Budget/Fiscal Information, Regulatory Governance, Science & Technology, Sustainable Development Goals

IRM Review

IRM Report: Spain Action Plan Review 2020-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


What is the problem/need that is desired to resolve with the commitment? The own public management of solid institutions must be legitimised, not only through the efficacy in its action, but also through new forms and procedures based on transparency, participation and citizen collaboration, incorporating the collective knowledge, which is scattered throughout society for the provision of new services or the improvement of the existing ones. On the other hand, there are collectives that, if public intervention is not made, they could remain at the margin of the benefits of the social and democratic state of law. There is no single place to consult the best practises developed in Spain in the field of open government.

Objectives of the commitment Disseminate and recognise the efforts that are being carried out in Spain to promote transparency and open data, to bring the design and execution of sectoral public policies closer to the citizenry, perfecting mechanisms and procedures or creating structures of participation and social inclusion, guaranteeing access to digital infrastructures, allowing for the citizenry to participate in the digital society, facilitating the comprehension of the legal regulations among the citizenry, professionals and companies. All of that will result in compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals contained in the 2030 Agenda. 101

Brief description of the commitment This commitment corresponds to the desirability to recognise and give visibility to the initiatives that will be developed by different ministerial departments of the State General Administration, as well as those developed by the Autonomous Regions and local entities, incorporating the perspective of the citizenry, which constitute good practises of the sectoral nature in areas like health, tourism, transportation, housing and land, environmental, connectivity, knowledge and comprehension of the legal regulations, science and innovation

How does the commitment contribute to solve the problem or cover the need? Favouring access to transparent information, allowing the reuse of information based on open data; incorporating the citizenry using public services, and other essential actors in the provision of said services, as professionals or companies in the design and execution of public policies; allowing the citizenry to participate in the digital society, reducing the digital divide; favouring the comprehension by the citizenry, professionals and companies of the legal regulations.

Why is the commitment relevant with respect to the values of Open Government? It promotes, strengthens and improves the quality of participation in the public management, allowing the citizenry to participate in making public decisions with the objective of achieving better results and better democratic quality It delves deeper into transparency, open data and accountability of Public Administrations through carrying out actions aimed at its improvement and the evaluation of the results of the plans and programmes It raises awareness among society and civil servants about the values of Open Government, contributing to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda in order to advance towards a just, peaceful and inclusive society.

"Creation and implementation of the observatory of good practises in Open Government The objective of creating this observatory is for it to include important initiatives which are being developed in our country throughout the validity of the plan in order to give them visibility and recognition and that serve for the continuous improvement of the open government in Spain. Starting with the 22 sectoral initiatives that are included as a starting point and for monitoring, other good practises will be identified that are being developed in our country.

Activities Start date End date 1. Implementation of the Observatory 2. Identification of good practices 3. Inclusion and publication of good practises 01/11/2020 30/09/2024"

"A Committee of Patients and Users is expected to be created as its own advising body for the participation of the associations of patients and their close relatives and users of the NHS. Their functions will consist of advising and formulating proposals about topics that are of special interest for the Ministry and the regulatory projects passed into law and promoted by it; knowing the Integral Plans that are developed, when they are subjected to its consultation; as well as the provisions or agreements of the Inter‐territorial Council of the National Health System that directly affect matters related to the needs of the patients and users.

Activities Start date End date Creation and implementation of the committee 01/01/2021 31/10/2024"

"The Clinical Practise Guides constitute an instrument of effective and safe decision‐making, focused on patients by health professionals. Experts and professional guides collaborate to prepare these guides. However, in the preparation of new guides and in the updating of those that have already been prepared, this Department intends to incorporate the patient associations related to the corresponding subject matter in each case.

Activities Start date End date Preparation and updating of guides 01/01/2021 31/10/2024"

"The objective of this commitment is that they form part of these collegiate bodies, created under the protection of the Inter‐territorial Council of the National Health System, not just the health professionals but also the patient associations. Given that the composition of committees and working groups is determined at the time of their constitution, the incorporation of patient associations in new working groups will be promoted

Activities Start date End date Incorporations of patient associations in the working groups 01/01/2021 31/10/2024"

"The objective of this initiative is to improve the structures and mechanisms of coordination among the different agents (institutional and civil) involved in the social inclusion of the Roma People and specifically in addressing their social inequalities regarding health. It strives to eliminate the health inequalities of the Roma People and increase their participation in decision‐making spaces that affect their health

Activities Start date End date Implementation of activities (meetings of working groups, technical seminars, surveys) 01/01/2021 31/10/2024"

"The objectives of this plan are to prevent, manage and report their supply problems. To do this, coordination actions will be carried out with other EU countries, as well as the participation and involvement of the parties concerned (patients, healthcare professionals, healthcare administrators, distributors and industry) and the constant analysis of the causes and determinants in our environment of supply problems

Activities Start date End date Prevention and information actions 01/01/2021 31/10/2024"

"Publication of the data about suspected adverse reactions of medications of human use proposed by the Spanish Agency of Medicine and health products

Activities Start date End date Publication of data 01/01/2021 31/10/2024"

"The TGA_SCTE Plan will allow reinforcing the confidence of the citizenry with respect to the actions and programmes regarding tourism, applying the ethical values and own mechanisms of the open government policies. To do so, the Plan will reinforce the knowledge and participation of the citizenry and the rest of the agents concerned with the decision making of the SCTE. It will publish the information structured in open data format and training and informative material with open licences (CC BY SA). In the scope of accountability, it will carry out development and impact evaluations of the plan that will be published. It is also intended to raise awareness among society and civil servants about the values of open government regarding tourism policies. The three levels of Public Administrations (State, Autonomous Communities and Local) will participate in the SCTE plan, as well as companies and the rest of agents from civil society.

Activities Start date End date Publication of Open Documents 30/06/2019 31/08/2021 Publication of Open Data 31/03/2020 31/08/2021 Provision of Open Training 30/09/2019 31/08/2021 Publication of the TGA_SCTE Website 01/06/2020 31/08/2021 Open Participation 01/06/2020 31/08/2021"

"The objective of the plan is to guarantee access to the digital infrastructures throughout the national territory with the objectives of economic development, social and territorial inclusion. Connectivity has proven to be a necessary element for the participation of the citizenry in digital society. The extension of connectivity to all people and territories contributes to the reduction of the digital divide, contributing to the equality of opportunities in the participation processes and access to information via electronic means.

Activities Start date End date Extension of coverage of 100 Mbps speeds to 90% of the population 01/01/2020 31/12/2025 Extension of coverage of 30 Mbps speeds to 95% of the population 01/01/2020 31/12/2022"

"The objective of this commitment is to significantly increase the offering of data and IG services in the three government environments in Spain (national, regional and local), its use and reuse, which is especially appropriate and necessary to undertake with guarantees the challenges related to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN and the Single European Digital Market, due to the cross‐cutting nature and capacity of the geographic information

Activities Start date End date Detection of the information included within the scope of application of the INSPIRE Directive that is not currently available in Spain because it is in analogue form in order to try to cover those gaps to the greatest extent possible. 01/07/2020 30/06/2024 Extension of the Implementation of Law 14/2010 to urban planning, education, tourism, history, as well as the former landscape, as well as others. 01/07/2020 30/06/2024 To promote the integration of the open geographic data and services in the procedures of the electronic administration 01/07/2020 30/06/2024 To strengthen the synergies of the production of official geographic data and services with the projects of voluntary geographic information 01/07/2020 30/06/2024"

"The objective of this commitment is to guarantee transparency in this field and to offer knowledge of the evolution in the rental market, improving the information available as a support instrument of public policies. It seeks to provide information through the Observatory of Housing and Land (OHL), improving the data regarding housing, carrying out a permanent monitoring of the evolution of the residential sector, analysing it from various perspectives and throughout the different phases of the process. In addition, it includes the most significant data regarding the restoration and rent, which constitute priority pillars of the Department in this field. In addition, it strives to carry out of an integration process of the housing sector with certain complementary fields, such as the urban and territorial planning, through the Urban Information System (UIS) or the Atlas of the Urban Areas.

Activities Start date End date Regular and special publications of the most significant data regarding housing. 01/01/2021 31/10/2024"

"In the Safe, Sustainable and Connected Mobility Strategy, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, debate and public participation are the base to promote a new integrative and inclusive approach among Administrations and with society, through a coordinated and cooperative action among the Public Administrations and competent authorities regarding mobility. The citizenry will be positioned at the centre of its actions, promoting an active process of citizen participation during all phases of defining the actions included, which will have as central pillars Security, Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability, the Fight against Climate Change, Intermodality, Innovation and Digitalisation.

Activities Start date End date 105 Creation of a web platform for participation, inspired by others carried out in Europe for ""public engagement"", such as the VOICES platform ( The feasibility of creating debate blogs about Strategy will be analysed. September 2020 June 2021 Carrying out surveys with specific questionnaires for each lobby, to gather in a rigorous and orderly manner the preferences and priorities in fields related to Strategy. ""Feedback"" mechanisms will be established for the participants. September 2020 January 2021 Organisation of Sessions to Present the ""Debate Document"" to the various lobbies. This will happen both in Madrid and in other cities. September 2020 January 2021 Organisation of a Session with political representatives in the scope of the Congress of Deputies for presenting the ""Debate Document"" of the Strategy. September 2020 September 2020 Organisation of an Event with Journalists to present the ""Debate Document"". September 2020 September 2020 Presentation of the Conclusions of the entire public participation process. Analysis of their impact on the final document that the Government approves. February 2021 April 2021"

"To equip the scientific community, public institutions, private actors and the citizenry as a whole of the basic elements (climate data) to study the climate and analysis of climate change. Given that it collects information by cities, it will facilitate and foment carrying out studies at the territorial and local level. The AEMET open data Website makes it possible to reuse the information in the sense established in Law 18/2015. This reuse consists of the use of information prepared and stored at AEMET by physical or legal people for commercial or non‐commercial purposes. AEMET now commits to include climate information from its BNDC in a Climate Open Data.

Activities Start date End date Creation of the Climate OpenData user interface 01/09/2020 31/03/2021"

"The objective of the commitment is to create the Open Registry of Climate Information of Spain (RAICES), supplying the climate data from various networks operated by the organisations of the Spanish Public Administrations in the first phase. In the second phase, it will be expanded to the private sector and the citizenry in general. The Open Registry of Climate Information of Spain is designed as a free and unique access system, without restrictions to all national climate data, respecting the legislative framework that governs the data policy of the participating institutions. Though it is unique access, the architecture of the system that sustains it would be distributed among the participating organisations. The data to incorporate would include at least the essential climate variables (physical and chemical properties of the atmosphere, oceanic and hydrological variables) defined by the Global Climate Observation System (GCOS) of the World Meteorological Organisation.

Activities Start date End date 106 Modify the AEMET Statute to assign it with the responsibility of RAICES and to establish it as a national reference. 01/09/2020 30/11/2020 Generate the national catalogue of climate observation networks existing in Spain 01/09/2020 31/10/2020 Define the climate variables that would be integrated into RAICES. 01/11/2020 30/11/2020 Design of the system architecture 01/12/2020 31/12/2020 Elaborate protocols to normalise the measures and exchange of data. 01/01/2021 01/03/2021 Implementation of RAICES 01/01/2021 31/08/2021"

"The modification of the Royal Decree of the Statute of the State Meteorology Agency and the inclusion of the competition to regulate the citizen collaboration regarding meteorology and climatology, has the objective of establishing the regulatory framework that facilitates the maintenance and expansion of the current network of stations maintained by collaborators. This will guarantee its long‐term continuity. Said regulation contains the relationship established between the citizenry and the administration and the elements necessary for adaptation to the budgetary regulations of nearly symbolic compensation that could be established for their work.

Activities Start date End date Modification of the AEMET Statute Establish procedures to affiliate meteorology collaborators and normalise the collection and sending of data 01/11/2021 30/10/2024"

"The objective of this initiative is to identify the different actors (competent administrations, public research organisations, civil society, scientists, NGOs, users and people concerned), and establish direct contact through participatory workshops in different phases of the design procedure and application of management plans of protected marine spaces (diagnosis; scientific knowledge, perception of problems and solutions; design of the management plans; involvement in their fulfilment), as well as in the strategies of governance, training and plans, and conservation strategies of endangered marine species.

Activities Start date End date Workshops to prepare management plans for spaces of the marine Natura 2000 Network. ‐ Holding participation workshops with all sectors involved to draft management plans of the 46 Areas of Special Protection for Birds. ‐ Holding initial workshops for drafting the management plans for the 10 Places of Community Interest. 1st six months of 2021 1st six months of 2022 2nd six months of 2021 1st six months of 2023 Workshops for the implementation of the Governance Strategy of the marine Natura 2000 Network and the Master Plan of the Network of Protected Marine Areas. ‐ Holding 4 participation workshops to expand the governance models in 2 areas selected according to the criteria contained in the Governance Strategy of the marine Natura 2000 Network. ‐ Holding 10 participation workshops to expand the governance models in 5 areas selected according to the criteria contained in the Governance Strategy of the marine Natura 2000 Network. 2021 2022 2021* 2022* 107 Workshops and other activities for drafting plans, strategies and protocols for the conservation of endangered marine species. ‐ Workshop to draft the conservation strategy of the Cory's shearwater. ‐ Workshop to draft the conservation strategy of the tufted cormorants. ‐ Opening of the preliminary public consultation process for drafting a conservation plan of the little shearwater and the Manx shearwater * These participation processes will continue to be developed until they are completed in 2023‐2024 4Q 2020 2Q 2021 4Q 2020 4Q 2020 2Q 2021 4Q 2020"

"The adaptation of the Meteoalerta Plan to the needs of the civil protection organisations, regional and local administrations and the citizenry itself, will contribute to the better protection of lives and assets through a management that is more adapted to the procedures of generating warnings about their proper use. For over 30 years, AEMET has been developing a National Prediction and Monitoring Plan of adverse meteorological phenomena (Meteoalerta Plan). The use of the warnings that are sent in the event of an adverse meteorological phenomena is conditioned by the use made of them by other organisations and by the communication channels through which they are sent to the citizenry. AEMET has undertaken an open participation process to regulate the warning emission procedures. The first phase will involve public administrations from the regional and local levels, and later it will also involve business groups and the citizenry (organisations of farmers, fishermen, transport, energy, etc.). The objective is to advance in the participation of other administrations, organisations and citizenry in the design of successive versions of Meteoalerta.

Activities Start date End date Meetings with Civil Protection managers of the 17 Autonomous Regions 01/05/2019 31/12/2020 Approval of version 9 of the Meteoalerta Plan 01/07/2021 31/08/2021"

Updating the composition and functioning of the State Council for the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity with the objective of improving the quality of the participation of the most representative professional, scientific, business, union and ecological organisations in the decision‐making related to the conservation and sustainable use of the natural heritage and biodiversity is the objective of modifying Royal Decree 948/2009 of 5 June, which determines the composition, functions and operating standards of the State Council for the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity. Activities Start date End date Approval of the modification of the Royal Decree End of 2020 End of 2021

"The objective of the commitment is to foster devotion and responsibility among the citizenry and Administrations for the defence of the maritime‐terrestrial public domain through establishing mechanisms to improve coastal governance in order to generate an integrated and participatory legislative framework. It includes the establishment of effective mechanisms of governance and participation in the process of reflecting on the necessary reconsideration of the legal regime of the maritime‐terrestrial public domain, generating an integrated regulation for the planning and management of the maritime‐terrestrial public domain in a participatory manner. This will result in guaranteeing a better future application of the standard and will foster greater devotion to the protection policy of the coast and sea. 108

Activities of the commitment Start date End date Resume the dialogue with the social actors involved in the coast. 2019 2022 Determine the most effective communication and internal coordination mechanisms with the rest of the Administrations involved in the planning and management of the maritime‐terrestrial public domain and implement them. 2019 2020 Explore possible strategic alliances for the planning and management of the maritime‐terrestrial public domain. 2019 2020 Receive, channel and study contributions from the citizenry and key sectors for the coast and sea regarding the priorities that are perceived in the planning of the coast and sea. 2019 2021 Generate work documents for a new integrated legislation of the maritime‐terrestrial public domain through participatory mechanisms. 2020 2022 Analyse the consideration of the legal regime of the maritime‐terrestrial public domain as a mechanism that incorporates the adaptation to climate change and the increase of the resiliency of spaces against it. 2019 2022"

"To design a participation strategy for the management of problems on the coast, it seeks to identify the different actions (competent, affiliates, users and concerned people) to establish contact with the actors identified in the different phases of the procedure (diagnosis; perception of problems and solutions; presentation of results), asking the actors about the problems that are of interest to them and being able to incorporate their concerns into the strategy (inventory of relevant actors).

Activities of the commitment Start date End date Strategies for the Protection of the Coast of Cádiz, Málaga and Almería 01/03/2019 01/03/2021"

"The objective of this project is to favour the knowledge and comprehension of the legal system by the beneficiaries and legal operators and offer legal information dissemination services that provide added value to the citizenry, professionals and companies, adding layers of value to the consolidated legislation accessible from the website of the official gazette through the following actions: a) Integration of the Pan‐Hispanic Dictionary of Legal Spanish of the Royal Spanish Academy into the consolidated legal database. b) Maintenance and expansion of the Digital Legal Library. c) Educational collection for the knowledge of the basic legal institutions in the life of a person. d) Maintenance and expansion of the new constitutional jurisprudence database. e) Expand and enrich the historical content of the State Agency of the Official State Gazette Agency. In particular, the Royal Academy of History (RAH) has a ""Biographical Dictionary"", that covers over 50,000 people in the History of Spain, and so the objective of both institutions is to interconnect the Gazette with this Dictionary, so that the reader of the Gazette who wants to expand knowledge of the characters outlined in it, can access their complete biography directly, from the website of the SAOSG.

Activities of the commitment Start date End date 109 Implementation of the activities described. 31/12/2020 31/10/2024"

"The objective of this commitment is to host activities that allow presenting and debating the results of the barometers and various studies carried out by the Sociological Research Centre, as well as establishing channels of participation of the citizenship as suggestion mailboxes or an ""open line"" in which the citizenship can submit proposals of topics so that they are the object of studies of this organisation.

Activities of the commitment Start date End date Implementation of the activities described.AS 01/01/2021 31/10/2024"

"Improve transparency regarding science and innovation in Spain, providing the citizenship with true information contained in the Information System of Science, Technology and Information (ISSTI). In addition, it will develop the skills map that will allow providing greater knowledge of science and innovation. It will provide information related to the financing, development and performance of Science and Innovation in Spain, public grants and their results, as well as the scientific and innovative capacities of the different regions to the citizenship and it will be disseminated through the website of the Ministry of Science. This will improve transparency and the dissemination of data of the Information System of Science, Technology and Information through its dissemination graphically and interactively.

Activities of the commitment Start date End date Dissemination graphically and interactively of the data of the ISSTI 01/01/2021 31/12/2021"

"Expand the information that receive the people concerned in relation to the accreditation evaluations. Establish mechanisms to communicate, detailed information of the score obtained by people concerned in their accreditation processes.

Activities of the commitment Start date End date Publication and communication of the information. 01/01/2021 31/10/2024"

"Promote participation procedures of the university community in the regulatory design of the core provisions of the university system beyond the mechanisms already contained in Law 50/1997 of 27 November of the Government. Achieve the greatest consensus possible, involving more actors to achieve a regulatory solutions that has the maximum support possible, taking into account the multiplicity of actors and interests, which many times oppose each other, in the university environment.

Activities of the commitment Start date End date Development and testing of the digital participation tool 01/01/2021 15/01/2021 Participation process The university that we need ‐ Distributed regionally 15/01/2021 14/07/2021 110 Drafting legislation with the results of the process 15/07/2021 01/10/2021 General States by the Universities ‐ Meetings and debates 15/09/2021 30/09/2021 Process of information and public consultation of the draft bill (Processes set forth by law) 01/10/2021 01/07/2022 Legislative processing for legal projects ‐ Parliamentary approval and debate 01/07/2022 01/12/2022"

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 9: Open Government Observatory

  • Verifiable: Yes
  • Does it have an open government lens? Yes
  • This commitment has been clustered as: Open government education and awareness-raising (Commitments 7, 8, and 9 of the action plan)
  • Potential for results: Modest
  • Additional Open local government initiatives

    Commitment 10: Open government initiatives by autonomous communities and cities and by FEMP. The IRM generally refers to the 53 additional open local government initiatives included in the action plan but assesses them individually.


    Open Government Partnership