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Publish mandate commitments to allow for social auditing (ES0053)



Action Plan: Spain Action Plan 2020-2024

Action Plan Cycle: 2020



Lead Institution: OGP Euskadi (Basque Government, Alava Provincial Council, Bizkaia Provincial Council and Gipuzkoa Provincial Council and City Council of Bilbao, Vitoria‐Gasteiz and Donostia‐ San Sebastián, Basque Innovation Agency ‐ Innobasque.

Support Institution(s): Other actors involved (Public) Other actors involved (Civil Society)  All organisations present in the regular forum of OGP Euskadi  Association of Councils of Álava (ACOA). Mestiza Association  Citizenship.  Bilbao Women's Council.  Euskadiko Gazteriaren Kontseilua.  Sareen Sarea.  Eusko Ikaskuntza.  Unicef Euskadi.

Policy Areas

Democratizing Decision-Making, Local Commitments, Public Participation, Social Accountability

IRM Review

IRM Report: Spain Action Plan Review 2020-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Pending IRM Review

Relevant to OGP Values: No Data

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


What is the problem/need that is desired to resolve with the commitment? Comply with Commitment 1 of the OGP Euskadi Action Plan about the "accountability through Mandate Plans": Law 19/2013 of transparency, access to public information and good governance obliges all administrations to publish the annual and multi‐annual plans and programmes in which specific objectives are established, as well as the activities, media and time set forth for its execution, as well as its degree of fulfilment and results (measurement and evaluation indicators) (art 6.2). Law 2/2016 of Euskadi Local Institutions establishes as an active advertising obligation the publication of the government plan, mandate plan or municipal action plan, when they exist, and periodically its degree of completion. (art. 52.1.c). However, this standard does not guarantee a common model for the entire Basque community, which is understandable and contributes to its activation in generating shared public value. For that reason, using the regulation as a lever, we are committed to build a Basque model of accountability of mandate plans with common criteria and social auditing principles. The accountability of mandate plans requires founding a culture and common methods for the three regional levels of administration that facilitate the citizenship to understand them and stimulate their participation in public affairs.

Objectives of the commitment Putting accountability into practise through mandate plans and citizen collaboration in its monitoring and evaluation to get a citizenship that participates more in public affairs. Consult the complete commitment sheet at‐compromisos/‐/rendicion‐de‐ cuentas‐a‐traves‐de‐planes‐de‐mandato/

Brief description of the commitment Build in a consensual and collaborative manner with the citizenship a basic and advanced standard of publishing information (what, how and when; and under what principles) about the mandate commitments for the Basque institutions (at the levels of autonomous regions, regional and local), which are parameterisable as a function of the regional level of the institution and its size—in the case of city councils—with a monitoring method that includes: monitoring reports, publication of datasets and displays of fulfilment that are understandable by the citizenship; and with a participation and communication plan based on social auditing. Operating/result objectives: 114 1) Agree to a common structure of information to publish in the mandate plans, adapted to the different levels of the Basque administration, which allow carrying out a monitoring of the fulfilment of the commitments, deadline deviations, execution of the expenditures and the overall quality of each action (results and impacts) • Related to the objectives of the 2030 Agenda • Associated with the result measurement and impact indicators (social, gender, environmental…) • Incorporating in all institutional levels a decalogue of issues in which there is a consensus of their priority and concern among the citizenship 2) Define a platform in its functional part (from a view of possible reuse) for the detailed online monitoring of the progress of the actions committed to, based on interactive graphic elements. Segment beneficiaries of the policies and adjust the channels and information to their interests, including participatory processes of social auditing. Identify the keys to guarantee social auditing. 3) Incorporate into the culture of our Administrations the routine of contrasting the implementation of projects with the opinion of the citizenship. Consult the technical sheet.‐compromisos/‐/rendicion‐de‐cuentas‐a‐traves‐de‐ planes‐de‐mandato/

How does the commitment contribute to solve the problem or cover the need? An accountability application has been developed that is being implemented in several dozen Basque institutions, mainly city councils. This Application allows showing more simply the political objectives and the specific commitments that are developed by Institutions that are normally not developing an accountability in a systematic manner. It is also a tool that allows developing certain control over the management of the municipal government programmes. OGP Euskadi is interested in this platform being tested by as many municipalities as possible in order to improve it with successive contributions.

Why is the commitment relevant with respect to the values of Open Government? It delves deeper into transparency, open data and accountability of Public Administrations through carrying out actions aimed at its improvement and the evaluation of the results of the plans and programmes Additional information The application can be viewed with a fictitious example (the town of Obaba from the novel by B. Atxaga) via the following link:

Activities of the commitment Start date End date 1. Confirmation of the interinstitutional work group and the group of commitment 1 03/09/2018 31/10/2018 2. Agree to principles of accountability and mandate plans 01/10/2018 30/04/2019 3. Establish, based on the collaboration with the experts, a preliminary proposal of categorisation of the elements that should incorporate the drafting process and accountability of a local Mandate Plan 28/02/2019 30/09/2019 4. Compare the proposal of the experts with the representatives of the Basque municipalities 01/10/2019 31/12/2019 115 5. Prepare and disseminate basic material to facilitate new city councils join the drafting process and accountability of a local Mandate Plan 01/12/2019 15/03/2020 6. Online presentation of the platform in a joint manner between the state and Euskadi OGP plans. 01/09/2020 15/10/2020 7. Select and monitor the implementation of number of pilot projects to implement local mandate plans in different sizes of municipalities. 15/10/2020 15/06/2021 8. Evaluation of the pilot plans. 01/09/2021 15/12/2021


Open Government Partnership