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Create citizen Monitoring Space for anti-corruption strategy (ES0055)



Action Plan: Spain Action Plan 2020-2024

Action Plan Cycle: 2020



Lead Institution: Generalitat de Catalunya

Support Institution(s): Other actors involved (Public)  Anti‐fraud office of Catalunya  Regional Audit Office  Regional Ombudsman Other actors involved (Civil Society)  Ostrom Institute of Catalunya  Citizen Against Corruption Observatory  College of Political Scientists and Sociologists of Catalunya

Policy Areas

Local Commitments, Public Participation, Sustainable Development Goals

IRM Review

IRM Report: Spain Action Plan Review 2020-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Pending IRM Review

Relevant to OGP Values: No Data

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


What is the problem/need that is desired to resolve with the commitment? Provide a space for citizen participation that monitors the advances in the strategy to fight against corruption and the strengthening of public integrity. To constitute a ‘Space of citizen participation and strategy monitoring’ that is in charge of monitoring the execution and degree of fulfilment of the commitments acquired for the "Strategy to Fighting against Corruption and the Strengthening of Public Integrity" promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya. The Strategy to Fight against Corruption should have a governance model that promotes transparency and accountability based on the participation of the citizenship in the supervision and control of its implementation.

Objectives of the commitment  To establish a mechanism that fosters transparency and accountability in the actions regarding the fight against corruption and strengthening of public integrity implemented by the Generalitat de Catalunya based on the Strategy.  To establish a governance model that fosters the empowerment and participation of the citizenship in the monitoring and supervision of the "Strategy to Fight against Corruption and Strengthening Public Integrity".  To contribute, through the creation of the Participation Space, to the construction of a system of public integrity.  To inform and raise awareness among the citizenship of the need to advance towards an Open Government, and the effective steps that are being taken in this direction.

Brief description of the commitment To Constitute a Participation Space for the citizenship that is in charge of supervising the Generalitat's Strategy to Fight against Corruption

How does the commitment contribute to solve the problem or cover the need? The creation of a space to monitor the citizenship within the governance model of the Strategy allows promoting transparency and accountability in several actions carried out, based on the participation of the citizenship in the supervision and control of the implementation process. It is an independent and unique space, due to:  the fact of having a commission entirely made up of the citizenship and representatives of organised civil society  the participatory method of electing by its members, in which equality has also been guaranteed. All of that, as part of the actions that the Generalitat de Catalunya is carrying out to advance in building a system of public integrity. 122

Why is the commitment relevant with respect to the values of Open Government? It promotes, strengthens and improves the quality of participation in the public management, allowing the citizenship to participate in making public decisions with the objective of achieving better results and better democratic quality Through the Participation Space, the citizenship will have an active role in monitoring the degree of fulfilment of the commitments and measures contained in the "Strategy to Fight against Corruption and Strengthening of Public Integrity". It delves deeper into transparency, open data and accountability of Public Administrations through carrying out actions aimed at its improvement and the evaluation of the results of the plans and programmes The members of the Citizen Participation Space will have constantly updated information regarding the state of each one of the actions and measures that are being carried out within the Generalitat de Catalunya's Strategy to Fight against Corruption. Quarterly, bi‐annual and annual reports will also be carried out to detail the progress and results of the strategy. In addition, beyond the Monitoring Space, the citizenship will have access to the information and progress of both the strategy and the contributions made by the Space, given that they will be announced through the different channels and media within the scope of the Generalitat. It contributes to building a system of public integrity, strengthening the ethical values and mechanisms to bolster the integrity of the public institutions and reinforce the trust of the citizenship The Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya is working to advance in the construction of a Government based on public integrity, transparency and ethics. For this reason, the governance model of the Strategy to Fight against Corruption has been designed under the criteria of transparency, openness and participation, contributing in this way to foster a higher degree of confidence in public institutions. It raises awareness among society and civil servants about the values of Open Government, contributing to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda in order to advance towards a just, peaceful and inclusive society The Citizen Participation Space for monitoring the "Strategy to Fight against Corruption and Promote Public Integrity" is a good example of the actions that are being taken by the Generalitat de Catalunya to promote the Open Government and advance towards a society that is more involved in public management. For that reason, as a new milestone in creating effective, responsible and transparent institutions—within the framework of the necessary advance towards an inclusive, just and peaceful society—the action will be transferred to society through different channels and communication media within its scope, with the objective of contributing to raising awareness among the citizenship and civil servants.

Additional information The Participation Space comprises ten people. Seven of them have been chosen by drawing from the people who formed part of the participatory process of the Strategy to Fight against Corruption under the criteria of equality. The other three are representatives of the organised civil society and have been elected by the Ostrom Institute of Catalunya, the Citizen Against Corruption Observatory and the College of Political Scientists and Sociologists of Catalunya. The president and secretary of the Space have also been elected. To implement the Strategy, a Support Programme has been implemented, which has the function of offering support to the Space in monitoring the Strategy. The implementation of the commitment will therefore be carried out with internal resources of the Generalitat de Catalunya. 123  Links of interest: Constitution of the Monitoring Space: Composition and functions of the Monitoring Space: %A8gia_Anticorrupci%C3%B3.pdf Strategy Monitoring Support (April 2020)‐SEGUIMENT‐ 1T2020.pdf

Activities of the commitment Start date End date  Plenary session 1 + drafting of the 1st report 15/07/2020 21/07/2020  Dissemination of the 1st report 21/07/2020 25/07/2020  Plenary session 2 + drafting of the 2nd report 15/01/2021 21/01/2021  Dissemination of the 2nd report 21/01/2021 25/01/2021  Plenary session 3 + drafting of the 3st report 15/07/2021 21/07/2021  Dissemination of the 3st report 21/07/2021 25/07/2021  Plenary session 4 + drafting of the 4th report 15/01/2022 21/01/2022  Dissemination of the 4th report 21/01/2022 25/01/2022  Final evaluation of results of the Monitoring Space 15/02/2022 21/02/2022


Open Government Partnership