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Develop and monitor ICSS platform for citizen feedback and information requests (ES0059)



Action Plan: Spain Action Plan 2020-2024

Action Plan Cycle: 2020



Lead Institution: Directorate General of Evaluation and Administrative Report (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration) and Agency for the Technological Modernisation of Galicia, Amtega (Presidency of the Galicia Regional Government)

Support Institution(s): Other actors involved (Public) Secretary General of the Presidency; Technical General Secretaries of the Ministries; instrumental entities of the public sector of the Autonomous Community of Galicia Other actors involved (Civil Society)

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Local Commitments, Public Participation, Right to Information, Sustainable Development Goals

IRM Review

IRM Report: Spain Action Plan Review 2020-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Pending IRM Review

Relevant to OGP Values: No Data

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


What is the problem/need that is desired to resolve with the commitment? The need to have an electronic application (Integrated Citizen Service System ‐ ICSS) that allows internally managing complaints, suggestions, requests for general information, as well as requests for access to public information.

Objectives of the commitment To improve and facilitate the processing of complaints, suggestions, requests for general and particular information, and requests for access to public information.

Brief description of the commitment Within the framework of the regulatory situation at the autonomous region level that established Decree 129/2016 of 15 September that regulates the citizen service in the public sector in the autonomous region of Galicia, the Integrated Citizen Service System (ICSS) has been developed, which consists of an electronic management tool that collects in one single point the processing related to all those complaints or suggestions, as well as the requests for general and specific information, and the access to public information that the citizenship wishes to present via different channels to the Galicia Regional Government (electronic, in‐person or via telephone). It consists of the design and implementation of an electronic application for the internal management and processing of both complaints and suggestions, requests for general and specific information and the requests for public information.

How does the commitment contribute to solve the problem or cover the need? The ICSS electronic application will allow homogeneously managing all complaints and suggestions, general, specific and public information requests made by the citizenship to different departments and entities of the public sector in the autonomous region of Galicia. The ICSS will provide the following advantages to the citizenship: ‐ Being attended through a single and comprehensive system. The ICSS guarantees the effective service to the citizenship through a comprehensive system. ‐ It is a multi‐channel system. It provides the citizenship with access through various channels to submit the information requests and complaints or suggestions. ‐ Obtaining a response. It provides a single response to the citizenship. ‐ Knowing what the status of their request is at any time. ICSS provides the citizenship with information on the situation and documentation of their record, regardless of its form of submission (electronic, in‐person or via telephone). ‐ It allows monitoring the processing of complaints, suggestions, claims or requests for information submitted by the citizenship from a single points through the integration in the Citizenship Folder. The ICSS will provide the following improvements to the Administration: ‐ Providing a single cross‐cutting tool for the Galicia Regional Government that manages the specific procedures for serving the citizenship. ‐ Electronically processing from beginning to end through simple processes that allow the distribution between units and the integration with the cross‐cutting tools of electronic administration of the Galicia Regional Government. ‐ Optimising the competencies and functions of the managers, homogenising the administration in the procedures that it will cover, in terms of deadlines and forms of action. ‐ Detecting and articulating the possible improvements to apply the appropriate modifications in the services and procedures in relation to the provision of services to the citizenship. 132

Why is the commitment relevant with respect to the values of Open Government? It promotes, strengthens and improves the quality of participation in the public management, allowing the citizenship to participate in making public decisions with the objective of achieving better results and better democratic quality It delves deeper into transparency, open data and accountability of Public Administrations through carrying out actions aimed at its improvement and the evaluation of the results of the plans and programmes It contributes to building a system of public integrity, strengthening the ethical values and mechanisms to bolster the integrity of the public institutions and reinforce the trust of the citizenship It raises awareness among society and civil servants about the values of Open Government, contributing to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda in order to advance towards a just, peaceful and inclusive society Additional information

Activities of the commitment Start date End date Development and implementation of an electronic application to manage complaints, suggestions, requests for general information, as well as requests for access to public information. 01/01/2021 01/10/2021 Monitoring the advantages obtained by the citizenship after the implementation of the ICSS application, in the processing of procedures through the ICSS application. 01/01/2022 30/06/2024 Monitoring the advantages obtained by the Galicia Regional Government after the implementation of the ICSS application, in the processing of procedures through the ICSS application. 01/01/2022 30/06/2024 Monitoring of the improvement plans drafted after the implementation of the ICSS application. 01/01/2022 30/06/2024


Open Government Partnership