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Offer electronic administrative services and channels for citizen participation (ES0060)



Action Plan: Spain Action Plan 2020-2024

Action Plan Cycle: 2020



Lead Institution: Directorate General of Evaluation and Administrative Report (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration) and Agency for the Technological Modernisation of Galicia, Amtega (Presidency of the Galicia Regional Government)

Support Institution(s): Other actors involved (Public) Secretary General of the Presidency; Technical General Secretaries of the Ministries; instrumental entities of the public sector of the Autonomous Community of Galicia Other actors involved (Civil Society)

Policy Areas

Local Commitments, Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Spain Action Plan Review 2020-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Pending IRM Review

Relevant to OGP Values: No Data

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


What is the problem/need that is desired to resolve with the commitment? Satisfying the demands of the citizenship, eliminating bureaucratic loads, avoiding requests for data that are already in the possession of the Administration, achieving the improvement of the management through the automation of processes and improving the citizen participation channels.

Objectives of the commitment To complete the digital configuration of the administrative procedures and improve the citizenship's channels of participation.

Brief description of the commitment To improve the decision making of the Galician government, strengthening the participation of the citizenship and the automation of administrative procedures.

How does the commitment contribute to solve the problem or cover the need? With this commitment and under the umbrella of Law 4/2019 of 17 June on digital administration in Galicia, the needs of the citizenship will be satisfied as follows: ‐The digital configuration of the administrative procedures will be completed so that they have function entirely on electronic means, thus offering services that are easy to use, are streamlined and have less of a bureaucratic load. ‐It will avoid requests for data by the citizenship that are already in the possession of the Administration. ‐It will increase the interoperability with the other public administrations to continue reducing the documents that the citizenship should submit in their relations with the Public Sector in the autonomous region of Galicia. ‐It will strengthen the “Citizenship Folder” that ill include all of the personal and administrative information available at the Public Administration in an orderly and simple manner, which will allow proactively offering customised public services in accordance with people's individual needs. ‐The channels of participation of all Galicians will be improved, including those who live abroad, through the creation of a “Specific Website for citizen participation”, that serves to channel, in a simple and effective manner, the demands and contributions of the citizenship and civil society organisations and that facilitates dialogue and improves the decision‐making of the Galician government.

Why is the commitment relevant with respect to the values of Open Government? It promotes, strengthens and improves the quality of participation in the public management, allowing the citizenship to participate in making public decisions with the objective of achieving better results and better democratic quality It delves deeper into transparency, open data and accountability of Public Administrations through carrying out actions aimed at its improvement and the evaluation of the results of the plans and programmes It contributes to building a system of public integrity, strengthening the ethical values and mechanisms to bolster the integrity of the public institutions and reinforce the trust of the citizenship 134 It raises awareness among society and civil servants about the values of Open Government, contributing to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda in order to advance towards a just, peaceful and inclusive society

Additional information Activities of the commitment Start date End date The completion of the digital configuration of the administrative procedures so that they have function entirely on electronic means, thus offering services that are easy to use, are streamlined and have less of a bureaucratic load. 01/06/2021 31/12/2023 Strengthening of the “Citizenship Folder” that ill include all of the personal and administrative information available at the Public Administration in an orderly and simple manner, which will allow proactively offering customised public services in accordance with people's individual needs. 01/01/2023 31/12/2023 Creation of a “Specific Website for citizen participation”, that serves to channel, in a simple and effective manner, the demands and contributions of the citizenship and civil society organisations and that facilitates dialogue and improves the decision‐ making of the Galician government. 01/06/2022 31/12/2023


Open Government Partnership