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Preparation and implementation of a Valencian strategy of open data (ES0071)



Action Plan: Spain Action Plan 2020-2024

Action Plan Cycle: 2020



Lead Institution: Ministry of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality. Valencian Community Regional Government. Directorate General of Transparency, Citizen Service and Good Governance

Support Institution(s): Other actors involved (Public) ‐ Other departments of the Valencian Community and its instrumental public sector. Especially the Directorate General of Technologies of Information and Communication (DGTIC), the Valencian Cartography Institute and Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society ‐ Provincial councils Other actors involved (Civil Society) Universities and infomediaries

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Local Commitments, Open Data, Sustainable Development Goals

IRM Review

IRM Report: Spain Action Plan Review 2020-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Pending IRM Review

Relevant to OGP Values: No Data

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


What is the problem/need that is desired to resolve with the commitment? In its activity, the administration generates a large volume of data that have great economic and social potential. However, these data are not taken advantage of because they are not open and accessible, or because they are not organised in formats and information systems that allow them to be reused. The analysis and management of data are of capital importance and they determine the success and capacity to innovate of governments and companies. In addition, as has been shown by the COVID‐19 crisis, data have an essential role in the accountability and trust of the citizenship. In a context like the current one, in which all actors of the globalised world are defining their models and strategies to take advantage of the opportunities of data, it is essential to take advantage of all the potentialities of public data and do so in a strategic and organised manner, taking into account criteria of ethics and public values.

Objectives of the commitment This commitment strives for data generated by the public administration to be open and reusable by default, in order to achieve the following objectives:  For the citizenship, civil society and companies to generate economic and social value based on reusing public data.  To improve public decision‐making and the quality of the services based on the analysis of data about the impact of public policies and administrative activity, thus promoting evidence‐based evaluation and decisions.  To promote accountability in the action of governing and public administration.  To promote the modernisation of the public administration in its internal functioning through interoperability and generalisation of the use of data. Brief description of the commitment Preparation and implementation of a Valencian strategy of open data for the openness and reuse of data in Valencian public administrations

How does the commitment contribute to solve the problem or cover the need? The preparation, development and implementation of a Valencian Open Data Strategy is the commitment of the Valencian Community to carry out the regulatory, technological, organisational and governance changes necessary to consolidate a Valencian model of governance of the data that allow all potentialities of the management of data to create economic and social value, to improve public decision‐making and to facilitate accountability, putting the 163 data at the service of the citizenship and public interest, and reinforcing ethics, and public and democratic values in the use thereof.

Why is the commitment relevant with respect to the values of Open Government? It promotes, strengthens and improves the quality of participation in the public management, allowing the citizenship to participate in making public decisions with the objective of achieving better results and better democratic quality. Open data represent a change in the way of understanding the relationship between the administration and the citizenship. It is based on the premise that it is necessary and appropriate to collaborate between the public institutions and the citizenship to jointly produce goods and products of social interest, and for that reason, an important part of the efforts are directed towards fostering and reinforcing the collaboration with the reuser agents of civil society. In addition, open data foster the empowerment of the citizenship to provide tools to participate in the public debate (directly or through infomediary agents) and citizen control of the public affairs from a place of informed knowledge. In turn, this will help improve the democratic quality and public debate. It delves deeper into transparency, open data and accountability of Public Administrations through carrying out actions aimed at its improvement and the evaluation of the results of the plans and programmes. The commitment especially contributes to these values. It is intended to carry out the necessary changes to achieve data openness from the design, and by default, in the administration and providing information and public data (with all of its potentialities) to serve the citizenship and the public interest. However, it is also intended to advance in a more sophisticated notion of transparency that allows guaranteeing the updating and quality of the information at the same time, which modernises the internal administrative management through the best efficiency in the processes. Finally, it also delves deeper into the accountability and improvement of public services, given that it allows, both the administration and the citizenship, to better evaluate the public policies and services through the analysis of data, thus favouring the better decision‐making and citizen control of public management. It contributes to building a system of public integrity, strengthening the ethical values and mechanisms to bolster the integrity of the public institutions and reinforce the trust of the citizenship. The availability of updated public data about public management and the activity of the administration and creation of tools for evaluation and accountability is one way of bringing the citizenship closer to the institutions and making transparency be a support for reinforcing confidence in the institutions. In addition, the cross‐cutting process of openness and reuse of public data will be combined with the definition of an ethics of the data that reinforces its public value and that is based on trust in the use of data by the citizenship. It raises awareness among society and civil servants about the values of Open Government, contributing to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda in order to advance towards a just, peaceful and inclusive society This commitment seeks to generate an impact both within the public administration and in society. Within the administration, it seeks to transversally change the culture and dynamic of functioning of the public organisations in order to guarantee a good management of data that is oriented towards the citizenship. In turn, this will be passed onto the training and awareness raising on the improvement opportunities that it represents. The openness of public information is conditioned to having information systems that allow providing the citizenship with quality data. For that reason, it is necessary to implement transparency and the openness of data from the design of both administrative procedures and in the creation of new information IT systems or adapting the existing ones, with the corresponding implication of the civil servant staff. With respect to society, it is essential to raise awareness among the citizenship about the possibilities of reuse that data openness allows for, both in terms of creation of new services, applications and products, and in the improvement of the evaluation of public management through the analysis of data. In addition, this commitment significantly contributes to achieving the sustainable development goals, such as Goal 9 in relation to technology and innovation and Goal 16 for promoting just peaceful and inclusive societies. With 164 respect to the latter, it corresponds to the goals of creating effective and transparent institutions that are accountable and guarantee public access to information.

Additional information ‐Generating value and knowledge through openness and reuse of data is one of the strategic lines that is contained within the Biennial Transparency Plan of the Generalitat that is currently in force (accessible at‐pla‐biennal‐de‐transparencia‐de‐la‐generalitat‐2019‐2021), specifically strategic line 5. This strategic line contains two measures: strategy to reuse public information from the Autonomous Region of Valencia and expansion of the data sets offered on the Open Data Website, favouring the interoperability and reuse. Measure 5.1. The strategy to reuse public information from the Autonomous Region of Valencia includes the following actions: 60. Autonomous Region strategy of open data: To prepare a new Autonomous Region strategy for open data that identifies and fosters the use of open data and their inclusion into the Open Data Website. 61. Preparation of an Open Data Guide: Drafting of a guide to identify and facilitate the publication of reusable data sets in the scope of the Administration of the Generalitat and its autonomous region bodies in the Open Data Website. 62. Qualitative improvement of the Open Data Website: To improve and redesign the Open Data Website, favouring its usability and providing it with new utilities that favour the use of open data coming from the Generalitat and its instrumental public sector. 63. Dissemination and promotion of the use of open data: Scheduling of actions to disseminate knowledge and foment the use of the open data offered on the Open Data Website of the Generalitat. 64. Geopositioning of publishable data: Strengthen the consultation and access to the data present on the transparency and open data Websites through including graphic displays for representing the geopositioned data. 65. Minimal and unique identification of the publishable data: To guarantee the homogeneity of the formats of the documents and the data sets published on the transparency and open data Websites of the Generalitat and guarantee the interoperability and integrity of the documentation and data provided to the citizenship. Measure 5.2. Expansion of the data sets offered on the Open Data Website and favouring the interoperability and reusable formats includes the following actions: 66. Identification of the data published on the Open GVA that can be incorporated into the Open Data Website: Increase the data sets available on the Open Data Website of the Generalitat. 67. Expansion of the content of the Open Data Website of the Generalitat: Identify, catalogue and expand the Generalitat's groups of public information that are provided to the citizenship through the Open Data Website and identify those groups that have already been published that must be updated. 68. Incorporation of the statistics prepared by the central body of statistics of the Generalitat into the Open GVA and Open Data Websites: Improve access to the statistical information provided by the Generalitat. The first action of this commitment, that is promoted by the project, has been the design and creation of a new open data Website oriented towards the reuse and development of a community of reusers with new sections, with new data sets of interest to the citizenship and with improvements and functionalities. This Website has been presented in June 2020. 165 In addition, the Generalitat is also promoting instruments in parallel to better manage the data, such as the Artificial Intelligence Strategy for the Autonomous Region of Valencia ( ).

Activities of the commitment Start date End date Organising and involving the transparency units and commissions of the ministries, within the framework of the interdepartmental technical transparency commission, in coordinating the process of openness and reuse of data in each Ministry. September 2020 December 2020 Preparation of the coordination and monitoring procedure for the update and improvement of the open data Website. September 2020 February 2021 Approval of a new transparency and good governance law that establishes the bases to reach openness from the design, and by default September 2020 February 2021 Adherence to the International Open Data Letter January 2021 March 2021 Preparation and approval of the Valencian open data strategy January 2021 December 2021 Implementation of the Valencian open data strategy January 2022 June 2023 Incorporation of data sets of agreements with priority and value and improvement of the open data Website September 2020 December 2022 Carrying out actions of dissemination, discussion and collaboration for the consolidation of an ecosystem of reuser agents January 2021 December 2022 Development of collaboration mechanisms for the openness and sharing of data between all Valencian public administrations, especially local entities September 2020 December 2021 Evaluation and monitoring January 2023 December 2023


Open Government Partnership