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Streamline processing of right to information requests (ES0084)



Action Plan: Spain Action Plan 2020-2024

Action Plan Cycle: 2020



Lead Institution: Extremadura Autonomous Community. First Vice Presidency and Ministry of Finance and Public Administration. General Secretary of Digital Administration.

Support Institution(s): Other actors involved (Public) Central Government, Administrations of the Autonomous Regions, Autonomous Cities and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) Other actors involved (Civil Society) Representative and non‐representative unions, professors and experts in the matter, associations of consumers and users and civil servants in general.

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Capacity Building, Local Commitments, Right to Information

IRM Review

IRM Report: Spain Action Plan Review 2020-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Pending IRM Review

Relevant to OGP Values: No Data

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


What is the problem/need that is desired to resolve with the commitment? The right of access of the citizenship to constitutionally and legally recognised public information must be guaranteed by the governing bodies, services and administrative units in which the Administration of the Extremadura Autonomous Community is organised. It is intended to clarify the concept of public information, which is considered to include everything that results from its activity, functioning and organisation, including administrative records that are concluded, proposing measures that contribute to the simplification with respect to the cases in which exercising this right is denied must be justified and explained according to the specific purposes that result from the mere lack of identification or another formal aspect of the request.

Objectives of the commitment Law 4/2013 of 21 May, of the Open Government of Extremadura formulates in its Article 15.1 the right of access to public information in the following way: “The right of access will be configured as an obligation to provide and disseminate information in a constant, true, objective and accessible manner, in order to guarantee the transparency of the political activity, public management and thus promote the involvement of the citizenship. To exercise this right, it will not be necessary to justify the request or invoke this law”. Once this Community has established the standards of access to public information within its Transparency and Citizen Participation Website, and with the experience contained throughout recent years, it is intended to improve the management processes, categorising the requests received regarding public information, active advertising and general and/or specific administrative information.

Brief description of the commitment To streamline the management periods in order to respond to the information requests that are presented, reordering the processing of the request. Once the analysis of the information that is needed has been carried out, it should be possible to define what time of information is being requested and determine the type of information has been requested, making a distinction between general and/or specific administrative information, active advertising and public information.

How does the commitment contribute to solve the problem or cover the need? Any physical or legal person can request access to public information, in compliance with their right of access to public information contained in Law 19/2013 of 9 December on transparency, access to public information and good governance, and Law 4/2013 of 21 May on Open Government in Extremadura. It strives to streamline the processing of said information requests, searching for a compromise of quick resolution and not taking too long, thus achieving an administration that is closer to the citizenship and is more responsive.

Why is the commitment relevant with respect to the values of Open Government? This project is delving deeper into improving the transparency and accountability of Public Administrations. 203

Additional information Digital Modernisation Plan of the Extremadura Regional Government. 2020‐2024 2014‐2020 FEDER Funds Operating Programme. Extremadura

Activities of the commitment Start date End date 1. Design, drafting and approval of the internal instruction of access to public information and guide. 01/10/2020 15/02/2021 2. Training and implementation of the tools selected for technological support of management. 16/02/2021 15/05/2021 3. Start of executing the initial action. 16/05/2021 15/09/2021 4. End of the initial action. 16/09/2021 31/12/2021


Open Government Partnership