Create plan to strengthen the Network of Local Entities in Transparency and Participation (ES0105)
Action Plan: Spain Action Plan 2020-2024
Action Plan Cycle: 2020
Lead Institution: Network/FEMP. Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP)
Support Institution(s): Other actors involved (Public) Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function Sectoral Commission of Open Government Transparency control organisations (state and autonomous regions) Universities Other actors involved (Civil Society) Open Government Forum
Policy Areas
Anti Corruption and Integrity, Capacity Building, Local Commitments, Open Contracting, Public Participation, Sustainable Development GoalsIRM Review
IRM Report: Pending IRM Review
Early Results: Pending IRM Review
Design i
Verifiable: Pending IRM Review
Relevant to OGP Values: No Data
Ambition (see definition): No Data
Implementation i
Completion: Pending IRM Review
What is the problem/need that is desired to resolve with the commitment? The Network of Local Entities by transparency and citizen participation of the FEMP (network) was created by the Governing Body of the FEMP on 24 February 2015, even though its activity did not start until the Constituent Assembly was held on 5 May 2016. 241 local entities comprised it on 31 December 2019 in addition to different social observers and collaborators. Therefore, there is a significant number of local entities that can still form part of the network. The 3rd Open Government Plan included a commitment to promote said network. As a result of this commitment, the network was able to be emphasized with a broad institutional recognition both at the political and technical levels, and the introduction of transparency tools was promoted in the group of local entities, after the initiatives were recognised in the different cases. However, knowledge of the existence of the network and the advantages it implies is still not widely known among the group of local entities and the citizenship. In a situation of social and economic recovery after COVID‐19, it is necessary to satisfy the needs of transparency, access to public information and open data that the local entities should offer to the citizenship, and also to incorporate and promote participation procedures in the design and implementation of public policies that are articulated in the local environment to overcome the economic crisis after the pandemic, in addition to other public policies that may be carried out. In addition, even though in recent years an effort has been made to raise awareness and train civil servants in the local scope about the principles of open government, training needs are still detected among the public servants of the local scope. This hinders the cultural change based on the principles of transparency and participation. The recommendations of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) indicate that it is necessary to have an integral strategy of the administrations and civil society to be effective in fulfilling the objectives aimed at the actual materialisation of open government. This means that all levels of government must jointly get closer to the citizenship and become more transparent and participatory. At the local administration level, it must continue advancing in these recommendations, supporting between it and the other levels of government and other actors.
Objectives of the commitment To promote and strengthen the Network of Local Entities in Transparency and Participation to make it into the largest organisation in the territorial scope with the sustained growth of shareholders, observers and collaborators, which also allows offering an overview of open government. To raise awareness among the citizenship that resides in the scope of local entities, especially in areas affected by depopulation or ageing, about the principles of open government. To train the public employees of the local entities on open government. 247
Brief description of the commitment It consists of a series of actions that revolve around three strategies: 1. The development of a Plan for the Promotion and Strengthening of the Network of Local Entities on Transparency and Citizen Participation of the FEMP, supported through the development of communication actions on traditional media, social media and the Internet through directed actions that allow crating spaces of dialogue and debate among its members, with the participation of experts and advising measures, support, and promotion of initiatives among its members. 2. The development of a Dissemination and Awareness Raising Plan among the citizenship for the knowledge and exercise of their democratic rights of access to information and participation in public affairs. 3. The design and implementation of a Training Plan directed toward politicians and civil servants in the local scope with the objective of generalising a change in the way of thinking and behaviour towards the values of open government.
How does the commitment contribute to solve the problem or cover the need? The actions of communication, debate, participation, support and promotion of transparency by the local entities will contribute to strengthen the notoriety of the Network and to increase its number of partners, among others. The awareness raising actions will contribute to achieving SDG 16: more just, peaceful and inclusive societies in the local scope. With the training of public employees, it will contribute to achieving the two aforementioned objectives.
Why is the commitment relevant with respect to the values of Open Government? To promote, strengthen and improve the quality of participation in the public management, allowing the citizenship to participate in making public decisions with the objective of achieving better results in the management of public affairs and better democratic quality. The promotion of citizen participation, for example, through the participatory budgets in the local scope, among others, is increasingly a reality that advances in line with participatory governance. It delves deeper into transparency, open data and accountability of Public Administrations through carrying out actions aimed at its improvement and the evaluation of the results of the plans and programmes. The Network strives to continue impacting these aspects with specific actions. It raises awareness among society and civil servants about the values of Open Government, contributing to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs in order to advance towards a just, peaceful and inclusive society. For that reason, the commitment seeks to raise awareness among the local employees regarding the values of open government. Therefore, training activities are essential. In addition, the citizenship must be connected with so that they can enjoy all of the advantages of open government.
Additional information Las acciones y actividades serán llevadas a cabo con presupuesto propio de la RED a lo largo de los próximos 4 años con una evaluación a medio recorrido a los 2 años. Las actividades se podrán compartir a través del CANAL RED, el nuevo Website WEB de la RED y del Website de Transparencia de la AGE. 248
Activities of the commitment Start date End date 1. Reinforcement plan of the network in local entities for transparency and citizen participation of the FEMP: 1.1. Communication actions on mass communication media, the Internet and social media. (Media: Network Channel, new website of the network, Twitter, Facebook). 1.2. Organisation of directed actions: forums, panels, debates, meetings, presentations and workshops. (Coordinated through the work groups) 1.3. Regular meetings of the operating bodies of the Network. (Quarterly with an ordinary character) 1.4. Carrying out studies of interest for the local communities and the identification of needs and monitoring of the advances of the local entities in OG policies (held annually after 2021) 1.5. Creation of a Bank of good practises on Open Government: Based on the current and implementation of the Award on Innovation in OG 1.6. Advising and support measures for the local entities on Open Government: 1.6.1 Consultation email: (during the entire period) 1.6.2 Collaboration agreements with control entities 01/10/2020 30/06/2024 2. Dissemination and awareness raising plan Informative and open door sessions, debates, workshops, lectures. (Open Administration Week) 01/10/2020 30/06/2024 3. Training Plan of civil servants in the local scope. (Pilot plan October 2020 to September 2021) 3.1 Identification of training needs in this subject area at the local level. 3.2 Design of a training plan 3.3. Execution of the training plan 3.4 Evaluation of the training plan 3.5 Presentation in Public and Private Study Centres specialised in training Public Officials on the products and activities of the Network (Publications of the Network) 01/10/2020 30/06/2024 249 3.6 Promotion of socially responsible contracting at the local level. The new strategic public contracting model imposed by the European Directives and introduced by Law 9/2017 of 8 November on Public Sector Contracts, is based on the improvement of public policies through the Contracting. To do so, it is committed to a socially responsible contracting that is committed to the social, environmental, integrity and information values that perfectly fit as tools to achieve the SDGs and 2030 Agenda. For its implementation, the following measures are proposed: ‐ To promote the use of social, environmental and innovation criteria in the public contracting at all levels of the public sector through training, awareness raising and standardisation (through documents prepared by the Network) ‐ To analyse the use of the reserved contracts and their impact on public contracting (specific study) ‐ To foment the inclusion of special conditions of execution of ethical, social and environmental nature in public sector contracting (Preparation of models) ‐ To open spaces of dialogue and collaboration with civil society and representative actors (like the socially responsible Contracting Forum) to improve the strategic vision of public contracting for fulfilling the SDGs. (Collaboration with partners) 4. Training (education) 4.1 Incorporation of OG topics in the Training Plan for local employees of the FEMP. 2021 FEMP Plan and the following 4.2. Incorporation of OG topics in the Training Plan for elected officials of the FEMP. 4.3. Development of training actions with other public bodies and civil society (through agreements with observers and collaborators) 01/10/2020 30/06/2024 5. Exchange and joint creation of tools 5.1. Meetings on the Network for collaborators and observers. Held annually. 5.2. Drafting of a Help Guide for the promotion of Data Openness and its reuse by Local Entities. 2021 5.3. Maintenance and expansion of the shared Database of interpretive criteria about the right of access to information. 5.4. Meeting for the promotion and development of the local Code of Good Governance. 2021. Code of the FEMP 01/10/2020 30/06/2024