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Goias, Brazil

Promoting Civic Education and Increasing Social Participation (BRGIS0001)



Action Plan: Action plan – State of Goias, Brazil, 2024 – 2026

Inception Report: Not available

Commitment Start: Jan 2025
Commitment End: Oct 2026

Institutions involved:

  • State General Comptroller's Office of Goiás
  • Federal University of Goiás.
  • Associação Goiana de Imprensa -AGI
  • Union of Government Managers of Goiás
  • State Secretariat of Education (SEDUC)
  • State Secretariat of Infrastructure (SEINFRA)
  • Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (EMATER)
  • Legislative Assembly of Goiás
  • National Traffic Department (DETRAN - GO))
  • State Secretariat of Health (SES -GO))

Primary Policy Area:

Primary Sector:

OGP Value:

  • Civic Participation


Commitment ID


Commitment Title

Promote civic education and increase social participation, through gamified programs, using civic audits


The limited participation of society and the lack of public awareness about mechanisms for social participation result in a significant gap in the effectiveness of public policies. This scenario is exacerbated by the lack of engagement among younger generations in inspection and social control processes, which perpetuates a culture of low expectations regarding improvements and government accountability. Additionally, the absence of innovative and dynamic educational initiatives that connect young people to the practice of civic monitoring limits the promotion of a more conscious and participatory society. This context culminates in a public administration vulnerable to errors in resource allocation, waste, and irregular practices.

Status quo

Currently, social participation in public management control and monitoring processes is limited, with a significant portion of the population unaware of available tools to monitor the allocation of public resources. In schools, initiatives aimed at civic education and auditing are rare, resulting in a disconnection between young people, transparency, and accountability practices. Despite the existence of legislation that encourages transparency, its applicability is still uneven, especially in local contexts.


The commitment actions are:
- Co-create new civic audits and implement them in the areas of transportation, infrastructure, health, and penitentiaries, among others.
- Certify citizens through the Citizenship Ambassadors Program, providing theoretical and practical experience and encouraging the co-creation of community solutions.
- Consolidate the Students of Attitude Program, transforming students into civic auditors and leaders in addressing school challenges.
With these actions, the commitment aims to expand the reach of civic audits, an already consolidated social technology that promotes direct participation by citizens in identifying public problems and co-creating practical and effective solutions. The commitment also seeks to train citizens to become agents of transformation in their communities.

How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem described above?

Expected products include structured projects and programs that promote and apply civic audits and other social participation tools in public spaces and public policies. These products will be essential to strengthen initiatives that engage citizens and expand their role in monitoring and supervising public management. it is expected to stimulate social oversight, strengthen the relationship between citizens and public institutions, and promote efficiency, transparency, and sustainability in public administration.

What long-term goal as identified in your Open Government Strategy does this commitment relate to?

The commitment to "Promoting civic education and increasing social participation" through gamified programs using civic audits is directly related to the long-term goal of institutionalizing the open government ecosystem as a solid and continuous public policy that values citizen participation and active civic engagement. By promoting civic education and using gamified tools, the commitment aims to empower citizens, provide easy access to information, and encourage active participation in government decisions, contributing to a culture of collaboration and strengthening the government's ability to be responsive to the demands of civil society. These actions are aligned with the purpose of fostering enlightened self-interest and consolidating participatory and effective governance in the State of Goiás.

Primary Policy Area

Audits & Controls, Social Accountability

Primary Sector

Education, Public Services (general)

What OGP value is this commitment relevant to?

Civic Participation The commitment is relevant to promoting citizen participation because it addresses structural and cultural barriers that make it difficult for the population to engage in democratic processes and monitor government actions.


3 Milestones

Co-create new civic audits and implement them in the areas of transportation, infrastructure, health, penitentiaries, among others

Start Date01/2025
End Date10/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Certify citizens through the Citizenship Ambassadors Program, providing theoretical and practical experience and encouraging the co-creation of community solutions.

Start Date01/2025
End Date12/2025
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Consolidate the Students of Attitude Program, transforming students into civic auditors and leaders in addressing school challenges.

Start Date01/2025
End Date10/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete


Open Government Partnership