Consolidating the State of Goiás as a reference in public transparency. (BRGIS0003)
Action Plan: Action plan – State of Goias, Brazil, 2024 – 2026
Inception Report: Not available
Commitment Start: Jan 2025
Commitment End: Oct 2026
Institutions involved:
- State General Comptroller's Office of Goiás (CGE)
- Union of Government Managers of Goiás (SINDGESTOR)
- Union of Government Managers of Goiás (SINDGESTOR)
- Federation of Commercial, Industrial, Business, and Agricultural Associations of the State of Goiás (FACIEG)
- State Secretariat of Administration (SEAD)
- General Directorate of Penal Police (DGPP -GO)
- State Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply of Goiás
- Goiana Agency for Regulation, Control, and Supervision of Public Services (AGR)
- Goiana Agency for Infrastructure and Transportation (GOINFRA)
- Vice-Governor's Office of the State of Goiás
- State Secretariat of Infrastructure (SEINFRA)
- State Secretariat of Civil Affairs
- Saneamento de Goiás S.A -SANEAGO
- State Secretariat of Health of Goiás (SES)
- General Secretariat of Government of the State of Goiás
- Goiás Development Agency S.A - GOIÁS FOMENTO
- State Secretariat of Social Development of Goiás (SEDS)
Primary Policy Area:
Primary Sector:
OGP Value:
- Access to information
Commitment ID
Commitment Title
Consolidate the State of Goiás as a reference in public transparency, aligned with national and international indicators, and co-create the concept of proactive transparency.
The lack of universal access to public information in the State of Goiás limits the full exercise of social oversight and reduces trust in public institutions. Currently, Transparency Portals and other institutional websites provide a large amount of information, but much of it is rarely accessed by the population. The dissemination of information is not always aligned with national and international transparency standards, resulting in unequal access to information and difficulty in understanding by the population, especially vulnerable groups. This hinders citizen participation in governance processes and can lead to less informed decisions, administrative inefficiency, and a perception of opacity in public management.
Status quo
Currently, we observe that citizens show low interest in public information, with an annual average of 1,500,000 views on the Transparency Portal, with the highest percentage (almost 50%) of these accesses corresponding to the Payroll of our public servants, while other available information remains rarely accessed. Although the Transparency Portals and institutional websites offer a vast amount of data, social oversight over public resources is limited, and citizens' contributions to improving public transparency are still scarce.
The commitment consists of several actions aimed at improving the transparency of public administration in Goiás:
- Create an open data plan and portal using key national rankings;
- Enhance the Goiás+ Transparency Award for both direct and indirect administration;
- Define metrics to evaluate the quality and responsiveness of information requests (LAI/Passive)
- Implement a proactive transparency policy to provide citizens with relevant information directly, without the need for prior requests or searching through portals;
- Promote open data hackathons with awards to foster knowledge production and the creation of data-driven solutions, supporting public policies;
- Adopt the Atricon Matrix as a tool for evaluating and monitoring public transparency, maintaining compliance with 95% to 100% of the criteria.
Expected Results:
- Enhanced Public Transparency;
- Increased Citizen Engagement;
- Greater Accountability.
The overall objective of this commitment is to make the State of Goiás a leading example in public transparency by adopting proactive measures to ensure that government data is readily accessible, understandable, and useful. This commitment seeks to improve public trust, encourage civic engagement, and foster a culture of open government where transparency and participation are integral to public administration.
How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem described above?
The commitment to consolidating the State of Goiás as a reference in public transparency, combined with the co-creation of the concept of proactive transparency, directly contributes to solving the identified challenges, ensuring that public information is not only made available but also accessible, understandable, and useful for the entire population. The adoption of a proactive approach to providing data, and anticipating citizens' needs, reduces inequality in access to information and strengthens social oversight. Additionally, the inclusion of participatory mechanisms, such as the co-creation of solutions, increases civic engagement and promotes greater trust in the government.
What long-term goal as identified in your Open Government Strategy does this commitment relate to?
This commitment is directly related to the long-term objective of promoting transparency and strengthening citizen participation, as identified in the Open Government Strategic Vision. By consolidating the State of Goiás as a reference in public transparency and implementing the concept of proactive transparency, the aim is to ensure that public information is accessible, understandable, and useful for the entire population, promoting an environment of greater social oversight and civic engagement. This alignment reinforces the government's commitment to open, efficient, and inclusive public management, which is essential for building a more participatory, trustworthy, and fair society.
Primary Policy Area
Open Data, Right to Information
Primary Sector
Media and Telecommunications, Public Services (general)
What OGP value is this commitment relevant to?
Access to information | This commitment seeks to ensure that public information is not only made available but also presented in an accessible, understandable, and relevant manner for all citizens, in line with national and international standards and best practices. By implementing the concept of proactive transparency, the commitment aims to anticipate societal demands, reducing access barriers such as technical language and disorganized data. |