Strengthening open governance, and aligning public policies with the SDGs (BRGIS0004)
Action Plan: Action plan – State of Goias, Brazil, 2024 – 2026
Inception Report: Not available
Commitment Start: Jan 2025
Commitment End: Oct 2026
Institutions involved:
- State General Comptroller's Office of Goiás (CGE)
- Federal University of Goiás
- Goiana Press Association (AGI)
- Union of Government Managers of Goiás (SINDGESTOR)
- State University of Goiás
- Municipal Audit Court (TCM)
- tate Secretariat of Infrastructure (SEINFRA)
- Goiana Agency for Infrastructure and Transportation (GOINFRA)
- Research Support Foundation of the State of Goiás - FAPEG
- Goiana Agency for Regulation, Control, and Supervision of Public Services (AGR)
- State Secretariat of Administration of Goiás (SEAD)
- National Traffic Department - DETRAN-GO
- Development Agency of Goiás S.A - Goiás Fomento
- Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company of the State of Goiás - EMATER
Primary Policy Area:
Primary Sector:
OGP Value:
- Technology and Innovation for Transparency and Accountability
Commitment ID
Commitment Title
Strengthen open governance with innovative technologies, aligning public policies with the SDGs. And guarantee the sustainability and scientific development of the Open Government Policy
Open governance faces structural challenges that compromise its efficiency and social impact. Low access to transparency pages and limited integration of public digital platforms reflect the need for a more robust, intuitive, and accessible ecosystem. There is also a gap in the adoption of innovative technological tools, which makes it difficult to expand citizen participation and social control, fundamental elements for strengthening accountability and trust in institutions.
Status quo
The direct and indirect administration information access pages lack integration and interactivity, which results in low social engagement and difficulty in exercising social control. Another important point is the lack of innovative technological tools and the limited training of civil servants in open governance practices that compromise the implementation of more inclusive and participatory public policies.
The commitment aims to strengthen open governance by incorporating innovative technologies and aligning public policies with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also focuses on ensuring the sustainability and scientific development of the Open Government Policy in the State of Goiás, fostering a collaborative environment where transparency, engagement, and efficiency are prioritized. This commitment includes five actions to enhance open governance and align with international best practices:
- Train and engage 2000 public servants in open government;
- Encourage participation in national and international congresses, encouraging the production and dissemination of knowledge;
- Advise municipalities in Goiás participating in the Municipal Compliance Program in the process of joining the OGP Local;
- Establish partnership networks with non-governmental organizations and academic institutions focusing on scientific productions;
- Create a gamified platform that brings together the State's entire open government ecosystem
Expected Results:
- Strengthened Technical Capacity;
- Increased Civic Engagement;
- Expanded Best Practice Adoption;
- Enhanced Knowledge Sharing and Sustainability.
The overall objective of this commitment is to institutionalize open government practices throughout public administration, ensuring that the principles of transparency, accountability, and citizen participation are embedded in governance.
How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem described above?
- Gamified Platform and Integrated Ecosystem: The creation of an innovative, gamified digital platform aims to centralize the open government ecosystem, expanding access to public information and offering an intuitive and interactive interface. This will enhance citizen engagement and facilitate social oversight, aligning with transparency and accountability guidelines.
- Training of Public Servants: The training and engagement of 2,000 public servants in open government practices contribute to strengthening technical and institutional capacity, fostering more inclusive public policies aligned with international best practices.
- Promotion of Scientific Knowledge: Encouraging scientific production, participation in conferences, and the dissemination of best practices creates a cycle.
- Strategic Partnership Networks: Establishing partnerships with non-governmental organizations and academic institutions creates a collaborative environment for knowledge exchange and innovation, strengthening the integration of the government with civil society and academia.
- Technical Support to Municipalities: Providing technical evaluation to municipalities within the framework of the Municipal Compliance Program and the process of joining the local OGP promotes the replication of best practices and expands the reach of open governance initiatives, positively impacting social and economic development.
What long-term goal as identified in your Open Government Strategy does this commitment relate to?
The commitment is related to the long-term goal of institutionalizing the open government ecosystem as a solid and continuous public policy, aligned with new technologies and the needs of citizens. By enhancing open governance through innovative technologies and ensuring sustainability as well as the scientific advancement of the open government policy, the commitment aims to foster an environment in which data is readily accessible, thereby promoting a culture of collaboration and public trust. Additionally, by aligning public policies with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it contributes to participatory and effective governance, where citizen participation is a valued and consistent practice.
Primary Policy Area
Civic Space, Digital Governance
Primary Sector
Public Services (general)
What OGP value is this commitment relevant to?
Technology and Innovation for Transparency and Accountability | By incorporating innovative technologies and aligning public policies with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the commitment aims to enhance public transparency and accountability through modern tools and methods. The use of a gamified platform, the development of a proactive transparency policy, and the creation of partnership networks are examples of how technology and innovative approaches are being leveraged to improve public access to information and promote citizen engagement. |