Africa and the Middle East Regional Meeting
The 2022 OGP Africa and the Middle East Regional Meeting is taking place on November 1-3 in Marrakech, Morocco.
Action Plan 5
Tunisia’s fifth action plan largely continues ongoing reforms to strengthen government transparency. It includes promising commitments to continue opening data, with a focus on public project performance and environmental data. Commitments with the most promise also seek to strengthen fiscal transparency and support open government at the municipal level. (More)
The 2022 OGP Africa and the Middle East Regional Meeting is taking place on November 1-3 in Marrakech, Morocco.
Now is the time for governments to invest in reforms that can accelerate and improve how they deliver quality education, healthcare, water and sanitation, and supportive infrastructure.
Help co-create OGP's new strategy. This page is your go-to resource for all the materials you need to host and join conversations and share your views on how OGP can tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Point of Contact
2025, IRM Report, Web page
2025, Report Comments, Web page
2024, IRM Report, Web page
2024, Report Comments, Web page
2024, Action Plan, Web page
2023, Inception Report, Web page
2023, IRM Report, Web page
2022, Action Plan, Web page
2022, Letter, Web page
2022, Letter, Web page
2022, IRM Report, Web page
2022, Report Comments, Web page
2021, Action Plan, Web page
2021, Action Plan, Web page
2021, IRM Report, Web page
2021, Action Plan, Web page
2021, Report Comments, Web page
2021, IRM Report, Web page
2021, Letter, Web page
2021, Letter, Web page
2021, Letter, Web page
2021, Letter, Web page
2021, Report Comments, Web page
2020, IRM Report, Web page
2020, Report Comments, Web page
2020, IRM Report, Web page
2018, Action Plan, Web page
2018, Report Comments, Web page
2018, Letter, Web page
2017, Self Assessment, Web page
2017, IRM Report, Web page
2017, IRM Report, Web page
2016, Action Plan, Web page
2016, Self Assessment, Web page
2016, IRM Report, Web page
2016, IRM Report, Web page
2015, Action Plan, Web page
2015, Self Assessment, Web page
The following variables answer the question “Did this commitment open government?“, and focus on how government practices have changed as a result of the commitment’s implementation.
No IRM data
Pending IRM Review
Starred commitments in OGP are one of the ways the IRM designates promising reforms. The graph below shows where the major areas for improvement in action plan design and implementation should take place based on past action plans.
Stars (Global average 7%)
Focus on implementation
Focus on design
Pending IRM review
No IRM data
Focus on objectives and impact (ambition/potential impact)
Focus on relevance to open government
Focus on verifiability
This table shows: 1) the level of public influence during the development and implementation of OGP action plans, 2) whether consultations were open to any member of the public or only to those invited; and 3) whether a forum existed that met regularly.
Participation was closed
Participation was open to any interested party
No IRM data
Pending IRM review
Collaborate: Iterative dialogue and public helped set agenda
Involve: Government gave feedback on public inputs
Consult: Public gave input
Inform: Government provided public with information on plan
The data below is drawn from the 2019 OGP Global Report. You can view and learn more about the report here.
This section captures how each OGP member can play a leadership role, based on IRM-based findings and third-party scores. This list does not cover all of open government and OGP members are not required to take any action.
These are recommendations on the role that each OGP member might play in each policy area. The recommendations are derived from a combination of the IRM-based findings and third-party scores.
Reflect the performance of commitments in a particular policy area, as assessed by the IRM.
(NC) No Commitments
(CA) Commitment(s) in the policy area.
(IR) IRM-Reviewed: At least one IRM-assessed commitment.
(C) Was Complete: At least one commitment was substantially or fully completed.
(A) Was Ambitious: At least one commitment with moderate or transformative potential impact.
(ER) Showed Early Results: At least one commitment opened government in a “Major” or “Outstanding” way.
Reflect “real-world” performance, i.e., performance outside of the OGP framework. Scores are comprised of various indicators collected by respected organizations.
IRM-Based Findings
IRM-Based Findings
IRM-Based Findings
IRM-Based Findings
IRM-Based Findings
“One of the most favorable outcomes of encouraging collaboration between civil society organizations and the Regional Council is improved communication,” reflected a Moroccan civil society leader at the conclusion of Béni Mellal-Khénifra region’s open government reform co-creation process. Since 2016,…
For Faces of Open Government, we sit down with two members of The Open Government Leadership Collaborative. See insights on their new year goals in open gov, and how the cohort has helped strengthen their leadership capacities.
Para "Las caras del gobierno abierto", nos sentamos con dos miembros de la Open Government Leadership Collaborative. Descubra sus objetivos para el nuevo año en materia de gobierno abierto y cómo la cohorte les ha ayudado a desarrollar su capacidad de liderazgo.
Pour les visages du gouvernement ouvert, nous nous sommes assis avec deux membres de l'Open Government Leadership Collaborative. Découvrez leurs objectifs pour la nouvelle année en matière de gouvernement ouvert et comment la cohorte a contribué à renforcer leurs capacités de leadership.
Since joining OGP, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia have made over 129 commitments. These have included strong commitments on improving access to public information and open data, but when it comes to implementing commitments both Jordan and Tunisia fall behind other OGP members, and the results of Morocco’s first OGP action plan have yet to be assessed by the IRM...
In this new series, OGP Multi-Donor Trust Fund recipients share their challenges and successes in making OGP co-creation processes more collaborative and inclusive.
"You know, since the revolution, no one has taken the initiative to listen to us. It was only shortly after the uprising that we lost hope that things would change for the better. Today, for the first time since then,…
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