Developing Guide for Improved Governance of Associations (TN0074)
Action Plan: Tunisia Action Plan 2023-2025 (December)
Action Plan Cycle: 2023
Lead Institution: General Administration of Relations with Constitutional Bodies, in partnership with the “IFADA” Center for Associations
Support Institution(s): - The departments of the relationship with constitutional bodies, civil society and human rights at the Presidency of the Government - Ministry of Finance
Policy Areas
Civic Space, Freedom of AssociationIRM Review
IRM Report: Tunisia Action Plan Review 2023-2025
Early Results: Pending IRM Review
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
Completion: Pending IRM Review
Commitment Description
This commitment aims to improve the governance mechanisms within associations, as they are the most prominent components of civic space, through the development of a practical guide to develop the governance of associations, so that associations can respond to legal rules and best practices, especially at the fiscal level, which contributes to strengthening the principles of transparency, accountability and participation.
The problem to solve
Following the publication of a study on the diagnosis of civic space in January 2023, which was carried out with the support of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the General Administration for Relations with Institutions at the Presidency of the Government, in its capacity as national coordinator of this initiative, established a steering committee in charge of following up on the implementation of the recommendations contained in the study on the diagnosis of civic space. During the work of this committee, the needs of the associations were identified, including the development of governmental mechanisms within the associations, especially at the tax level. The purpose of this guide is to address some of the challenges associated with handling multiple files, such as taxation, social security, financial and accounting management, division of tasks among association members, protection of personal data, access to information, and the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.
Determine the objectives for implementing the commitment/expected results
This guide seeks to improve the governance mechanisms of associations by further clarifying procedures and promoting access to open spaces offered by many administrations by further simplifying this process and providing links within the electronic version of the guide. In addition, it seeks to benefit from successful experiences in the field of governance, particularly in the field of taxation. It also aims to clarify the procedures for registering with the Social Security, updating the National Register of Enterprises, procedures for filing tax returns, procedures for collecting value added tax, in addition to procedures for keeping records, procedures for keeping accounts, managing treasury and bank accounts, procedures for managing employees, and other procedures that will directly contribute to avoiding falling into various legal problems on the one hand, and acquiring mechanisms for effective and correct behavior on the other.
How will the commitment help solve the problems/change the reality?
Contribute to the creation of associations that are active in public affairs and capable of fulfilling their role and tasks as one of the components of the civil space and enable associations to carry out tax registration procedures.
Proportionality to the main axes
Transparency: Clarify the rules and obligations of associations Participation:Develop the work of associations that represent one of the most prominent actors in promoting citizen participation in public affairs Accountability: Achieve sustainability, accountability and effectiveness of associations
Funding source/relationship to other programs and policies
- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCDE). - IFADA Center
Phases and implementation schedule
Develop a practical guide on associations governance
Develop a work plan for producing the guide | August 2023
Build an online questionnaire | December 2023
Organize 5 regional workshops with associations | January 2024
Finalize the guide | March 2024
Develop an interactive online guide on associations governance
Produce an electronic trial version of the guide | February 2024
Online publication of the guide on IFADA's website | February 2024
Organize an information campaign to encourage associations to access the guide electronically | March 2024