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Administrative Services Portal (UA0047)



Action Plan: Ukraine Second Action Plan 2014-2015

Action Plan Cycle: 2014



Lead Institution: Ministry of Economy

Support Institution(s): Ministry of Finance, State Agency for E-Governance, unspecified NGOs and international organisations

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Right to Information

IRM Review

IRM Report: Ukraine End-of-Term Report 2014-2016, Ukraine IRM Report 2014 – 2015

Early Results: Marginal

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i



Implementing a pilot version of a Unified State Portal of Administrative Services to ensure requesting entities’ access to information on administrative services and on entities providing them

IRM End of Term Status Summary

15. Administrative services portal

Commitment Text: 15. Implementing a pilot version of a Unified State Portal of Administrative Services to ensure access to information on administrative services and on entities providing them.

Expected result: pilot version of a Unified State Portal of Administrative Services implemented (given necessary funding).

Lead institution(s): Ministry of Economy

Supporting institution(s): Ministry of Finance, State Agency for E-Governance, unspecified NGOs and international organisations

Start Date: Not specified                                                        End Date: 31 October 2015

Commitment aim

The commitment sought to launch the online portal with information on administrative services. It built on a similar commitment included in the OGP action plan of 2012. Such a web portal of administrative services was set up in 2012 ( However, it was not fully functional, and provided very limited information and no possibility of obtaining actual services. The 2014 commitment repeated the language of the previous action plan, as it did not mention the actual provision of services by electronic means.


Midterm: Completed

The government reported that it re-launched the Unified State Portal of Administrative Services ( in September 2015. The web portal included information on services provided by the central executive authorities, and an updated list of agencies providing services. It further reported that the Ministry of Economic Development was conducting an analysis of the business processes involved in providing administrative services to determine ways to simplify and digitise them. Supposedly, once services are digitised they can be moved to the web portal. The Ministry of Economic Development noted that, since the State Budget for 2015 did not include funding for maintaining the portal, the ministry could not expand its functionalities.[Note 77: Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) Progress Report 2014-15: Ukraine, 59-60. ] For further information, see the 2014-15 IRM Progress Report.

According to the government’s final self-assessment report, the portal includes information about the administrative services provided by executive authorities (over 1,000 services by 48 agencies), legal acts that regulate them, information on 600 Administrative Service Provision Centres, and electronic forms and other documents required to obtain specific services. According to the report, a user can create a personal account on the portal by using a digital signature or BankID, and fill in or upload an application and other documents to obtain services. The researcher verified these functions on the portal in late 2016. Since March 2016, users can order and obtain through the portal 12 services provided by the Ministry of Economy, as well as four integrated services provided by the State Architecture and Construction Inspection.

Did it open government?

Access to information: Marginal

This commitment lacked ambition, as the web portal provides access only to information on administrative services, not actual delivery of any of the services listed. It built on a similar commitment included in the previous OGP action plan, but did not mention the actual provision of services by electronic means. The government should be commended for attempting to go beyond the original commitment, and providing certain services in electronic form through the portal by piloting several of them. This, however, did not alter the conclusion that the commitment has had only a minor impact.

Carried forward?

The commitment was carried forward to the new action plan and extended. It broadens the portal’s functionalities, in particular, by integrating it with other information systems, making available the full cycle of administrative services provision in electronic form through the portal (15 services in 2016, 20 in 2017, and 25 in 2018).


Open Government Partnership