e-Calls for Proposals to Support CSOs (UA0075)
Action Plan: Ukraine Action Plan 2018-2020
Action Plan Cycle: 2018
Lead Institution: Ministry of Youth and Sports State e-Government Agency
Support Institution(s): E-Governance for Accountability and Participation (EGAP) Program, International Charitable Organization “East Europe Foundation,” UNDP in Ukraine, other CSOs and international organizations (upon their consent)
Policy Areas
Civic Space, Public Participation, RegulationIRM Review
IRM Report: Ukraine Transitional Results Report 2018-2020, Ukraine Design Report 2018-2020
Early Results: No IRM Data
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
Introducing e-calls for proposals on providing financial support to the CSOs to implement projects/programmes/activities According to item 6 of the Procedure for Calls for Proposals on Programmes/Projects/Activities Developed by Civil Society Organizations to be Financially Supported as approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine # 1049 of 12 October 2011, the bidders should provide their proposals in hard copies. This requirement makes certain complications for the CSOs from cities other than Kyiv and members of selection panels. In addition, it is necessary to increase transparency of such competitions. Actions Responsible Timeframe Partners Indicator 1. Consultations with the community on launching ecalls for proposals on providing financial support to the CSOs to implement their projects/programmes/ activities Ministry of Youth and Sports State e-Government Agency December 2018 – January 2019 E-Governance for Accountability and Participation (EGAP) Program, International Charitable Organization “East Europe Foundation,” UNDP in Ukraine, other CSOs and international organizations (upon their consent) Proposals of the CSOs to amend CMU Resolution # 1049 of 12.10.2011 are collected 2. Submitting to the CMU a drafting resolution on amending the CMU Resolution # 1049 of 12.10.2011 Ministry of Youth and Sports State e-Government Agency 4 th quarter of 2019 E-Governance for Accountability and Participation (EGAP) Program, International Charitable Organization “East Europe Foundation,” UNDP in Ukraine, other CSOs and international organizations (upon their consent) CMU Resolution # 1049 of 12.10.2011 amended in terms of introducing e-calls for proposals on providing financial support to the CSOs to implement their projects/programmes/ activities 3. Setting requirements to an online platform for e-calls for proposals for the CSOs -//- January 2019 -//- ToR developed 12 4. Developing an online platform for e-calls for proposals for the CSOs Ministry of Youth and Sports State e-Government Agency January – October 2019 E-Governance for Accountability and Participation (EGAP) Program, International Charitable Organization “East Europe Foundation,” UNDP in Ukraine, other CSOs and international organizations (upon their consent) Design layout produced, software developed and installed 5. Beta testing of an online platform for e-calls for proposals for the CSOs -//- October 2019 – May 2020 -//- Beta testing of an online platform launched; Proposals on streamlining an online platform based on beta testing findings and feedback from the CSOs produced; Online platform streamlined, training to online platform administrators provided 6. Putting an online platform for e-calls for proposals for the CSOs in operation Ministry of Youth and Sports State e-Government Agency May – December 2020 Participation (EGAP) Program, International Charitable Organization “East Europe Foundation,” UNDP in Ukraine, other CSOs and international organizations (upon their consent) All services of an online platform are properly functional, executive authorities use it Expected results of this activity are simplifying the mechanism of submitting proposals by the CSOs; increasing the number of bidders; increasing transparency of competitions and trust to the process of public funding of the programmes/projects/ activities developed by the CSOs.
IRM Midterm Status Summary
6. Introduce e-calls for CSO funding proposals
Language of the commitment as it appears in the action plan: [53] Introducing e-calls for proposals on providing financial support to the CSOs to implement projects/programmes/activities
According to item 6 of the Procedure for Calls for Proposals on Programmes/Projects/Activities Developed by Civil Society Organizations to be Financially Supported as approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine # 1049 of 12 October 2011, the bidders should provide their proposals in hard copies. This requirement makes certain complications for the CSOs from cities other than Kyiv and members of selection panels. In addition, it is necessary to increase transparency of such competitions
- Consultations with the community on launching e-calls for proposals on providing financial support to the CSOs to implement their projects/programmes/ activities
- Submitting to the CMU a drafting resolution on amending the CMU Resolution # 1049 of 12.10.2011
- Setting requirements to an online platform for e-calls for proposals for the CSOs
- Developing an online platform for e-calls for proposals for the CSOs
- Beta testing of an online platform for e-calls for proposals for the CSOs
- Putting an online platform for e-calls for proposals for the CSOs in operation
Start Date: December 2018
End Date: December 2020
Context and objectives
Currently, proposals for funding CSO projects in Ukraine can be submitted in either hard copy or electronically, [54] which complicates applications by CSOs based outside the capital, Kyiv, and their processing by selection panels. [55] An interviewed expert from the partner project E-Government for Accountability and Participation (EGAP) also noted a lack of trust in competitions due to a lack of transparency. [56] Without a centralized database of all applications and decisions, it is impossible to effectively monitor the results of funding contests, especially across authorities and over time. To address these problems, the government aims to introduce a platform for e-calls for proposals for financial support to CSOs, conducting consultations, and submitting a government resolution to do so. Each of these activities has verifiable performance indicators. Online submission of applications, publishing of selection procedures, and consultations make this commitment relevant to the OGP values of access to information, technology and innovation, and civic participation.
This commitment could help simplify the mechanism for submitting proposals and could enhance transparency of competitions for public funding of CSOs. [57] Overall, the commitment represents a minor but positive step toward improved transparency in public funding of civil society projects.
Next steps
During implementation, the IRM researcher recommends ensuring maximum transparency of funding contests. The IRM researcher also recommends introducing accountability mechanisms, such as procedures for an appeal committee and publishing its decisions online.
IRM End of Term Status Summary
6. Introduce e-calls for CSO funding proposals
Completion: Limited
There were four public and expert discussions aimed at drafting legislation and designing an online platform for calls for proposals for financial support to civil society organizations (CSOs). [85] Amendments to the government resolution #1049, regulating the funding contest procedure, were not yet submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers before the end of the action plan cycle. In any case, the Ministry of Youth and Sport together with the E-governance for Accountability and Participation (EGAP) program drafted the terms of reference for the online platform and decided to integrate it into the VzaemoDiia portal. These two parties also procured an IT developer, [86] and they directed that company to start development. [87] The VzaemoDiia portal is a section of the Diia digital services portal (see Commitments 12 and 13). It would integrate the new software to run the process of collecting calls for CSO funding proposals. [88] By the end of the implementation period of the action plan, the software had not been launched or tested. [89]