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Digital accessibility for persons with disabilities (UA0096)



Action Plan: Ukraine Action Plan 2020-2022

Action Plan Cycle: 2020



Lead Institution: Ministry of Digital Transformation

Support Institution(s): civil society institutions and international organizations (by agreement)

Policy Areas

Inclusion, Legislation, People with Disabilities, Regulation, Youth

IRM Review

IRM Report: Ukraine Action Plan Review 2021-2022

Early Results: Marginal

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i



In accordance with Article 21 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Ukraine must take proper measures to provide disabled persons with information in accessible formats and technologies appropriate to different kinds of disabilities in a timely manner and without additional cost. In 2020, Ukraine also joined the Global Biarritz Partnership for Gender Equality and undertook to develop inclusive and gender-sensitive public spaces friendly to families with children and persons with reduced mobility. In the context of digitalisation of the economy and social relations, and the active introduction of e-governance elements, the Internet is becoming an irreplaceable and safe tool for receiving and providing services and accessing relevant information, communications, and socialisation. But even now, persons with disabilities cannot exercise their rights in full by using the Internet because of low digital accessibility. Persons suffering from various conditions face difficulties when accessing public information and using electronic services, other services, and mobile applications. In pursuance of international commitments on accessibility of public information for persons with disabilities, a number of legal and normative acts have been adopted, but their implementation is complicated by the lack of proper mechanisms for verifying and controlling the accessibility of public information for persons with disabilities. 31 The State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting conducted monitoring on the accessibility of content on executive authority official websites. Based on this research, as of June 2020, 67.69% of central executive authorities and 84% of local executive authorities had fully complied with the requirements of legal and normative acts as regards ensuring accessibility to information for users with impaired vision and hearing. 6.15% of central executive authorities had partially adapted their websites for the needs of persons with impaired vision and hearing. Other executive authorities are only beginning to take measures to upgrade their websites. Consequently, there is a need for specialised software intended to simplify a person with disabilities’ access to Internet resources and to carry out checks for website conformity to the special requirements of DSTU ISO/IEC 40500:2015 “Information technology - W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0”. In view of the above, an actual objective is creating preconditions for: equal access to information for all people, including access to all public information; unimpeded exercise by persons with disabilities of their right to access the Internet; exercise by persons with disabilities of their right to participate in cultural life under electronic governance (making use of national electronic services, other services, and mobile applications). Based on the results of compliance with this obligation, requirements to official electronic resources of public authorities and local selfgoverning bodies (as regards digital accessibility for persons with disabilities) will be updated, and an assessment of the need for software intended to simplify access to the Internet for persons with disabilities will be conducted.

Steps Responsible persons Time-frame Partners Performance indicator 1. Amending legal and normative acts with a view to improving digital accessibility of official electronic resources for persons with disabilities Ministry of Digital Transformation June 2021– March 2022 civil society institutions and international organizations (by agreement) Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on amending the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution No. 3 of 4 January 2002 “On the Procedure for Publishing Information on the Activities of Executive Authorities, on 32 Steps Responsible persons Time-frame Partners Performance indicator the Internet” has been adopted 2. Conducting an analysis of the needs for and availability of specialised software that makes it possible for persons with various medical conditions to view Ukrainian texts on their computer or mobile phone screens Ministry of Digital Transformation June–December 2022 civil society institutions and international organizations (by agreement) report on the results of the analysis of needs for and availability of specialised software has been prepared; public hearing dedicated to the needs for and availability of specialised software enabling access to the Internet for persons with disabilities has been held

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 10: Ensuring digital accessibility for persons with disabilities

  • Verifiable: Yes
  • Does it have an open government lens? Yes
  • Potential for results: Modest
  • IRM End of Term Status Summary

    Results Report


    Commitment 10. Ensuring digital accessibility for persons with disabilities

  • Verifiable: Yes
  • Does it have an open government lens? Yes
  • Potential for results: Modest
  • Completion: Substantial
  • Did it open government? Marginal
  • The commitment aimed to ensure digital access to information and participation for persons with disabilities.

    With support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), two studies were conducted to provide recommendations to improve legislation and technical solutions for digital accessibility. [91] The first study assessed 82 websites and seven e-government platforms, concluding that none of these sources were fully accessible for persons with disabilities. [92] The second study analyzed the technical standards and guidelines for mobile accessibility in 14 countries. [93] The Ministry of Digital Transformation and UNDP presented the results to stakeholders in September 2021. [94]

    In May 2022, the Ukrainian Scientific Research and Training Center for Standardization, Certification, and Quality Problems adopted a national standard on ICT products and services that is harmonized with European standards. [95] The standard contain criteria for developers to make their products accessible for persons with disabilities. To require compliance of all government websites and applications with the new standards, including transition for existing web resources, the Ministry of Digital Transformation drafted a resolution, but the government has yet to approve it. [96]

    On 21 July 2023 (after the action plan period), decree No. 757 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was adopted. [97] According to the resolution, all websites and mobile applications of state executive authorities, as well as electronic documents posted on them, must be accessible to people with disabilities. Accordingly, services provided on websites and mobile applications that meet the specified requirements are considered accessible.

    This commitment has had marginal results in opening government. The new standard for ICT products and services provides a basis for institutional changes, but results will only be seen after the government adopts the accessibility standard and once public bodies implement it on their e-governance websites and mobile applications.

    [91] "The Ministry of Digital Transformation, with the support of UNDP, is starting to create a digital accessibility standard," Ministry of Digital Transformation, 14 September 2021, .
    [92] "Inclusion and human rights at the forefront: Accessibility of e-government services and tools for citizens in Ukraine. Study Report," United Nations Development Programme, 10 September 2021, .
    [93] "International practices on the accessibility of mobile applications of public authorities," United Nations Development Programme, 13 September 2021, .
    [94] "Ukraine End-of-Term Self-Assessment 2020–2022," Cabinet of Ministers.
    [95] "Information technology: Requirements for accessibility of ICT products and services," DSTU EN 301 549:2022.
    [96] "Promoting web accessibility: Working to make government websites in Ukraine accessible to everyone," United Nations Development Programme, .
    [97] Information provided to the IRM by the Ministry of Digital Transformation during the pre-publication review period of this report.


    Open Government Partnership