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Publish gender-disaggregated open data (UA0100)



Action Plan: Ukraine Action Plan 2020-2022

Action Plan Cycle: 2020



Lead Institution: ministries State Statistics Service other central executive authorities Government Commissioner for Gender Policy Ministry of Digital Transformation

Support Institution(s): National Democratic Institute in Ukraine (by agreement) UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in Ukraine (by agreement) civil society institutions and international organizations (by agreement)

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Gender, Inclusion, Legislation, Open Data, Regulation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Ukraine Action Plan Review 2021-2022

Early Results: No early results to report yet

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i



Among other things, good governance involves taking into account the results of gender equality assessments and relevant indicators when analysing social processes and the effectiveness of socio-economic and cultural development management. 37 However, in the practice of assessing social processes and the effectiveness of implementing reforms and drawing up strategic documents and regulations, there is no or extremely segmented use of indicators for assessing gender equality, mainly due to the lack of a system of gender-sensitive statistical indicators for individual industries/spheres, and for statistics based on key indicators. Statistics on key indicators provided by public authorities is mainly broken down by gender. Despite this fact, due to the practices of using different methodologies and different meta-data, such statistics are generally not directly comparable and do not reflect complete or detailed basic information on women's and men's participation in society. The lack of comprehensive gender-disaggregated data in open access precludes planning, managing, and monitoring socio-economic and cultural development processes that takes into account the needs of women and men and existing gender gaps. Accomplishing this task allows citizens, civil society institutions, scientists, and other stakeholders to access gender-disaggregated data, in particular, from the state electronic registers, which will help raise awareness in Ukrainian society about the impact of gender factors on society and on various spheres of social life, the formation of gender gaps, and the opportunities and benefits of addressing gender issues and ensuring equality between women and men. It will also make it possible to take into account relevant data and indicators when analysing all social processes, increase the efficiency of socio-economic and cultural development management, and promote the formulation and implementation of effective and human-oriented state policy.

Steps Responsible persons Time-frame Partners Performance indicator 1. Conducting an analysis of the state electronic registers, taking into account the Instruction on Integration of Gender Approaches During the Development of Legal and Normative Acts, as approved by the Ministry of Social Policy Order No. 86 of 7 February 2020, registered with the Ministry of Justice on 27 February 2020 under central executive authorities holding registers Government Commissioner for Gender Policy March–May 2021 National Democratic Institute in Ukraine (by agreement) UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in Ukraine (by agreement) civil society institutions and international organizations (by agreement) state registers containing gender-sensitive information and requiring the inclusion of a gender component have been identified; indicators to be included in the registers 38 Steps Responsible persons Time-frame Partners Performance indicator No. 211/34494 2. Amending legal and normative acts concerning the maintenance of state registers and register software, which concern introducing indicators with a breakdown by gender and other characteristics necessary for assessing the situation/ needs of various groups of women and men central executive authorities holding registers, Government Commissioner for Gender Policy June 2021–October 2022 —“— amendments to the legal and normative acts concerning the maintenance of state registers and register software have been made 3. Amending legal and normative acts with regards to collecting administrative reports, taking into account a gender-based approach ministries State Statistics Service other central executive authorities Government Commissioner for Gender Policy January–December 2021 National Democratic Institute in Ukraine (by agreement) UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in Ukraine (by agreement) civil society institutions and international organizations (by agreement) forms for administrative statistical reports taking into account a genderbased approach have been approved 4. Publishing genderdisaggregated data with a Ministry of Digital Transformation June 2021–August 2022 —“— amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers of 39 Steps Responsible persons Time-frame Partners Performance indicator defined list in an open data format other central executive authorities administrating information Government Commissioner for Gender Policy Ukraine Resolution No. 835 of 21 October 2015 “On approval of the Regulation on data sets subject to publication in the open data format”, insofar as those concerning publishing relevant information on the websites of respective authorities and in a dedicated section of the Unified Open Data WebPortal, have been made

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 14: Ensuring open access to gender-disaggregated data

  • Verifiable: Yes
  • Does it have an open government lens? Yes
  • Potential for results: Modest
  • IRM End of Term Status Summary

    Results Report


    Commitment 14. Ensuring open access to gender-disaggregated data

  • Verifiable: Yes
  • Does it have an open government lens? Yes
  • Potential for results: Modest
  • Completion: Limited
  • Did it open government? No early results to report yet
  • The commitment aimed to ensure access to gender-disaggregated data from state registers.

    The Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers discussed the commitment with the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy, the Ministry of Social Policy, the State Statistics Service, civil society, and international organizations. [118] Upon review of their datasets and registers, government agencies did not identify a need for new regulations or amendments in this area. [119]

    In the action plan period, the State Statistical Service introduced a gender disaggregation feature for statistical data on legal persons, reflecting the number of men and women registered as founders of legal organizations. The State Statistical Service also provided recommendations on data collection for other state agencies, including on disaggregation of data by gender where applicable. [120] However, because state agencies have several registries under their jurisdiction, there is a need to ensure that all relevant data holders collect and publish gender-disaggregated data. In 2023, after the implementation period, the Ministry of Digital Transformation started work on a case study on gender aspects in open data, which will provide a basis for further implementation of the commitment.

    [118] "Ukraine End-of-Term Self-Assessment 2020–2022," Cabinet of Ministers.
    [119] Oksha, interview.
    [120] Olga Karmazina (State Statistics Service), interview by IRM researcher, 3 July 2023.


    Open Government Partnership