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Monitoring the Development of Regions and Territorial Communities (UA0102)



Action Plan: Ukraine Action Plan 2023-2025 (December)

Action Plan Cycle: 2023



Lead Institution: Ministry of Infrastructure

Support Institution(s):

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Capacity Building, Digital Transformation, Local Commitments, Open Data

IRM Review

IRM Report: Ukraine Action Plan Review 2023-2025

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): High

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


The low level of digitization in territorial communities and regions, a large number of reports in paper form, duplication of information, and an imperfect regulatory framework have led to the absence or difficult access to data (thematic databases) on socio-economic processes and the results of socio-economic development of regions and territorial communities (macro-regions, micro-regions, functional territories) and/or their parts (districts, cities, towns, villages), on the activities of central and local executive authorities and local self-government bodies in implementing the goals and objectives of the state regional policy. To address the raised issues, a unified geo-information system is planned to be created to monitor and evaluate the development of regions and territorial communities, which promises to ensure: integration of external information resources, including statistical, administrative information, and geospatial data in the context of the development of regions and territorial communities; development and operation of a data repository and thematic databases of socio-economic and budget-financial indicators set for the purposes of state regional policy; modeling and analysis of the socio-economic status of the state regional policy objects defined by law, forecasting of the socio-economic development of regions and territorial communities; preparation of proposals regarding directions and methods for correcting documents of strategic planning and implementation of the state regional policy; and automation of user interaction and access to open data concerning the development of regions and territorial communities. To implement the state regional policy, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, by Resolution No. 522 of May 23, 2023, approved the Procedure for Functioning of the Unified Geo-Information System for Monitoring and Evaluating the Development of Regions and Territorial Communities. The implemented Unified Geo-Information System for Monitoring and Evaluating the Development of Regions and Territorial Communities will analytically process information to be taken into account in the preparation and adoption of management decisions concerning the restoration and development of regions and territorial communities in Ukraine and also monitor the implementation of such decisions.

Steps | Responsible agency | Completion time/period | Delivery indication

1. Development of the Procedure for Monitoring and Evaluating the Implementation of State Regional Policy | Ministry of Infrastructure | December 2023 | The Procedure for Monitoring and Evaluating the Implementation of State Regional Policy has been developed

2. Implementation of the Unified Geo-Information System for Monitoring and Evaluating the Development of Regions and Territorial Communities | Ministry of Infrastructure Agency for Reconstruction | November 2023 — December 2024 | The Unified GeoInformation System for Monitoring and Evaluating the Development of Regions and Territorial Communities has been put into operation and functioning

3. Training of various user groups in using the Unified Geo-Information System for Monitoring and Evaluating the Development of Regions and Territorial Communities | Ministry of Infrastructure Agency for Reconstruction | December 2023 — December 2024 | Various groups of users (representatives of state authorities, local selfgovernment bodies, civil society institutions, etc.) have been trained to use the Unified GeoInformation System for Monitoring and Evaluating the Development of Regions and Territorial Communities

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 2. Monitoring the development of regions and territorial communities
  • Verifiable: Yes
  • Does it have an open government lens? Yes
  • Potential for results: Substantial

Commitment 2: Monitoring the development of regions and territorial communities
Ministry for Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure Development.

For a complete description of the commitment, see Commitment 2 in Ukraine's 2023–2025 action plan:

Context and objectives

This commitment plans to create a unified geo-information system (GIS) for the development of regions and territorial communities. The State Regional Policy, amended in 2022, sets provisions on monitoring this policy through an information and telecommunication system. [20] A government regulation in May 2023 sets the GIS procedure, [21] whereas the technical concept was developed in partnership with the Anti-Corruption Initiative of the EU in Ukraine and the World Bank. [22]

The Ministry for Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure Development, along with the Agency for Reconstruction, will develop monitoring procedures, operationalize GIS, and train users in its application. The GIS will have a public interface with information on regions and communities in open data (including socioeconomic development, geospatial, as well as strategic plans’ design and implementation data) that can be used for monitoring and analyzing the implementation of programs by regions and communities as well as how the funds are spent. The system will produce automated reports based on a set of indicators and the information will be visualized in an interactive map. [23]

Potential for results:Substantial

According to data from mid-2023, 700 enterprises have relocated within Ukraine, while more than 5.4 million persons have been internally displaced and over 1.4 million housing units have been affected by the war. [24] The GIS will allow users to analyze the impact of these changes on social, economic, and other development indicators. It will provide access to various regional data, including data on damages, changes in population, number of legal entities, access to social services, and functional types of territories. Civil society, donor organizations, and citizens will be able to see all data on specific communities or regions in a user-friendly manner, and track implementation of strategic plans in each community or region. It will particularly serve in measuring the indicators of the 2021–2027 State Strategy for Regional Development [25] and other local and regional development strategies. The GIS will be interconnected with the DREAM platform; providing information for community needs and monitoring the impact of investments. The raw community GIS data will serve as a basis for prioritization of restoration objects in DREAM. [26] Its linkage to other systems and official registers will allow automated data collection, whereas harmonization with European indicators will keep it in line with EU integration policy. [27]

Prior to this commitment, information on the implementation of local and regional plans was collected in a paper format–hence with limited indicators–which the ministry uses in preparing annual reports. [28] The GIS will allow the ministry to collect and publish this information in a digital format for the first time. Greater number of indicators will provide users with more comprehensive data and statistics while the system’s visualization and search functions will enable better accessibility of the data. Since the GIS will significantly improve access to digital information on regional and community development indicators and the implication of open data approach, the IRM has assessed this commitment as having substantial potential results.

Opportunities, challenges, and recommendations during implementation

As in the case of DREAM, the main challenge to implementing this commitment will be the limited capacity of governments at the local level, including lack of human resources, gaps in technical capability, and insufficient comprehension of open data. [29] This may impede the collection and digitalization of information for the GIS. Furthermore, implementation of the GIS will rely on international funding, secured for the first year, but will need to be raised for sustained operation beyond the action plan. Building the capacities of communities in data management, digitization, and open data standards by the government, civil society, and international partners will be crucial for successful implementation, along with expert support in the initial stages of launching the platform. The IRM also recommends ensuring that data can be downloaded in bulk for reuse.

[20] "Law of Ukraine on the basics of state regional policy," Parliament of Ukraine, amended 1 January 2024, .
[21] “Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 522 on the approval of the procedure for the operation of the unified geo-information system for monitoring and evaluating the development of regions and territorial communities,” Parliament of Ukraine, 23 May 2023, .
[22] “Digital recovery tools: how the GIS will contribute to regional development,” Ministry for Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, 28 July 2023, .
[23] “Geographic Information System for Regional Development (GIS): test version presented,” DREAM Ukraine, 14 March 2024, .
[24] Oleksandra Azarkhina, “Community-led restoration approach: State-level goals,” Ukraine Recovery Conference, 21–22 June 2023, Role of the regions in Ukraine’s recovery.pdf .
[25] “Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 695 on the approval of the State Strategy of Regional Development for 2021–2027,” Parliament of Ukraine, 5 August 2020, .
[26] Protsenko, interview.
[27] “The government approved the rules of operation of the Geo-Information System of Regional Development,” Ministry for Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, 23 May 2023, .
[28] Protsenko, interview; “Report on monitoring the implementation of the State Regional Development Strategy for 2021–2027 and its action plan for 2021º2023 in the years 2021–2022,” Ministry of Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure Development, .
[29] Inna Sklyar (Association of Ukrainian Cities), interview by IRM researcher, 27 March 2024.


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