Government-Wide Reporting Requirements for Foreign Aid (US0007)
Action Plan: United States – First National Action Plan – 2011-2013
Action Plan Cycle: 2011
Lead Institution: Office of Management and Budget
Support Institution(s): U.S Agency for International Development (USAID), Department of State
Policy Areas
Access to Information, Aid, Open Data, Public ParticipationIRM Review
IRM Report: United States First Progress Report 2011-2013
Early Results: No IRM Data
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): No Data
Implementation i
Release and Implement Government wide Reporting Requirements for Foreign Aid. These requirements will direct all Federal agencies that administer foreign assistance to provide timely and detailed information on budgets, disbursements, and project implementation. Agencies will be responsible for providing a set of common data fields that are internationally comparable. The information collected through the above initiative will be released in an open format and made available on a central portal – the Foreign Assistance Dashboard ( – that will be updated quarterly.