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Vitoria da Conquista, Brazil

Create an Ombudsman's Panel for citizens with easy access to the data and complaints received, with consultation by area and other details (BRVCA0005)



Action Plan: Not Attached

Inception Report: Not available

Commitment Start: Dec 2024
Commitment End: Mar 2026

Institutions involved:

  • Municipal Secretariat for Transparency, Control and Corruption Prevention
  • Municipal Transparency and Social Control Council
  • Municipal Ombudsman
  • Municipal Secretariat for Management and Innovation
  • Municipal Communication Secretariat

Primary Policy Area:

Primary Sector:

OGP Value:

  • Access to information
  • Technology and Innovation for Transparency and Accountability


Commitment ID


Commitment Title

Create an Ombudsman's Panel for citizens with easy access to the data and complaints received, with consultation by area, number of types of service, channels and shifts most in demand, results of service, response time


The Municipal Ombudsman's Office is a space that promotes public participation and contributes to improving the municipal administration. It is a permanent place of communication with the community, receiving various and different manifestations on a daily basis from citizens who are looking to get closer to the government, find out and access information that is not available on the Transparency Portal.

  Based on the information and data collected, the administration consolidates and systematizes it in order to find out, through qualitative and quantitative data, the weaknesses, needs and contributions suggested by citizens. On the other hand, citizens feel the need to know, to know which services and areas are most in demand, what the results are and the response time.

    It is therefore of the utmost importance to create a dashboard for citizens that guarantees easy access to the data on the complaints received by the Ombudsman's Office, so that they can use this data and information to analyze, understand and evaluate, thus helping to further improve municipal public management.

Status quo

Over time, the municipality of Vitória da Conquista has been developing strategies to increase access to information and public participation.  Among the initiatives carried out, we highlight the adhesion, in 2017, to the Program for Strengthening Ombudsman Offices (Profort), currently known as the National Network of Ombudsman Offices (Renouv), also coordinated and implemented by the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU), which contributed to receiving awards, honorable mentions and special participation in events to share best practices.

  In 2023, the Ombudsman's Office Management Panel was created, an internal management module that presents data on citizen complaints in a quick and organized manner. As a result, it became clear that there was a need to move forward with making data and information available according to the areas of interest to citizens, demonstrating a greater commitment to transparency and social control.


The creation of the Ombudsman's Panel for citizens, with easy access to data and complaints received, with consultation by area, number of types of service, channels and shift most demanded, results of service, response time, aims to improve the relationship with citizens in order to assess the quality of services.

     The expectation is to make further progress in strengthening services for access to information, consolidating practices and positively influencing other administrations and government bodies. It also seeks mechanisms for resolving citizens' demands, as well as improving and expanding services, in conjunction with the other departments of the Municipality of Vitória da Conquista.   


How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem described above?

- Expanding the results of assistance and responses to complaints on the Ombudsman's Dashboard;

    - Increase access to and supervision of information by the government and civil society on the services provided and responses to complaints on the Ombudsman's Panel;

 - Collaborate in achieving targets 16.6 and 16.7, linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (

What long-term goal as identified in your Open Government Strategy does this commitment relate to?

It relates to the three long-term objectives for the open government strategy:

1) Disseminate the culture of government in our municipality;

2) To set up a Social Observatory that mirrors all public affairs in order to follow up, monitor, formulate and decide on social policies;

3) Influence other administrations and municipalities towards a more transparent, participatory and accountable government.

Primary Policy Area

Digital Governance

Primary Sector

Public Services (general)

What OGP value is this commitment relevant to?

Access to information It contributes to strengthening democracy, inclusion and the exercise of citizenship for greater participation and monitoring of public affairs.
Technology and Innovation for Transparency and Accountability Improves the quality of processes, stimulating social participation, promoting greater transparency and participation in public services, contributing to more efficient and effective management.


7 Milestones

Intersectoral coordination to align commitment planning

Start Date12/2024
End Date12/2024
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Mapping of the complaints received by the Ombudsman

Start Date12/2024
End Date03/2025
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Design and development of the digital panel/channel

Start Date03/2025
End Date11/2025
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Validation and testing of the digital channel

Start Date11/2025
End Date12/2025
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Presentation of the panel/digital channel and adjustments

Start Date12/2025
End Date02/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Presentation and launch of the panel/digital channel

Start Date02/2026
End Date03/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Monitoring and evaluation

Start Date04/2025
End Date10/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete


Open Government Partnership