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Žabljak, Montenegro

Conducting a gender analysis of investments to evaluate their impact (MEZBK0004)



Action Plan: Action plan – Žabljak, Montenegro, 2025 – 2026

Inception Report: Not available

Commitment Start: Jun 2025
Commitment End: Dec 2025

Institutions involved:

  • Secretariat for Administration and Social Activities
  • Secretariat for Administration and Social Activities
  • Secretariat for Finance and Economic Development
  • Mayor
  • Agribusiness info center
  • Commission for the distribution of funds to support female entrepreneurship and young people in business
  • NVO Aktivna zona
  • Department for Gender Equality Affairs, Ministry of Human and Minority Rights
  • Donors offering professional support in the field of gender equality
  • NVU of parents of children and youth with developmental disabilities "NOVA NADA-NEW HOPE"
  • NU Association of Pensioners Žabljak

Primary Policy Area:

Primary Sector:

OGP Value:

  • Public Accountability


Commitment ID


Commitment Title

Conducting a gender analysis of investments to evaluate their impact, sustainability, and the challenges women face, particularly in male-dominated industries


The municipality does not have built-in capacities for conducting gender analysis, defining the gender gap and measuring its closing, as well as the methodology it uses to implement local strategies and assess the effects of investment on men and women.

Gender-disaggregated data are not analyzed in local strategies, nor are often obvious imbalances more deeply assessed to examine the cause of inequality. There are no obstacles and risks for women and men and persons of other gender identities in terms of benefits from the results of the implementation of the local strategy. All this contributes to the development of incoherent local strategies that are not based on a deeper understanding of the causes of the problem. The municipality has been allocating funds for women's entrepreneurship for two years in a row and plans to analyze the process in order to optimize it. Funds are also directed to young people in business, and the analysis of the effects is carried out in accordance with the Decision on the criteria, method and procedure for distributing funds to support young people in business.In order to build the missing capacities, the effects of these investments should be assessed from a gender perspective and, based on the results of the analysis, the processes of subsequent investments should be improved.

Status quo

The assessment of the effects of investing in young people in business and female entrepreneurship is focused on understanding specific decisions that direct financial resources to female participation in economic activities. The result of the assessment will be a cross-section of the state of what they are like (micro or small), in which areas they work (traditionally women's or in those dominated by men) and how sustainable are "women's" companies (investments) compared to those run by men. This will investigate real needs and obstacles on the ground before new conclusions about solutions and before further investments in young business people and women farmers. Special attention will be paid to considering strategies to support women in non-traditional fields, i.e. fields dominated by men, which as a rule are more financially profitable.Participation in this assessment will build municipal capacities for conducting gender analysis, defining the gender gap and measuring its closing. The next step will be the development of interventions to solve the identified limitations and support vulnerable women, that is, the development of the methodology that the municipality will use to implement local strategies.


The municipality of Žabljak undertook to conduct a gender analysis of the funds allocated for women's entrepreneurship and for young people in business to assess the effects of the program from the point of view of gender equality, and use the recommendations of the analysis to introduce a gender-responsive approach at the local level. The expected results are:

  1. Conducted a gender analysis of funds allocated through the line for young people in business and analyzed the effectiveness of the line for female entrepreneurship,
  2. Presented results to municipal officials and raised awareness of the importance of gender analysis and empowerment,
  3. Defined methodology for implementing policies in a participatory way,
  4. Organized trainings for key personnel involved in the development of municipal programs on resource development. The general goal is to create conditions for the full implementation of the Law on Gender Equality through the development of internal analyses, methodologies, criteria and strengthening the capacities of employees in local government bodies. Capacity building will have the effect that the Municipality regularly assesses the effects of local policies on men and women with the aim of a more even economic, social, political and cultural growth of Žabljak

How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem described above?

When the obligation is realized, the Municipality of Žabljak will have the following results (outputs):

  1. Gender analysis of funds allocated through the line for young people in business,
  2. Analysis of the effects of investment in female entrepreneurship,
  3. Management and employees aware of the gender gap in financing programs,
  4. Management and employees trained to perform gender analysis in various programs,
  5. Management and employees trained on the use of local strategies.

At the outcome level, Žabljak will be able to map the gender gap both in the programs it implements and in those that have yet to be conceived, and to introduce corrective measures with the aim of achieving a gender-equal, richer and more socially just local community in which everyone who live in it optimally use their potential.

What long-term goal as identified in your Open Government Strategy does this commitment relate to?

The development of capacities for the development of future local strategies for the sake of equal distribution of funds, equal distribution of power and uniform development of the people and the entire community.

Primary Policy Area

Regulatory Governance, Social Accountability

Primary Sector

Cross-sectoral, Public Services (general)

What OGP value is this commitment relevant to?

Public Accountability To truly serve all citizens, local governments need to develop a one-size-fits-all approach. Therefore, one must constantly analyze whether someone is negatively affected by a municipal decision, policy or service and not allow gender-blind policies to discriminate against a part of the population.

We care about social inclusion and investing in the community.To truly serve all citizens, local governments need to develop a one-size-fits-all approach. Therefore, one must constantly analyze whether someone is negatively affected by a municipal decision, policy or service and not allow gender-blind policies to discriminate against a part of the population.

We care about social inclusion and investing in the community.


4 Milestones

A gender analysis of the funds allocated through the line for young people in business and female entrepreneurship was carried out

Start Date06/2025
End Date09/2025
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Analysis of the effects of investing in young people in business and female entrepreneurship

Start Date06/2025
End Date09/2025
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Results of analyzes presented to municipal officials and management in order to raise awareness of the existing gender gap, and the importance of gender analyzes and empowerment

Start Date06/2025
End Date09/2025
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Promotion of the idea of open data from the local level, with proposals for useful uses, especially for civil society and social groups that tend to use commercially, and for the scientific community

Start Date02/2025
End Date12/2025
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete


Open Government Partnership