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OGP Strategy

In its second decade, there is an opportunity for OGP to create a partnership that builds on lessons learned to date and positions open government as a central part of the answer to the complex challenges the world is facing. Explore OGP’s 2023-2028 Strategy, how it was developed and how the open government community can help implement it.

OGP's 2023 -2028 Strategy

This Strategy is meant to ensure that OGP can translate the open government community’s positive energy into lasting policy change and tackle current and future challenges. The strategy outlines OGP’s vision, mission, five strategic goals that will be pursued in the 2023-2028 period, and the approach to implementation and learning.

Creating OGP's Future Together

Developing the Strategy entailed a year-long consultation process that commenced in May 2022 and saw contributions from over 1000 individuals, groups, networks, OGP members and multistakeholder fora throughout the process. Explore each phase of the strategy and what we heard from the community.

Strategy Resources

The materials listed below can be used by anyone wishing to present and disseminate the strategy within their networks.

Previous Strategies

Explore OGP’s strategies from years past and see how the Partnership has evolved over time.

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Open Government Partnership