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Local Roundup | September 2024

Here’s our monthly roundup of updates from the OGP Local community for Spetember 2024. If you missed any of the previous roundups, you can find them here!

Advancing the OGP Model and Governance Frameworks
  • The Valencian Community (Spain) and Córdoba Province (Argentina) launched their second OGP action plans. Valencia’s plan includes commitments to institutionalize transparency and youth engagement, while Córdoba will work to enhance open data and access to information.
  • Buenos Aires launched the co-creation of its fourth Open Government Action Plan, inviting all government departments to submit proposals.
  • Leova City (Moldova) has strengthened the support for the action plan through a formal signed agreement with the civil society organization A.O. Parteneriat Social, as well as having the framework for implementing their OGP action plan approved by the Local Council.
  • Ouellé (Côte d’Ivoire) established the OGP Local Forum, which is composed of civil society, religious leaders, and local officials, to enhance participatory governance and transparency in decision-making. 
  • Dar Chaabane El Fehri (Tunisia) established the OGP Local working group, which consists of representatives of the government, local CSOs, and the private sector. The government also carried out a field campaign to raise awareness about open governance among citizens. 
  • Yoff (Senegal) held its first stakeholder meeting to co-create its inaugural OGP Action Plan. Local leaders, technical committee heads, and administrators discussed the benefits of joining OGP and the roles stakeholders will play in promoting transparent and inclusive governance.
  • The City of Austin (United States) is engaging with their community, including youth, community organizations, and national and municipal representatives, by hosting  a meeting with the National OG Secretariat to discuss open government and the Partnership.

Enhancing Citizen Engagement and Participation

  • Yerevan (Armenia) organized an open-air introductory meeting for the public to increase involvement in the decision-making process. A box for collecting new ideas and proposals was installed in the pavilion for collecting citizens’ ideas and proposals.  
  • Makueni (Kenya) signed a MoU with two NGOs to strengthen public participation in development, aiming to address concerns of citizens through participatory planning, social accountability, and community-led resource mobilization.
  • Kaduna (Nigeria) engaged stakeholders in co-creation and validation workshops on the State Policy on Safety, Security and Violence-Free Schools to make sure that the action plan is comprehensive, context-specific, and actionable. 
  • The State of Goias (Brazil) launched the Ambassadors of Citizenship program to promote civic education and stimulate civil society to actively participate in state policies.  
  • The Dean Initiative in Abuja (Nigeria) held a workshop on “Essential Open Government Citizens Based Communication Practices for Local Government Communication Departments,” hosting communication heads of six Federal Capital Territory (FCT) areas.

Addressing Climate Change and Open Data

  • OGP Local members Osasco (Brazil), Valongo (Portugal), Mar del Plata (Argentina), and Peñalolén (Chile) are among 15 new entities selected to join People Powered’s Climate Democracy Accelerator new cohort, aimed at strengthening participatory processes in climate governance. Congratulations!
  • Sekondi-Takoradi (Ghana) is taking steps to co-create a long-term strategy to address energy access and climate change. It is also strengthening the OGP Multi-Stakeholder Forum’s capacity on social accountability tools to achieve better results in water, sanitation, and hygiene. 
  • Mar del Plata (Argentina) held its first Climate Assembly, where over 50 residents came together to debate and propose solutions to climate change. After receiving specialized training, participants produced a set of actionable proposals that will be published online for public input before being submitted to the City Council.
  • Scotland (United Kingdom) published the independent report “Open Data Scotland Blueprint: Unlocking Innovation, Collaboration, and Impact,” outlining strategies to enhance the use of open data through the creation of concrete recommendations. 

As we get closer to the “International Day for Universal Access to Information,” we invite you to implement activities to improve effectiveness of access to information legal frameworks. For example, Córdoba (Argentina) is updating the current legal framework through the co-creation of a bill that regulates the purpose, scope, rights, and obligations regarding access to public information. The Valencian Community (Spain) also enhanced the usability and communication of administrative information through improved portals and clear communication guidelines.


  • RTI Global Ranking is the leading global measurement tool used for access to information’s legal framework, based on seven categories and 61 discrete indicators.
  • Article 19’s comprehensive guide “Using Access to Information to Combat Corruption” explains the access to information’s role in anti-corruption, highlights good practices, and outlines measurement tools for assessing the state of access to information.
  • The Clear Language Guides of the Generalitat Valenciana and Aragon provide guidelines and practical tips for simplifying administrative language to improve accessibility and understanding of government information.

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