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OGP CEO’s Statement on the Situation in Ukraine

Russia’s attack on Ukraine is an attack on democracy and open government everywhere. Ukrainian reformers - from government, civil society, media - have shown tremendous courage and commitment to fight corruption, strengthen democracy, and modernize Ukraine.  They have launched world-leading…

Regulatory Goverance Cover Art

Mexico Must Establish Democratic Controls over State Surveillance

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) calls on the Mexican government and national stakeholders to fully implement surveillance control regulations ...


OGP Steering Committee Statement on El Salvador

The members of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Steering Committee express their deep concern regarding the dismissal of all five magistrates from El Salvador’s Constitutional Chamber and the Attorney General on May 1, 2021.


Statement from the CEO of OGP on the Situation in El Salvador

As the leader of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), I am alarmed by concerns raised by civil society organizations regarding the dismissal of the Constitutional Court Justices and the Attorney General...

Open Government Partnership