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(Updated July 25, 2022)

All OGP member countries are expected to develop and implement action plans in line with OGP Participation & Co-creation Standards and timelines. A country’s participation in OGP may be reviewed by the Steering Committee if it fails to meet these minimum requirements.

The Procedural Review informs how to address these situations, and helps ensure that all OGP members act in accordance with the OGP process. An OGP member country is considered to have acted contrary to process when any of the following takes place:

  1. The government does not publish an OGP action plan within 12 months after the end date of their last action plan.
  2. The government does not meet the minimum requirements established in the Participation & Co-Creation Standards, as assessed by the IRM.
  3. The government fails to make progress on implementation of any of the commitments in the country’s action plan, as assessed by the IRM.

The Support Unit will notify the government when it has acted contrary to process, and will publish the notification letter in the repository below and in the OGP Gazette.

Countries that act contrary to the OGP process for two consecutive action plan cycles will be automatically placed under “Procedural Review” by the Criteria and Standards (C&S) Subcommittee. This review involves enhanced support by the Support Unit and Steering Committee to help address the issues that have led to the review.

The list of countries under Procedural Review is published below, and updated on a rolling basis. A country’s status will also be noted on other public information materials, where appropriate (e.g., in a list of participating OGP countries and OGP country page).

To be removed from this list, a country must rectify the actions that resulted in being placed under review (i.e. the second instance of acting contrary to process, in two consecutive cycles, and chronologically) in line with the following protocol:

Reason for being placed under Procedural Review

Requirement to be removed from Procedural Review

Late action plan

Submit a new action plan by the established deadline

Not meeting the minimum Participation & Co-Creation Standards

Meet the minimum requirements during the next moment in the country’s OGP process (co-creation or implementation) as assessed by the IRM.

Action Plan Review reports are published within four months after delivery of a new plan. Results Reports are published within four months after completing implementation of the plan.

Note: the minimum requirements assessed in each report are different. See the IRM Guidelines for the Assessment of Minimum Requirements for more details.

Not making progress in implementation of any of the commitments

Show evidence of making progress on implementation of any of the commitments in the country’s next action plan, as assessed by the IRM in the Results Report published within four months after completing implementation of the plan.

Note: the Procedural Review due to this reason could last over two years.

If a country fails to deliver an action plan for three consecutive years, the C&S Subcommittee will automatically recommend that the country be designated as “inactive” in OGP by resolution of the Steering Committee. The C&S Subcommittee, in consultation with the Support Unit, may also recommend inactivity when a country acts contrary to process on numerous occasions and in different ways.

The terms of inactivity resolutions, and the circumstances in which a country may regain active status, or be required to withdraw from OGP, are determined at the discretion of the Steering Committee, and informed by the Procedural Review protocols above (e.g. if a country is placed in inactive status due to not delivering an action plan for three consecutive years, it must then deliver an action plan by an established deadline).

If a country is placed in inactive status due to other reasons, the Steering Committee will determine the conditions needed to end the inactivity status, also informed by the Procedural Review protocols.

Procedural Review Cases

(Updated May 20, 2024)

The Support Unit will make public all communications regarding governments acting contrary to process below, and list all countries that are currently under review or designated as inactive pursuant to Procedural Review in this page. Any inquiries can be directed to the OGP Support Unit at

Countries currently under review:


Inactive Members

Official letters sent to OGP Countries are posted here.












Open Government Partnership