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Request for Proposals – OGP Website Refresh/Extension – September 2018

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking a creative and strategic partner to help advance its global mission.  This partner will provide high-level support for a refresh/redesign of with special attention to developing strong user paths and creating data…

Le Royaume du Maroc se joint au Partenariat du Gouvernement Ouvert

English Version » Le Maroc s'engage à promouvoir des pratiques gouvernementales plus ouvertes et plus transparentes - Devient le 76e pays à adhérer au Partenariat du Gouvernement Ouvert POUR DIFFUSION IMMEDIATE 26 avril 2018 Washington, D.C. - Le Royaume du…

The Kingdom of Morocco Joins Open Government Partnership

Version Française » Morocco Commits to Fostering More Open and Transparent Government Practices, Becomes 76th Country to Join Open Government Partnership FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 26, 2018. Washington, D.C. - The Kingdom of Morocco has become the latest member of…

OGP en las noticias: marzo de 2018

Esta es una serie de resúmenes de la cobertura de los medios sobre la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto en todo el mundo. ¿Te gustaría recibir OGP en las noticias en tu bandeja de entrada todos los lunes? Suscríbete aquí.…

OGP in the News – March 2018

A weekly round-up of Open Government Partnership (OGP) media coverage around the world. Want to receive OGP in the News directly in your email inbox? Subscribe here. Between updates on upcoming OGP Action Plans in South Korea and Mongolia and…

Open Government Partnership