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We Can’t Co-Create Without Women

One of four sisters, I have had the great privilege to grow up in a family of impressive women—an experience that has made me certain of two things. First, tapping into the limitless potential of women is beneficial to society…

Georgia: Coping with success

How do you mobilize political support for further reforms in public service provision, when 88% of customers are happy with what you do? Georgia is grappling with an unusual dilemma of coping with success in public administration reform. A survey…

OGP #Hack4Water Awards premier at World Water Day Summit

The World Water Day Summit 2017 gave recognition to South African innovators who participated in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) #Hack4Water challenge which was hosted by OGP South Africa in collaboration with Code4SA, The Innovation Hub and the national Department…

OGP en 2016

Nos da mucho gusto publicar el informe anual de 2016 de OGP, el cual fue elaborado por el personal de la Unidad de Apoyo y el Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente. El informe tiene el objetivo de capturar un año de…

Compromiso Destacado – Georgia

País: Georgia Plan de Acción: 2014-15 Compromiso 11: Coordinar y apoyar el Foro de Gobierno Abierto de Georgia Para OGP el principio de cocreación es fundamental. A través de la cocreación, la sociedad civil y el gobierno colaboran en la…

Open Government Partnership