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Cities Join the Open Government Partnership

Version Française » A miniature democratic revolution is underway. Some of you are already familiar with the Open Government Partnership (OGP), or this organisation of governments and civil society organizations doing remarkable work to advance openness in government and citizen…

To Fight Our Culture War, We Need Civic Participation

From December 7 - 9, Paris will host a worldwide gathering of government reformers and civil society organizations in the Open Government Partnership Summit. The attendees have all pledged to work together in genuine dialogue and collaboration in support of…

Le visage violent de la grande corruption

English Version » Exposer la corruption a toujours été un travail dangereux. Dernièrement, il est devenu encore plus dangereux, surtout pour ceux d'entre nous qui visent l'une des industries les plus corrompues - celle de l’exploitation du pétrole, du gaz…

Foreign ownership of London property should not be shrouded in secrecy

This post originally appeared on LinkedIn. New research from Thomson Reuters and Transparency International UK has shone the spotlight on politically exposed persons (PEPs) owning land and property in London, with the focus on companies that are registered overseas.  Risk landscape …

Tackling corruption in Africa: Can OGP shine a light?

My mother: “It is already winter in Paris. If you think whatever you are going there to do is not valuable, please don’t go”. Me: “It is valuable. OGP is the place where countries who want to do better for…

Open Government Partnership