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Mauricio Delfin

Mauricio Delfín is a cultural manager and social researcher specializing in cultural governance and civic technologies. He holds a Joint Honors in Anthropology and International Development Studies from McGill University and an MA in Media, Culture, and Communication from New…

Ivan Angelovski

Ivan Angelovski is an investigative reporter and editor working on long term international projects with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network. He was a member of a team of reporters that won the 2017 Global Investigative Journalism Conference’s citation of excellence,…


Adrián Alcalá Méndez

Es licenciado en Derecho y maestro en Amparo. Desde 2014 hasta noviembre de 2020 se desempeñó como Secretario de Acceso a la Información del Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI). Durante este…


Emma Arcos

Emma Arcos joined the Open Government Partnership as the Human Resources Associate in October 2021. They provide operational support in a variety of capacities, including being the first point of contact for human resources inquiries from their team members. Emma's…

Sarah Jacobs

Sarah Jacobs

Sarah Jacobs joined OGP in October 2021. As a research officer for the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM), Sarah conducts research and quality control for assessments of OGP action plans. She previously worked at Hayat-Rased, managing research and strategy on good…

manfred – Manfred Vargas

Manfred Vargas Rodríguez

Manfred Vargas es co-fundador de ACCESA, una organización de la sociedad civil costarricense que busca transformar la relación entre el Estado y la ciudadanía para alcanzar soluciones colaborativas a nuestros problemas comunes. Manfred ha liderado investigaciones y proyectos relacionados con…


Douglas Rutzen

Douglas Rutzen is President and CEO of the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law. Over the past 30 years, Doug has worked on the legal framework for civil society, philanthropy, and public participation in 100 countries. Doug is also on the…


Luben Panov

Luben is Senior Program Consultant with the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) serving as a legal expert providing technical assistance and expert support to local partners in the areas of registration and operation of CSOs, taxation, and funding for civil…



Everyone has a story. OGP’s was written by you. We created OpenStories to be a place where the community can share stories of progress and inspiration as we work together to change the way government serves its citizens. Explore the…


Mariano Heller

Mariano Heller es Abogado, graduado de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (1999) y Magister en Administración Pública de American University, Washington DC (2005). Becario Fulbright y del International Visitors Program del Departamento de Estado de los EEUU, es docente de…

Open Government Partnership