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The Next Phase of OGP: Delivering Transformative Impact for Citizens

Opening Plenary Remarks - OGP Asia Pacific, July 21, 2016 "It is a great pleasure for me to welcome all of you. I joined OGP just over two months ago, and have had the privilege to meet with OGP’s government,…

Brexit and Open Government in the UK

  This piece originally appeared on OpenDataStudy. Brexit, as we now know, means Brexit. But what does it mean for open government in the UK? On the surface, nothing changes. Almost all the legislation, from Freedom of Information to Data Protection,…

Avances en el proceso de adhesión de México a la EITI

La Iniciativa para la Transparencia de las Industrias Extractivas (EITI) es un estándar internacional que busca transparentar los pagos de las empresas de hidrocarburos y minería, así como los ingresos que los gobiernos reciben de los impuestos y regalías de…

Open Government Partnership