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The Missing Link: How to Engage the Private Sector in OGP

This post originally appeared on Martin Tisne's blog Open Up and has been republished with permission from the author.  Exciting Open Government Partnership (OGP) related development: a ‘private sector council’ has been created to develop recommendations for the OGP Steering Committee on engaging…

Lighting Talks Open Nominations

Recognising that good ideas come from everywhere, the Asia Pacific Regional Conference presents an opportunity to highlight innovative reforms in transparency, accountability and public participation that engance the state of open government across countries in the Asia region. Seven individuals…

We’re hijacking the Oscars. Join us?

Oscars.jpeg This post originally appeared on and has been republished with permission from the author. The upcoming Academy Awards is a time to celebrate the best films, actors and behind-the-scenes players in Hollywood – so why not do the…

Open Government Partnership