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Thomas Carothers

Thomas Carothers is senior vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. In that capacity he oversees all of the research programs at Carnegie.  He also directs the Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program and carries out research…

Lee McClure

Lee McClure

Lee McClure worked as OGP's Grants Officer from May 2019 - November 20, managing our relationships with foundations and government funders. He has previously raised millions of dollars from public and private institutions to support human rights and democracy programs…

Saskia Brechenmacher

Saskia Brechenmacher is an associate fellow in Carnegie’s Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program, where her research focuses on gender, conflict, and governance, as well as trends in civic activism and civil society repression.

Danilo Manzano

Activista Político LGBTIQ en Quito, Ecuador. Director de la Organización Diálogo Diverso que trabaja en promoción y protección de derechos con énfasis en población LGBTI. Director de “Dialogando Ando” medio de comunicación alternativo Facebook. Speaker LGBTI de Latinoamérica en el…

Ousseynou Ngom

Ousseynou Ngom

Ousseynou joined the OGP Support Unit in June 2019. He supports the development and implementation of high quality, relevant and ambitious OGP action plans, focusing on French-speaking countries. Additionally, he helps identify and encourage learning and experience sharing between OGP…

Photo Loren at Summit 2016 Open Data Institute – Loren Treisman

Loren Treisman

Dr Loren Treisman is a Communications Associate at OpenOwnership and a senior charity consultant. She was Executive of Indigo Trust, a grant-making organisation which funds organisations which use digital technologies to improve transparency and accountability in sub-Saharan Africa for eight…


Sarah Mendelson

Ambassador Sarah E. Mendelson is Distinguished Service Professor of Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University and Head of Carnegie Mellon’s Heinz College in Washington DC.  She served as the US Representative to the Economic and Social Council at the United…

Jeff Lovitt

Kristalina Georgieva

Kristalina Georgieva is the Chief Executive Officer for the World Bank. Previously, Georgieva helped shape the agenda of the European Union, first as Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response and later as Vice President for Budget and…


Zuzana Wienk

Zuzana Wienk is the Director of Currents. She has been a senior journalist, a seasoned campaigner, a civic tech leader, and a diplomat. She is a prominent, well-connected and respected public (media) figure in Slovakia and has been actively engaged…


Delia Ferreira Rubio

Delia Ferreira Rubio is the Chair of Transparency International (elected in October 2017 and re-elected in November 2020). She is a lawyer who graduated from Córdoba National University (Argentina) and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Ph.D. degree in Law…

Open Government Partnership